Commit e45da560 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

update building instructions

parent 7ca2f406
......@@ -230,19 +230,21 @@ required:
(normally `/usr/local`) or in the prefix specified by the `--prefix`
argument to `configure`.
Building the varnish module (vmod)
Building the varnish module (vmod) for Varnish 4 and higher
To build the vmod, in addition to the `configure` arguments given
above, the `VARNISHSRC` argument must be used as in
If varnish is installed in a standard directory, generic :ref:BUILDING
as explained above should also build the vmod.
If you have installed Varnish to a non-standard directory, call
```` and ``configure`` with ``PKG_CONFIG_PATH`` pointing to
the appropriate path. For example, when varnishd configure was called
with ``--prefix=$PREFIX``, use
sh configure DCS_KEY=<key> DCS_ACCOUNT=<account-name> \
Optionally, a custom vmod installation directory can be specified
using `VMOD_DIR=<dir>`
When building the vmod, an additional
......@@ -252,6 +254,21 @@ When building the vmod, an additional
step is recommended to run the bundled `varnishtest` tests.
Building the varnish module (vmod) for Varnish 3
To build the vmod for varnish 3, in addition to the `configure`
arguments given above, the `VARNISHSRC` argument must be used as in
sh configure DCS_KEY=<key> DCS_ACCOUNT=<account-name> \
Optionally, a custom vmod installation directory can be specified
using `VMOD_DIR=<dir>`
Building for use with Varnish 2
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