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Varnish Module (VMOD) to support use of the SecureHD Policy service provided by Akamai Media Services
VSLP Director – Varnish StateLess Persistence Director
A VMOD (Varnish module) for Varnish 4 that provides a general hash table, accessible from both client and backend threads, whose entries are removed after a timeout expires.
Create and delete Varnish backends at runtime
Display Varnish log contents in formats for client, backend and other events.
This is a Varnish 3.0.3 repository with a branch “varnishevent”, in which varnishevent is included among the Varnish binaries.
Provides functions to assign an out-of-band health probe to a backend; that is, a probe that listens at a different port on the backend host, or at a different host.
The branch varnish-3.0.3-unique_xids contains a minor patch to Varnish 3.0.3 to ensure that XIDs are unique. The feature is switched on with a command-line parameter.
A Varnish Module to parse Set-Cookie header from backends for inclusion as Cookies in subsequent ESI requests or after rollbacks.
rsync with liblongpath
A wrapper library for handling very long path names