Commit d5c1528b authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Refactor the return status for sync operations in the main loop.

Previously all sync operations (add/update/delete for the resource
types that the controller watches, and the cluster changes brought
about for them if necessary) were only characterized by a Go error
variable. The only conditions that mattered were nil or not-nil.

On a nil return, success was logged, and a SyncSuccess event was
generated for the resource that was synced. But this was done even
if no change was required in the cluster, and the resource had
nothing to do with Ingress or the viking application. This led
to many superfluous Events.

On a non-nil return, a warning Event was generated the sync
operation was re-queued, using the workqueue's rate-limiting delay.
This was done regardless of the type of error. Since the initial delay
is quite rapid (subsequent re-queues begin to back off the delay), it
led to many re-queues, and many Events. But it is very common that a
brief delay is predictable, when not all necessary information is
available to the controller, so that the rapid retries just
generated a lot of noise. In other cases, retries will not improve
the situation -- an invalid config, for example, will still be
invalid on the next attempt.

This commit introduces pkg/update and the type Status, which classifies
the result of a sync operation. All of the sync methods now return
an object of this type, which in turn determines how the controller
handles errors, logs results, and generates Events. The Status types

Success: a cluster change was necessary and was executed successfully.
The result is logged, and an Event with Reason SyncSuccess is generated
(as before).

Noop: no cluster change was necessary. The result is logged, but no
Event is generated. This reduces Event generation considerably.

Fatal: an unrecoverable error (retries won't help). The result is
logged, a SyncFatalError warning Event is generated, but no retries
are attempted.

Recoverable: an error that might do better on retry. The result is
logged, a SyncRecoverableError is generated, and the operation is
re-queued with the rate-limiting delay (as before).

Incomplete: a cluster change is necessary, but some information is
missing. The result is logged, a SyncIncomplete warning Event is
generated, and the operation is re-queued with a delay. The delay
is currently hard-wired to 5s, but will be made configurable.

We'll probably tweak some of the decisions about which status types
are chosen for which results. But this has already improved the
controller's error handling, and has considerably reduced its
verbosity, with respect to both logging and event generation.
parent 0f1ea9c5
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ check: build
golint ./pkg/interfaces/...
golint ./pkg/varnish/...
golint ./pkg/haproxy/...
golint ./pkg/update/...
golint ./pkg/apis/varnishingress/v1alpha1/...
golint ./cmd/...
go test -v ./pkg/controller/... ./pkg/interfaces/... ./pkg/varnish/...
......@@ -29,27 +29,27 @@
package controller
import (
vcr_v1alpha1 ""
extensions ""
extensions ""
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) enqueueIngsForBackendSvcs(svcs []string,
namespace, name string) error {
namespace, name string) update.Status {
svc2ing := make(map[string]*extensions.Ingress)
ings, err :=
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
worker.log.Infof("BackendConfig %s/%s: no Ingresses found in "+
"workspace %s", namespace, name, worker.namespace)
return nil
return update.MakeNoop(
"BackendConfig %s/%s: no Ingresses found in workspace %s",
namespace, name, worker.namespace)
if err != nil {
return err
return update.MakeRecoverable("%v", err)
for _, ing := range ings {
if ing.Spec.Backend != nil {
......@@ -79,29 +79,30 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) enqueueIngsForBackendSvcs(svcs []string,
worker.queue.Add(&SyncObj{Type: Update, Obj: ing})
return nil
return update.MakeSuccess(
"BackendConfig %s/%s: re-queued Ingress(es)", namespace, name)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncBcfg(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncBcfg(key string) update.Status {
worker.log.Infof("Syncing BackendConfig: %s/%s", worker.namespace, key)
bcfg, err := worker.bcfg.Get(key)
if err != nil {
return err
return IncompleteIfNotFound(err, "%v", err)
worker.log.Tracef("BackendConfig %s/%s: %+v", bcfg.Namespace,
bcfg.Name, bcfg)
if len(bcfg.Spec.Services) == 0 {
// CRD validation should prevent this.
