Commit 0f3933b7 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Save the Pod namespace/name in a vcl.Address when available.

This makes the naming for Varnish and IngressBackend instances more
legible, and more readily associated with the Pods on which they run,
than by using only network addresses.

First use the names in the controller logs.
parent ae09f859
......@@ -172,6 +172,10 @@ func epAddrs2VCLAddrs(
IP: epAddr.IP,
Port: admPort,
if epAddr.TargetRef != nil {
vclAddr.PodNamespace = epAddr.TargetRef.Namespace
vclAddr.PodName = epAddr.TargetRef.Name
vclAddrs = append(vclAddrs, vclAddr)
return vclAddrs
......@@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ func endpsTargetPort2Addrs(
IP: address.IP,
Port: port.Port,
if address.TargetRef != nil {
addr.PodNamespace = address.
addr.PodName = address.
addrs = append(addrs, addr)
return addrs, update.MakeSuccess("")
......@@ -72,12 +72,11 @@ func (vc *Controller) checkInst(svc string, inst *varnishInst) bool {
metrics := getInstanceMetrics(inst.addr)
vc.log.Infof("Monitoring Varnish instance %s (Service %s)", inst.addr,
vc.log.Infof("Monitoring Varnish instance %s (Service %s)", inst, svc)
if inst.admSecret == nil {
vc.warnEvt(svc, noAdmSecret,
"No admin secret known for endpoint %s", inst.addr)
"No admin secret known for endpoint %s", inst)
return false
......@@ -91,57 +90,55 @@ func (vc *Controller) checkInst(svc string, inst *varnishInst) bool {
if err != nil {
vc.errorEvt(svc, connectErr, "Error connecting to %s: %v",
inst.addr, err)
inst, err)
return false
defer adm.Close()
inst.Banner = adm.Banner
vc.log.Debugf("Connected to Varnish instance %s, banner: %s", inst.addr,
vc.log.Debugf("Connected to Varnish instance %s, banner: %s", inst,
pong, err := adm.Ping()
if err != nil {
vc.errorEvt(svc, pingErr, "Error pinging at %s: %v", inst.addr,
vc.errorEvt(svc, pingErr, "Error pinging at %s: %v", inst, err)
return false
vc.log.Debugf("Succesfully pinged instance %s: %+v", inst.addr, pong)
vc.log.Debugf("Succesfully pinged instance %s: %+v", inst, pong)
state, err := adm.Status()
if err != nil {
vc.errorEvt(svc, statusErr, "Error getting status at %s: %v",
inst.addr, err)
inst, err)
return false
if state == admin.Running {
vc.log.Debugf("Status at %s: %s", inst.addr, state)
vc.log.Debugf("Status at %s: %s", inst, state)
} else {
vc.warnEvt(svc, statusNotRun, "Status at %s: %s", inst.addr,
vc.warnEvt(svc, statusNotRun, "Status at %s: %s", inst, state)
panic, err := adm.GetPanic()
if err != nil {
vc.errorEvt(svc, panicErr, "Error getting panic at %s: %v",
inst.addr, err)
inst, err)
return false
if panic == "" {
vc.log.Debugf("No panic at %s", inst.addr)
vc.log.Debugf("No panic at %s", inst)
} else {
vc.errorEvt(svc, panic, "Panic at %s: %s", inst.addr, panic)
vc.errorEvt(svc, panic, "Panic at %s: %s", inst, panic)
// XXX clear the panic? Should be configurable
vcls, err := adm.VCLList()
if err != nil {
vc.errorEvt(svc, vclListErr,
"Error getting VCL list at %s: %v", inst.addr, err)
"Error getting VCL list at %s: %v", inst, err)
return false
for _, vcl := range vcls {
......@@ -150,12 +147,11 @@ func (vc *Controller) checkInst(svc string, inst *varnishInst) bool {
if err = adm.VCLDiscard(vcl.Name); err != nil {
vc.errorEvt(svc, discardErr,
"Error discarding VCL %s at %s: "+
"%v", vcl.Name, inst.addr, err)
"%v", vcl.Name, inst, err)
return false
vc.log.Infof("Discarded VCL %s at %s", vcl.Name,
vc.log.Infof("Discarded VCL %s at %s", vcl.Name, inst)
return true
......@@ -69,15 +69,16 @@ var (
// AdmError encapsulates an error encountered for an individual
// Varnish instance, and satisfies the Error interface.
type AdmError struct {
addr string
inst string
err error
// Error returns an error meesage for an error encountered at a
// Varnish instance, identifying the instance by its Endpoint address
// (internal IP) and admin port.
