Commit 46bab65a authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Rename varnish.VarnishAdmError[s] as AdmError[s].

Silences a golint "stutter" warning.
parent ce413e56
......@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ var (
admTimeout = time.Second * 10
// VarnishAdmError encapsulates an error encountered for an individual
// AdmError encapsulates an error encountered for an individual
// Varnish instance, and satisfies the Error interface.
type VarnishAdmError struct {
type AdmError struct {
addr string
err error
......@@ -76,24 +76,24 @@ type VarnishAdmError struct {
// Error returns an error meesage for an error encountered at a
// Varnish instance, identifying the instance by its Endpoint address
// (internal IP) and admin port.
func (vadmErr VarnishAdmError) Error() string {
func (vadmErr AdmError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", vadmErr.addr, vadmErr.err)
// VarnishAdmErrors is a collection of errors encountered at Varnish
// AdmErrors is a collection of errors encountered at Varnish
// instances. Most attempts to sync the state of Varnish instances do
// not break off at the first error; the attempt is repeated for each
// instance in a cluster, collecting error information along the way.
// This object contains error information for each instance in a
// cluster that failed to sync. The type satisifies the Error
// interface.
type VarnishAdmErrors []VarnishAdmError
type AdmErrors []AdmError
// Error returns an error message that includes errors for each
// instance in a Varnish cluster that failed a sync operation, where
// each instance is identified by it Endpoint (internal IP) and admin
// port.
func (vadmErrs VarnishAdmErrors) Error() string {
func (vadmErrs AdmErrors) Error() string {
var sb strings.Builder
for _, err := range vadmErrs {
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ func (vc *VarnishController) updateVarnishSvc(name string) error {
vc.log.Infof("Update Varnish instances: load config %s", cfgName)
vc.log.Tracef("Config %s source: %s", cfgName, vclSrc)
var errs VarnishAdmErrors
var errs AdmErrors
for _, inst := range svc.instances {
if inst == nil {
vc.log.Errorf("Instance object is nil")
......@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ func (vc *VarnishController) updateVarnishSvc(name string) error {
if e := vc.updateVarnishInstance(inst, cfgName, vclSrc,
metrics); e != nil {
admErr := VarnishAdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: e}
admErr := AdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: e}
errs = append(errs, admErr)
......@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ func (vc *VarnishController) setCfgLabel(inst *varnishInst,
cfg, lbl string, mayClose bool) error {
if inst.admSecret == nil {
return VarnishAdmError{
return AdmError{
addr: inst.addr,
err: fmt.Errorf("No known admin secret"),
......@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ func (vc *VarnishController) setCfgLabel(inst *varnishInst,
return nil
return VarnishAdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
return AdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
defer adm.Close()
inst.Banner = adm.Banner
......@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ func (vc *VarnishController) setCfgLabel(inst *varnishInst,
return nil
return VarnishAdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
return AdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
return nil
......@@ -396,14 +396,14 @@ func (vc *VarnishController) setCfgLabel(inst *varnishInst,
// On Delete for a Varnish instance, we set it to the unready state.
func (vc *VarnishController) removeVarnishInstances(insts []*varnishInst) error {
var errs VarnishAdmErrors
var errs AdmErrors
for _, inst := range insts {
// XXX health check for sharding config should fail
if err := vc.setCfgLabel(inst, notAvailCfg, readinessLabel,
true); err != nil {
admErr := VarnishAdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
admErr := AdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
errs = append(errs, admErr)
......@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ func (vc *VarnishController) removeVarnishInstances(insts []*varnishInst) error
func (vc *VarnishController) updateVarnishSvcAddrs(key string,
addrs []vcl.Address, secrPtr *[]byte, loadVCL bool) error {
var errs VarnishAdmErrors
var errs AdmErrors
var newInsts, remInsts, keepInsts []*varnishInst
svc, exists := vc.svcs[key]
......@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ func (vc *VarnishController) updateVarnishSvcAddrs(key string,
if err := vc.setCfgLabel(inst, notAvailCfg, readinessLabel,
true); err != nil {
admErr := VarnishAdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
admErr := AdmError{addr: inst.addr, err: err}
errs = append(errs, admErr)
......@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ func (vc *VarnishController) updateVarnishSvcAddrs(key string,
vc.log.Tracef("Varnish svc %s: load VCL", key)
updateErrs := vc.updateVarnishSvc(key)
if updateErrs != nil {
vadmErrs, ok := updateErrs.(VarnishAdmErrors)
vadmErrs, ok := updateErrs.(AdmErrors)
if ok {
errs = append(errs, vadmErrs...)
} else {
......@@ -625,12 +625,12 @@ func (vc *VarnishController) SetNotReady(svcKey string) error {
svc.spec = nil
var errs VarnishAdmErrors
var errs AdmErrors
for _, inst := range svc.instances {
if err := vc.setCfgLabel(inst, notAvailCfg, readinessLabel,
false); err != nil {
admErr := VarnishAdmError{
admErr := AdmError{
addr: inst.addr,
err: err,
......@@ -36,24 +36,24 @@ import (
func TestVarnishAdmError(t *testing.T) {
vadmErr := VarnishAdmError{
func TestAdmError(t *testing.T) {
vadmErr := AdmError{
addr: "",
err: fmt.Errorf("Error message"),
err := vadmErr.Error()
want := " Error message"
if err != want {
t.Errorf("VarnishAdmError.Error() want=%s got=%s", want, err)
t.Errorf("AdmError.Error() want=%s got=%s", want, err)
vadmErrs := VarnishAdmErrors{
vadmErrs := AdmErrors{
addr: "",
err: fmt.Errorf("Error 2"),
addr: "",
err: fmt.Errorf("Error 3"),
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func TestVarnishAdmError(t *testing.T) {
want = "[{ Error message}{ Error 2}" +
"{ Error 3}]"
if err != want {
t.Errorf("VarnishAdmErrors.Error() want=%s got=%s", want, err)
t.Errorf("AdmErrors.Error() want=%s got=%s", want, err)
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