worker.log.Warnf("BackendConfig %s/%s: no services defined, "+
"ignoring", bcfg.Namespace, bcfg.Name)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "BackendConfig",
return nil
return update.MakeNoop(
"BackendConfig %s/%s: no services defined, ignoring",
bcfg.Namespace, bcfg.Name)
if err = validateProbe(bcfg.Spec.Probe); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("BackendConfig %s/%s invalid probe "+
return update.MakeFatal("BackendConfig %s/%s invalid probe "+
"spec: %v", bcfg.Namespace, bcfg.Name, err)
......@@ -111,19 +112,19 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncBcfg(key string) error {
bcfg.Namespace, bcfg.Name)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) addBcfg(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) addBcfg(key string) update.Status {
return worker.syncBcfg(key)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) updateBcfg(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) updateBcfg(key string) update.Status {
return worker.syncBcfg(key)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) deleteBcfg(obj interface{}) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) deleteBcfg(obj interface{}) update.Status {
bcfg, ok := obj.(*vcr_v1alpha1.BackendConfig)
if !ok || bcfg == nil {
worker.log.Warnf("Delete BackendConfig: not found: %v", obj)
return nil
return update.MakeNoop("Delete BackendConfig: not found: %v",
worker.log.Infof("Deleting BackendConfig: %s/%s", bcfg.Namespace,
......@@ -33,39 +33,39 @@ import (
api_v1 ""
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncEndp(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncEndp(key string) update.Status {
worker.log.Infof("Syncing Endpoints: %s/%s", worker.namespace, key)
svc, err := worker.svc.Get(key)
if err != nil {
worker.log.Warnf("Cannot get service for endpoints %s/%s, "+
"ignoring", worker.namespace, key)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "Endpoints",
return nil
return update.MakeNoop(
"Cannot get service for endpoints %s/%s, ignoring",
worker.namespace, key)
if worker.isVarnishIngSvc(svc) {
worker.log.Infof("Endpoints changed for Varnish Ingress "+
worker.queue.Add(&SyncObj{Type: Update, Obj: svc})
return update.MakeNoop("Endpoints changed for Varnish Ingress "+
"service %s/%s, enqueuing service sync", svc.Namespace,
worker.queue.Add(&SyncObj{Type: Update, Obj: svc})
return nil
worker.log.Tracef("Checking ingresses for endpoints: %s/%s",
worker.namespace, key)
ings, err := worker.getIngsForSvc(svc)
if err != nil {
return err
ings, status := worker.getIngsForSvc(svc)
if status.Type != update.Success {
return status
if len(ings) == 0 {
worker.log.Tracef("No ingresses for endpoints: %s/%s",
worker.namespace, key)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "Endpoints",
return nil
return update.MakeNoop("No ingresses for endpoints: %s/%s",
worker.namespace, key)
worker.log.Tracef("Update ingresses for endpoints %s", key)
......@@ -75,27 +75,25 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncEndp(key string) error {
ing.Namespace, ing.Name)
err = worker.addOrUpdateIng(ing)
if err != nil {
return err
if status = worker.addOrUpdateIng(ing); status.IsError() {
return status
return nil
return update.MakeSuccess("")
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) addEndp(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) addEndp(key string) update.Status {
return worker.syncEndp(key)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) updateEndp(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) updateEndp(key string) update.Status {
return worker.syncEndp(key)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) deleteEndp(obj interface{}) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) deleteEndp(obj interface{}) update.Status {
endp, ok := obj.(*api_v1.Endpoints)
if !ok || endp == nil {
worker.log.Warnf("Delete Endpoints: not found: %v", obj)
return nil
return update.MakeNoop("Delete Endpoints: not found: %v", obj)
return worker.syncEndp(endp.Name)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ import (
logtest ""
func setupIngLister(
......@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ func TestIngsForTLSSecret(t *testing.T) {
Type: api_v1.SecretTypeTLS,
ings, err := worker.getIngsForTLSSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("getIngsForTLSSecret(): ", err)
ings, status := worker.getIngsForTLSSecret(secret)
if status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("getIngsForTLSSecret(): ", status)
if len(ings) != 1 {
t.Errorf("getIngsForTLSSecret(): wanted 1 Ingress, got %d",
......@@ -154,8 +154,9 @@ func TestIngsForTLSSecret(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("getIngsForTLSSecret(): Ingress name wanted %s, "+
"got %s", ingName, ings[0].Name)
if is, err := worker.isVikingIngressTLSSecret(secret); err != nil {
t.Fatal("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): ", err)
if is, status := worker.
