Commit b994b9a5 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Use the WS_ interface to check allocations.

parent 8f7a8518
......@@ -153,8 +153,10 @@ match(VRT_CTX, vre_t *vre, VCL_STRING subject, struct vmod_priv *task)
ov = (ov_t *) task->priv;
ov->magic = OV_MAGIC;
else {
WS_Assert_Allocated(ctx->ws, task->priv, sizeof(*ov) - 1);
CAST_OBJ(ov, task->priv, OV_MAGIC);
s = VRE_exec(vre, subject, strlen(subject), 0, 0, nov, MAX_OV,
......@@ -213,9 +215,9 @@ backref(VRT_CTX, VCL_INT refnum, VCL_STRING fallback, struct vmod_priv *task)
if (task->len <= 0)
return fallback;
WS_Assert_Allocated(ctx->ws, task->priv, sizeof(*ov) - 1);
CAST_OBJ(ov, task->priv, OV_MAGIC);
assert((char *)ov >= ctx->ws->s && (char *)ov < ctx->ws->e);
assert(ov->subject >= ctx->ws->s && ov->subject < ctx->ws->e);
WS_Assert_Allocated(ctx->ws, ov->subject, -1);
refnum <<= 1;
assert(refnum + 1 < MAX_OV_USED);
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