// Varnish instance, identifying the instance by its Pod
// namespace/name if known, and its Endpoint address (internal IP) and
// admin port.
func (vadmErr AdmError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", vadmErr.addr, vadmErr.err)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", vadmErr.inst, vadmErr.err)
// AdmErrors is a collection of errors encountered at Varnish
......@@ -176,12 +177,21 @@ func (spec vclSpec) configName() string {
type varnishInst struct {
ns string
name string
addr string
admSecret *[]byte
Banner string
admMtx *sync.Mutex
func (inst varnishInst) String() string {
if inst.ns != "" && != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s(%s)", inst.ns,, inst.addr)
return inst.addr
type varnishSvc struct {
instances []*varnishInst
spec *vclSpec
......@@ -242,8 +252,8 @@ func (vc *Controller) Start() {
func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishInstance(inst *varnishInst, cfgName string,
vclSrc string, metrics *instanceMetrics) error {
vc.log.Infof("Update Varnish instance at %s", inst.addr)
vc.log.Tracef("Varnish instance %s: %+v", inst.addr, *inst)
vc.log.Infof("Update Varnish instance at %s", inst)
vc.log.Tracef("Varnish instance %s: %+v", inst, *inst)
if inst.admSecret == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No known admin secret")
......@@ -252,7 +262,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishInstance(inst *varnishInst, cfgName string,
defer vc.wg.Done()
vc.log.Tracef("Connect to %s, timeout=%v", inst.addr, admTimeout)
vc.log.Tracef("Connect to %s, timeout=%v", inst, admTimeout)
timer := prometheus.NewTimer(metrics.connectLatency)
adm, err := admin.Dial(inst.addr, *inst.admSecret, admTimeout)
......@@ -262,15 +272,15 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishInstance(inst *varnishInst, cfgName string,
defer adm.Close()
inst.Banner = adm.Banner
vc.log.Infof("Connected to Varnish admin endpoint at %s", inst.addr)
vc.log.Infof("Connected to Varnish admin endpoint at %s", inst)
loaded, labelled, ready := false, false, false
vc.log.Tracef("List VCLs at %s", inst.addr)
vc.log.Tracef("List VCLs at %s", inst)
vcls, err := adm.VCLList()
if err != nil {
return err
vc.log.Tracef("VCL List at %s: %+v", inst.addr, vcls)
vc.log.Tracef("VCL List at %s: %+v", inst, vcls)
for _, vcl := range vcls {
if vcl.Name == cfgName {
loaded = true
......@@ -287,15 +297,15 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishInstance(inst *varnishInst, cfgName string,
if loaded {
vc.log.Infof("Config %s already loaded at instance %s", cfgName,
} else {
vc.log.Tracef("Load config %s at %s", cfgName, inst.addr)
vc.log.Tracef("Load config %s at %s", cfgName, inst)
timer = prometheus.NewTimer(metrics.vclLoadLatency)
err = adm.VCLInline(cfgName, vclSrc)
if err != nil {
vc.log.Tracef("Error loading config %s at %s: %v",
cfgName, inst.addr, err)
cfgName, inst, err)
if resp, ok := err.(admin.UnexpectedResponse); ok {
if resp.Response.Code < admin.OK {
......@@ -306,35 +316,35 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishInstance(inst *varnishInst, cfgName string,
vc.log.Infof("Loaded config %s at Varnish endpoint %s", cfgName,
if labelled {
vc.log.Infof("Config %s already labelled as regular at %s",
cfgName, inst.addr)
cfgName, inst)
} else {
vc.log.Tracef("Label config %s as %s at %s", cfgName,
regularLabel, inst.addr)
regularLabel, inst)
err = adm.VCLLabel(regularLabel, cfgName)
if err != nil {
return err
vc.log.Infof("Labeled config %s as %s at Varnish endpoint %s",
cfgName, regularLabel, inst.addr)
cfgName, regularLabel, inst)
if ready {
vc.log.Infof("Config %s already labelled as ready at %s",