isVikingIngressTLSSecret(secret); status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): ", status)
} else if !is {
t.Error("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): wanted true, got false")
......@@ -167,15 +168,16 @@ func TestIngsForTLSSecret(t *testing.T) {
Type: api_v1.SecretTypeTLS,
ings, err = worker.getIngsForTLSSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("getIngsForTLSSecret(): ", err)
ings, status = worker.getIngsForTLSSecret(secret)
if status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("getIngsForTLSSecret(): ", status)
if ings != nil || len(ings) != 0 {
t.Error("getIngsForTLSSecret(): wanted no Ingresses, got >0")
if is, err := worker.isVikingIngressTLSSecret(secret); err != nil {
t.Fatal("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): ", err)
if is, status := worker.
isVikingIngressTLSSecret(secret); status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): ", status)
} else if is {
t.Error("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): wanted false, got true")
......@@ -187,15 +189,16 @@ func TestIngsForTLSSecret(t *testing.T) {
Type: api_v1.SecretTypeTLS,
ings, err = worker.getIngsForTLSSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("getIngsForTLSSecret(): ", err)
ings, status = worker.getIngsForTLSSecret(secret)
if status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("getIngsForTLSSecret(): ", status)
if ings != nil || len(ings) != 0 {
t.Error("getIngsForTLSSecret(): wanted no Ingresses, got >0")
if is, err := worker.isVikingIngressTLSSecret(secret); err != nil {
t.Fatal("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): ", err)
if is, status := worker.
isVikingIngressTLSSecret(secret); status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): ", status)
} else if is {
t.Error("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): wanted false, got true")
......@@ -207,15 +210,16 @@ func TestIngsForTLSSecret(t *testing.T) {
Type: api_v1.SecretTypeTLS,
ings, err = worker.getIngsForTLSSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("getIngsForTLSSecret(): ", err)
ings, status = worker.getIngsForTLSSecret(secret)
if status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("getIngsForTLSSecret(): ", status)
if ings != nil || len(ings) != 0 {
t.Error("getIngsForTLSSecret(): wanted no Ingresses, got >0")
if is, err := worker.isVikingIngressTLSSecret(secret); err != nil {
t.Fatal("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): ", err)
if is, status := worker.
isVikingIngressTLSSecret(secret); status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): ", status)
} else if is {
t.Error("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): wanted false, got true")
......@@ -239,16 +243,17 @@ func TestNoIngsForTLSSecret(t *testing.T) {
Type: api_v1.SecretTypeTLS,
ings, err := worker.getIngsForTLSSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("getIngsForTLSSecret(): ", err)
ings, status := worker.getIngsForTLSSecret(secret)
if status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("getIngsForTLSSecret(): ", status)
if len(ings) != 0 {
t.Errorf("getIngsForTLSSecret(): wanted 0 Ingresses, got %d",
if is, err := worker.isVikingIngressTLSSecret(secret); err != nil {
t.Fatal("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): ", err)
if is, status := worker.
