Commit 9bea6de8 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Miscellaneous doc polish.

parent 2ba7229b
......@@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ version 6.1.1.
The Ingress controller implementation is presently under development
as a minimum viable product (MVP) and is undergoing initial testing. It is
currently subject to a number of limitations, expected to be removed over
time, including:
The Ingress controller implementation is presently in development and
is undergoing initial testing. It is currently subject to a number of
limitations, expected to be removed over time, including:
* No support for TLS connections
* The controller only attends to definitions (Ingresses, Services and
......@@ -26,9 +25,13 @@ time, including:
* Only one Ingress definition is valid at a time. If more than one definition
is added to the namespace, then the most recent definition becomes valid.
* A variety of elements in the implementation are hard-wired, as
detailed in the documentation, These are expected to become configurable
detailed in the documentation. These are expected to become configurable
in further development.
Other features are subject to change on short notice. Testing and
feedback are nevertheless welcome, and very valuable at this early
# Installation
Varnish for the purposes of Ingress and the controller that manages it
......@@ -22,8 +22,14 @@ If you are testing with ``minikube``, set the environment variable
``MINIKUBE=1`` before running ``make container``, so that the
container will be available to the local k8s cluster:
$ MINIKUBE=1 make container
$ make MINIKUBE=1 container
Use ``DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS`` to alter the ``docker build`` command:
# Re-build the controller image without using the cache
$ make DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS=--no-cache controller
Both images must be pushed to a repository available to the k8s
# Deploying an Ingress
There is a variety of ways to deploy an Ingress in a Kubernetes
cluster. The YAML configurations in this folder prepare a simple
method of deployment, suitable for testing and editing according to
your needs.
Deployment of the Varnish Ingress in a Kubernetes cluster must fulfill
some requirements, while in some respects you can make choices
suitable to your requirements. The YAML configurations in this folder
prepare a method of deployment, suitable for testing and editing as
## Namespace and ServiceAccount
......@@ -47,6 +48,11 @@ $ kubectl apply -f adm-secret.yaml
# the Secret:
$ head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64
**IMPORTANT**: Please do *not* copy the secret data from the sample
manifest in your deployment; create a new secret, for example using
the command shown above. The purpose of authorization is defeated if
everyone uses the same secret from an example.
**TO DO**: The ```` field of the Secret is currently
hard-wired to the value ``adm-secret``, and the key for the Secret (in
the ``data`` field) is hard-wired to ``admin``. The Secret must be
......@@ -74,13 +80,16 @@ properly:
* ``spec.template`` must specify a ``label`` with a value that is
matched by the Varnish admin Service described below. In this
app: varnish-ingress
* The HTTP, readiness and admin ports must be specified:
- name: http
......@@ -90,16 +99,19 @@ properly:
- name: admport
containerPort: 6081
**TO DO**: The ports are currently hard-wired to these port numbers.
A port for TLS access is currently not supported.
**TO DO**: The ports are currently hard-wired to these port numbers.
A port for TLS access is currently not supported.
* ``volumeMounts`` and ``volumes`` must be specified so that the
Secret defined above is available to Varnish:
- name: adm-secret
mountPath: "/var/run/varnish"
readOnly: true
- name: adm-secret
......@@ -109,15 +121,17 @@ A port for TLS access is currently not supported.
- key: admin
path: _.secret
**TO DO**: The ``mountPath`` is currently hard-wired to
``/var/run/varnish``. The ``secretName`` is hard-wired to
``adm-secret``, the ``key`` to ``admin``, and ``path`` to
**TO DO**: The ``mountPath`` is currently hard-wired to
``/var/run/varnish``. The ``secretName`` is hard-wired to
``adm-secret``, the ``key`` to ``admin``, and ``path`` to
* The liveness check should determine if the Varnish master process is
running. Since Varnish is started in the foreground as the entry
point of the container, the container is live if it is running at
all. This check verifies that a ``varnishd`` process with parent PID
0 is found in the process table:
......@@ -127,14 +141,17 @@ A port for TLS access is currently not supported.
- "0"
- varnishd
* The readiness check is an HTTP probe at the reserved listener (named
``k8sport`` above) for the URL path ``/ready``:
path: /ready
port: k8sport
The port name must match the name given for port 8080 above.
### varnishd options
......@@ -197,7 +214,7 @@ Among these restrictions are:
With a Deployment, you may choose a resource such as a LoadBalancer or
Nodeport to create external access to Varnish's HTTP port. The present
example creates a Nodeport, which is simple for development and
testing (a LoadBalancer is more likely in production deployments):
$ kubectl apply -f nodeport.yaml
......@@ -220,22 +237,27 @@ The Service definition must fulfill some requirements:
Endpoints to be listed when the container is not ready (since
the Varnish instances are initialized in the not ready state).
The means for doing so has changed in different versions of
Kubernetes. In versions up 1.9, this annotation must be used:
Kubernetes. In versions up to 1.9, this annotation must be used:
annotations: "true"
Since 1.9, the annotation is deprecated, and this field in ``spec``
should be specified instead:
publishNotReadyAddresses: true
In recent versions, both specifications are permitted in the YAML,
as in example YAML (the annotation is deprecated, but is not yet an
* The ``selector`` must match the ``label`` given for the Varnish
deployment, as discussed above. In the present example:
app: varnish-ingress
......@@ -257,6 +279,7 @@ The requirements are:
* The ``image`` must be ``varnish-ingress/controller``.
* ``spec.template.spec`` must specify the ``POD_NAMESPACE``
environment variable:
......@@ -155,6 +155,9 @@ defined for an Ingress, or if it has any other value, then sharding is
not configured, and all other ``self-sharding-*`` annotations are
The ``self-sharding-*`` parameters are all optional; default values
hold if they are left out of the configuration.
These parameters configure the corresponding values for the
[health probes](
that instances in the cluster use to check one another's health:
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