Commit a3c56da4 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Update the project README.

Ingress merge is now implemented, and the ingress.class annotation
value is not hard-wired to "varnish".
parent 81d7c3e2
......@@ -16,13 +16,8 @@ version 6.1.1.
The Ingress controller implementation is presently in development and
is undergoing initial testing. It is currently subject to a number of
limitations, expected to be removed over time, including:
* No support for TLS connections
* Only one Ingress definition in a namespace is valid at a time. If
more than one definition is added to the namespace, then the most
recent definition becomes valid.
is undergoing initial testing. There is currently no support for TLS
connections, but TLS support will be added.
Other features are subject to change on short notice. Testing and
feedback are nevertheless welcome, and very valuable at this early
......@@ -58,7 +53,8 @@ features. You might want to begin with the
of "hello world" for Ingress).
This implementation requires that the Ingress definition includes an
``ingress.class`` Annotation identifying ``varnish``:
``ingress.class`` Annotation specifying that its rules are to be
implemented by Varnish:
kind: Ingress
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