isVikingIngressTLSSecret(secret); status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): ", status)
} else if is {
t.Error("isVikingIngressTLSSecret(): wanted false, got true")
......@@ -302,9 +307,9 @@ func TestDeletePEMSecret(t *testing.T) {
log: &logrus.Logger{Out: ioutil.Discard},
vsecr: secrNsLister,
err := worker.deleteTLSSecret(ingTLSSecret)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("deleteTLSSecret(): ", err)
status := worker.deleteTLSSecret(ingTLSSecret)
if status.IsError() {
t.Fatal("deleteTLSSecret(): ", status)
updSecret, err := worker.vsecr.Get(certSecretName)
if err != nil {
......@@ -328,30 +333,20 @@ func TestDeleteNoPEMSecret(t *testing.T) {
defer cancel()
secrNsLister := setupSecrLister(ctx, client, ns)
logger, hook := logtest.NewNullLogger()
worker := &NamespaceWorker{
client: client,
namespace: ns,
log: logger,
log: &logrus.Logger{Out: ioutil.Discard},
vsecr: secrNsLister,
worker.log.Level = logrus.TraceLevel
err := worker.deleteTLSSecret(ingTLSSecret)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("deleteTLSSecret(): ", err)
logEntry := hook.LastEntry()
if logEntry == nil {
t.Fatal("deleteTLSSecret(): no log entry")
if logEntry.Level != logrus.ErrorLevel {
t.Errorf("deleteTLSSecret() log level wanted Error got %s",
status := worker.deleteTLSSecret(ingTLSSecret)
if status.Type != update.Fatal {
t.Fatal("deleteTLSSecret(): ", status)
msg := "PEM Secret " + ns + "/" + certSecretName +
" not found, not requeuing"
if logEntry.Message != msg {
t.Errorf("deleteTLSSecret() log entry wanted [%s] got [%s]",
msg, logEntry.Message)
if status.Msg != msg {
t.Errorf("deleteTLSSecret() error message wanted [%s] got [%s]",
msg, status.Msg)
......@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
package controller
import (
api_v1 ""
extensions ""
......@@ -67,10 +67,19 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) isVarnishIngSvc(svc *api_v1.Service) bool {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) getIngsForSvc(
svc *api_v1.Service) (ings []*extensions.Ingress, err error) {
svc *api_v1.Service,
) (ings []*extensions.Ingress, status update.Status) {
allIngs, err :=
if err != nil {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
status = update.MakeNoop(
"No Ingress defined in namespace %s",
"Service", "Ignore").Inc()
} else {
status = update.MakeRecoverable("%v", err)
......@@ -98,20 +107,23 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) getIngsForSvc(
if len(ings) == 0 {
worker.log.Infof("No Varnish Ingresses defined for service %s/%s",
status = update.MakeNoop(
"No Varnish Ingresses defined for service %s/%s",
svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "Service",
return ings, nil
status = update.MakeSuccess("")
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) enqueueIngressForService(
svc *api_v1.Service) error {
svc *api_v1.Service) update.Status {
ings, err := worker.getIngsForSvc(svc)
if err != nil {
return err
ings, status := worker.getIngsForSvc(svc)
if status.Type != update.Success {
return status
for _, ing := range ings {
if !worker.isVarnishIngress(ing) {
......@@ -119,7 +131,9 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) enqueueIngressForService(
worker.queue.Add(&SyncObj{Type: Update, Obj: ing})
return nil
return update.MakeSuccess(
"Service %s/%s: re-syncing Ingresses for IngressBackend",
svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
// Return true if changes in Varnish services may lead to changes in
......@@ -176,16 +190,19 @@ func epAddrs2OffldAddrs(
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) svc2Addrs(
svc *api_v1.Service,
) (vaddrs []vcl.Address, offldAddrs []haproxy.OffldAddr, err error) {
) (vaddrs []vcl.Address, offldAddrs []haproxy.OffldAddr, status update.Status) {
endps, err := worker.getServiceEndpoints(svc)
if err != nil {
status = IncompleteIfNotFound(err, "%v", err)
worker.log.Tracef("Varnish service %s/%s endpoints: %+v", svc.Namespace,
svc.Name, endps)
if endps == nil {
return vaddrs, offldAddrs, fmt.Errorf("could not find "+
"endpoints for service: %s/%s", svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
status = update.MakeIncomplete(
"could not find endpoints for service: %s/%s",
svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
// XXX hard-wired Port names
......@@ -205,10 +222,11 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) svc2Addrs(
if admPort == 0 {
return vaddrs, offldAddrs,
fmt.Errorf("No Varnish admin port %s found "+
"for Service %s/%s endpoint",
admPortName, svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
status = update.MakeFatal(
"No Varnish admin port %s found for Service "+
"%s/%s endpoint",
admPortName, svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