readyCfg, inst.addr)
readyCfg, inst)
} else {
vc.log.Tracef("Label config %s as %s at %s", readyCfg,
readinessLabel, inst.addr)
readinessLabel, inst)
err = adm.VCLLabel(readinessLabel, readyCfg)
if err != nil {
return err
vc.log.Infof("Labeled config %s as %s at Varnish endpoint %s",
readyCfg, readinessLabel, inst.addr)
readyCfg, readinessLabel, inst)
return nil
......@@ -375,7 +385,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishSvc(name string) error {
if e := vc.updateVarnishInstance(inst, cfgName, vclSrc,
metrics); e != nil {
admErr := AdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: e}
admErr := AdmError{inst: inst.String(), err: e}
errs = append(errs, admErr)
......@@ -396,7 +406,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) setCfgLabel(inst *varnishInst, cfg, lbl string,
if inst.admSecret == nil {
return AdmError{
addr: inst.addr,
inst: inst.String(),
err: fmt.Errorf("No known admin secret"),
......@@ -406,32 +416,30 @@ func (vc *Controller) setCfgLabel(inst *varnishInst, cfg, lbl string,
defer vc.wg.Done()
vc.log.Tracef("Connect to %s, timeout=%v", inst.addr, admTimeout)
vc.log.Tracef("Connect to %s, timeout=%v", inst, admTimeout)
timer := prometheus.NewTimer(metrics.connectLatency)
adm, err := admin.Dial(inst.addr, *inst.admSecret, admTimeout)
if err != nil {
if mayClose {
vc.log.Warnf("Could not connect to %s: %v", inst.addr,
vc.log.Warnf("Could not connect to %s: %v", inst, err)
return nil
return AdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
return AdmError{inst: inst.String(), err: err}
defer adm.Close()
inst.Banner = adm.Banner
vc.log.Infof("Connected to Varnish admin endpoint at %s", inst.addr)
vc.log.Infof("Connected to Varnish admin endpoint at %s", inst)
vc.log.Tracef("Set config %s to label %s at %s", inst.addr, cfg, lbl)
vc.log.Tracef("Set config %s to label %s at %s", inst, cfg, lbl)
if err := adm.VCLLabel(lbl, cfg); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
if mayClose {
vc.log.Warnf("Connection at EOF at %s",
vc.log.Warnf("Connection at EOF at %s", inst)
return nil
return AdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
return AdmError{inst: inst.String(), err: err}
return nil
......@@ -461,7 +469,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) removeVarnishInstances(insts []*varnishInst) error {
if vc.ignorePermNetErr(err) {
admErr := AdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
admErr := AdmError{inst: inst.String(), err: err}
errs = append(errs, admErr)
......@@ -485,22 +493,24 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishSvcAddrs(key string, addrs []vcl.Address,
return fmt.Errorf("No known Varnish Service %s", key)
updateAddrs := make(map[string]struct{})
updateAddrs := make(map[string]vcl.Address)
prevAddrs := make(map[string]*varnishInst)
for _, addr := range addrs {
key := addr.String()
updateAddrs[key] = struct{}{}
key := addr.Address()
updateAddrs[key] = addr
for _, inst := range svc.instances {
prevAddrs[inst.addr] = inst
for addr := range updateAddrs {
for addr, vclAddr := range updateAddrs {
inst, exists := prevAddrs[addr]
if exists {
keepInsts = append(keepInsts, inst)
newInst := &varnishInst{
ns: vclAddr.PodNamespace,
name: vclAddr.PodName,
addr: addr,
admSecret: secrPtr,
admMtx: &sync.Mutex{},
......@@ -525,7 +535,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishSvcAddrs(key string, addrs []vcl.Address,
if err := vc.setCfgLabel(inst, notAvailCfg, readinessLabel,
true); err != nil {
admErr := AdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
admErr := AdmError{inst: inst.String(), err: err}
errs = append(errs, admErr)
......@@ -572,8 +582,10 @@ func (vc *Controller) AddOrUpdateVarnishSvc(