vaddrs = epAddrs2VCLAddrs(subset.Addresses, vaddrs, admPort)
vaddrs = epAddrs2VCLAddrs(subset.NotReadyAddresses, vaddrs,
......@@ -221,14 +239,15 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) svc2Addrs(
dplanePort, faccessPort)
status = update.MakeSuccess("")
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSvc(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSvc(key string) update.Status {
worker.log.Infof("Syncing Service: %s/%s", worker.namespace, key)
svc, err := worker.svc.Get(key)
if err != nil {
return err
return IncompleteIfNotFound(err, "%v", err)
if !worker.isVarnishIngSvc(svc) {
......@@ -238,8 +257,9 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSvc(key string) error {
worker.log.Infof("Syncing Varnish Ingress Service %s/%s:",
svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
if svc.Spec.Type == api_v1.ServiceTypeExternalName {
return fmt.Errorf("Viking Service %s/%s: type ExternalName "+
"is illegal", svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
return update.MakeFatal(
"Viking Service %s/%s: type ExternalName is illegal",
svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
// Check if there are Ingresses for which the VCL spec may
......@@ -247,7 +267,7 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSvc(key string) error {
updateVCL := false
ings, err :=
if err != nil {
return err
return IncompleteIfNotFound(err, "%v", err)
for _, ing := range ings {
if ing.Namespace != svc.Namespace {
......@@ -255,7 +275,7 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSvc(key string) error {
ingSvc, err := worker.getVarnishSvcForIng(ing)
if err != nil {
return err
return IncompleteIfNotFound(err, "%v", err)
if ingSvc == nil {
......@@ -284,9 +304,9 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSvc(key string) error {
"service %s/%s", svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
addrs, offldAddrs, err := worker.svc2Addrs(svc)
if err != nil {
return err
addrs, offldAddrs, status := worker.svc2Addrs(svc)
if status.IsError() {
return status
secrName := ""
......@@ -294,12 +314,13 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSvc(key string) error {
svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
pods, err := worker.getPods(svc)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot get a Pod for service %s/%s: %v",
return IncompleteIfNotFound(err,
"Cannot get a Pod for service %s/%s: %v",
svc.Namespace, svc.Name, err)
if len(pods.Items) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("No Pods for Service: %s/%s", svc.Namespace,
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"No Pods for Service: %s/%s", svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
pod := &pods.Items[0]
for _, vol := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
......@@ -315,7 +336,7 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSvc(key string) error {
if secret, err := worker.vsecr.Get(secrName); err == nil {
err = worker.setSecret(secret)
if err != nil {
return err
return update.MakeIncomplete("%v", err)
} else {
worker.log.Warnf("Cannot get Secret %s: %v", secrName,
......@@ -329,11 +350,11 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSvc(key string) error {
if len(offldAddrs) > 0 {
worker.log.Tracef("Varnish service %s/%s offloader addresses: "+
"%+v", svc.Namespace, svc.Name, offldAddrs)
err = worker.hController.AddOrUpdateOffloader(
status := worker.hController.AddOrUpdateOffloader(
svc.Namespace+"/"+svc.Name, offldAddrs,
if err != nil {
return err
if status.IsError() {
return status
worker.log.Tracef("Varnish service %s/%s addresses: %+v", svc.Namespace,
......@@ -343,37 +364,46 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSvc(key string) error {
worker.namespace+"/"+secrName, !updateVCL)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) addSvc(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) addSvc(key string) update.Status {
return worker.syncSvc(key)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) updateSvc(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) updateSvc(key string) update.Status {
return worker.syncSvc(key)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) deleteSvc(obj interface{}) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) deleteSvc(obj interface{}) update.Status {
svc, ok := obj.(*api_v1.Service)
if !ok || svc == nil {
worker.log.Warnf("Delete Service: not found: %v", obj)
return nil
return update.MakeNoop("Delete Service: not found: %v", obj)
nsKey := svc.Namespace + "/" + svc.Name
worker.log.Info("Deleting Service: ", nsKey)
deletedVarnish := false
deletedOffldr := false
if worker.vController.HasVarnishSvc(nsKey) {
if err := worker.vController.DeleteVarnishSvc(nsKey); err != nil {
return err
if status := worker.vController.
DeleteVarnishSvc(nsKey); status.IsError() {
return status
deletedVarnish = true
if worker.hController.HasOffloader(nsKey) {
if err := worker.hController.DeleteOffldSvc(nsKey); err != nil {
return err
if status := worker.hController.
DeleteOffldSvc(nsKey); status.IsError() {
return status
deletedOffldr = true
if !worker.isVarnishIngSvc(svc) {
return worker.enqueueIngressForService(svc)
return nil
if deletedVarnish || deletedOffldr {
return update.MakeSuccess("")
return update.MakeNoop("Service %s/%s: neither a viking admin Service"+
" nor an Ingress Backend", svc.Namespace, svc.Name)
......@@ -32,11 +32,13 @@ import (
api_v1 ""
meta_v1 ""
vcr_v1alpha1 ""
......@@ -180,3 +182,16 @@ func validateProbe(probe *vcr_v1alpha1.ProbeSpec) error {
return nil
// IncompleteIfNotFound returns an update.Status of type Incomplete if
// err is a k8s NotFound error, as determined by errors.IsNotFound()
// in Otherwise, a Recoverable
// Status is returned.
func IncompleteIfNotFound(
err error, format string, args ...interface{},
) update.Status {
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return update.MakeIncomplete(format, args...)
return update.MakeRecoverable(format, args...)
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ import (
vcr_v1alpha1 ""
api_v1 ""
extensions ""
......@@ -45,18 +47,17 @@ import (
// Services are not found -- they will sync as needed when and if they
// are discovered.
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) enqueueIngsForVcfg(
vcfg *vcr_v1alpha1.VarnishConfig) error {
vcfg *vcr_v1alpha1.VarnishConfig) update.Status {
svc2ing := make(map[*api_v1.Service]*extensions.Ingress)
ings, err :=
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
worker.log.Infof("VarnishConfig %s/%s: no Ingresses found in "+
"workspace %s", vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name,
return update.MakeNoop("VarnishConfig %s/%s: no Ingresses "+
"found in workspace %s", vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name,
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return update.MakeRecoverable("%v", err)
for _, ing := range ings {
if !worker.isVarnishIngress(ing) {
......@@ -64,13 +65,12 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) enqueueIngsForVcfg(
vSvc, err := worker.getVarnishSvcForIng(ing)
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
worker.log.Infof("VarnishConfig %s/%s: no Varnish "+
"Services found in workspace %s",
return update.MakeNoop("VarnishConfig %s/%s: no "+
"Varnish Services found in workspace %s",
vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name, worker.namespace)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return update.MakeRecoverable("%v", err)
if vSvc != nil {
svc2ing[vSvc] = ing
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) enqueueIngsForVcfg(
svcObj, err := worker.svc.Get(svc)
if err != nil {
return err
return IncompleteIfNotFound(err, "%v", err)
if ing, exists := svc2ing[svcObj]; exists {
worker.log.Infof("VarnishConfig %s/%s: enqueuing "+
......@@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) enqueueIngsForVcfg(
worker.queue.Add(&SyncObj{Type: Update, Obj: ing})
return nil
return update.MakeSuccess(
"VarnishConfig %s/%s: re-queued Ingress(es)", vcfg.Namespace,
// XXX a validating webhook should do this
......@@ -232,54 +234,54 @@ func validateReqDisps(reqDisps []vcr_v1alpha1.RequestDispSpec) error {
return nil
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncVcfg(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncVcfg(key string) update.Status {
worker.log.Infof("Syncing VarnishConfig: %s/%s", worker.namespace, key)
vcfg, err := worker.vcfg.Get(key)
if err != nil {
return err
return IncompleteIfNotFound(err, "%v", err)
worker.log.Tracef("VarnishConfig %s/%s: %+v", vcfg.Namespace,
vcfg.Name, vcfg)
if len(vcfg.Spec.Services) == 0 {
// CRD validation should prevent this.