var instances []*varnishInst
svc = &varnishSvc{}
for _, addr := range addrs {
admAddr := addr.String()
admAddr := addr.Address()
instance := &varnishInst{
ns: addr.PodNamespace,
name: addr.PodName,
addr: admAddr,
admMtx: &sync.Mutex{},
......@@ -681,7 +693,9 @@ func (vc *Controller) Update(
for i, addr := range addrs {
svc.instances[i] = &varnishInst{
addr: addr.String(),
ns: addr.PodNamespace,
name: addr.PodName,
addr: addr.Address(),
admMtx: &sync.Mutex{},
......@@ -737,7 +751,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) SetNotReady(svcKey string) error {
admErr := AdmError{
addr: inst.addr,
inst: inst.String(),
err: err,
errs = append(errs, admErr)
......@@ -790,7 +804,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) HasConfig(svcKey string, addrs []vcl.Address,
newAddrs := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, addr := range addrs {
a := addr.String()
a := addr.Address()
newAddrs[a] = struct{}{}
curAddrs := make(map[string]struct{})
......@@ -872,7 +886,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) UpdateSvcForSecret(
svc.secrName = secretKey
for _, inst := range svc.instances {
vc.log.Infof("Setting secret for instance %s", inst.addr)
vc.log.Infof("Setting secret for instance %s", inst)
inst.admSecret = secret
......@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ import (
func TestAdmError(t *testing.T) {
vadmErr := AdmError{
addr: "",
inst: "default/viking-svc-4711(",
err: fmt.Errorf("Error message"),
err := vadmErr.Error()
want := " Error message"
want := "default/viking-svc-4711( Error message"
if err != want {
t.Errorf("AdmError.Error() want=%s got=%s", want, err)
......@@ -50,16 +50,17 @@ func TestAdmError(t *testing.T) {
vadmErrs := AdmErrors{
addr: "",
inst: "kube-system/viking-svc-815(",
err: fmt.Errorf("Error 2"),
addr: "",
inst: "",
err: fmt.Errorf("Error 3"),
err = vadmErrs.Error()
want = "[{ Error message}{ Error 2}" +
want = "[{default/viking-svc-4711( Error message}" +
"{kube-system/viking-svc-815( Error 2}" +
"{ Error 3}]"
if err != want {
t.Errorf("AdmErrors.Error() want=%s got=%s", want, err)
......@@ -36,16 +36,31 @@ import (
var varnishCluster = ShardCluster{
Nodes: []Service{
Name: "varnish-8445d4f7f-z2b9p",
Addresses: []Address{{"", 80}},
Name: "varnish-8445d4f7f-z2b9p",
Addresses: []Address{{
PodNamespace: "default",
PodName: "varnish-8445d4f7f-z2b9p",
IP: "",
Port: 80,
Name: "varnish-8445d4f7f-k22dn",
Addresses: []Address{{"", 80}},
Name: "varnish-8445d4f7f-k22dn",
Addresses: []Address{{
PodNamespace: "default",
PodName: "varnish-8445d4f7f-k22dn",
IP: "",
Port: 80,
Name: "varnish-8445d4f7f-ldljf",
Addresses: []Address{{"", 80}},
Name: "varnish-8445d4f7f-ldljf",
Addresses: []Address{{
PodNamespace: "default",
PodName: "varnish-8445d4f7f-ldljf",
IP: "",
Port: 80,
Probe: Probe{
......@@ -48,17 +48,30 @@ func hashUint16(u16 uint16, hash hash.Hash) {
// (Endpoint of a Service to which requests are routed) or a Varnish
// instance (where the port is the admin port).
type Address struct {
IP string
Port int32
PodNamespace string
PodName string
IP string
Port int32
func (addr Address) String() string {
// Address returns the network address represented by addr as
// "<IP>:<Port>"
func (addr Address) Address() string {
return addr.IP + ":" + strconv.Itoa(int(addr.Port))
func (addr Address) String() string {
if addr.PodNamespace != "" && addr.PodName != "" {
return addr.PodNamespace + "/" + addr.PodName
return addr.Address()
func (addr Address) hash(hash hash.Hash) {
portBytes := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(portBytes, uint32(addr.Port))
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