worker.log.Infof("VarnishConfig %s/%s: no services defined, "+
"ignoring", vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name)
syncCounters.WithLabelValues(worker.namespace, "VarnishConfig",
return nil
return update.MakeFatal(
"VarnishConfig %s/%s: no services defined",
vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name)
if vcfg.Spec.SelfSharding != nil {
if err = validateProbe(&vcfg.Spec.SelfSharding.Probe); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("VarnishConfig %s/%s invalid "+
"sharding spec: %v", vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name,
return update.MakeFatal(
"VarnishConfig %s/%s invalid sharding spec: %v",
vcfg.Namespace, vcfg.Name, err)
if err = validateRewrites(vcfg.Spec.Rewrites); err != nil {
return err
return update.MakeFatal("%v", err)
if err = validateReqDisps(vcfg.Spec.ReqDispositions); err != nil {
return err
return update.MakeFatal("%v", err)
return worker.enqueueIngsForVcfg(vcfg)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) addVcfg(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) addVcfg(key string) update.Status {
return worker.syncVcfg(key)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) updateVcfg(key string) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) updateVcfg(key string) update.Status {
return worker.syncVcfg(key)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) deleteVcfg(obj interface{}) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) deleteVcfg(obj interface{}) update.Status {
vcfg, ok := obj.(*vcr_v1alpha1.VarnishConfig)
if !ok || vcfg == nil {
worker.log.Warnf("Delete VarnishConfig: not found: %v", obj)
return nil
return update.MakeNoop(
"Delete VarnishConfig: not found: %v", obj)
worker.log.Infof("Deleting VarnishConfig: %s/%s", vcfg.Namespace,
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ package controller
import (
api_v1 ""
extensions ""
......@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ import (
ving_v1alpha1 ""
vcr_listers ""
......@@ -56,6 +58,8 @@ const (
syncFailure = "SyncFailure"
const incompleteRetryDelay = 5 * time.Second
// NamespaceWorker serves fanout of work items to workers for each
// namespace for which the controller is notified about a resource
// update. The NamespaceQueues object creates a new instance when it
......@@ -135,31 +139,29 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) warnEvent(obj interface{}, reason, msgFmt string,
worker.event(obj, api_v1.EventTypeWarning, reason, msgFmt, args...)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSuccess(obj interface{}, msgFmt string,
args ...interface{}) {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncSuccess(obj interface{}, msgPfx string,
status update.Status) {
worker.log.Infof(msgFmt, args...)
worker.infoEvent(obj, syncSuccess, msgFmt, args...)
worker.log.Infof("%s%s", msgPfx, status)
worker.infoEvent(obj, status.Reason(), "%s%s", msgPfx, status)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncFailure(obj interface{}, msgFmt string,
args ...interface{}) {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) syncFailure(obj interface{}, msgPfx string,
status update.Status) {
worker.log.Errorf(msgFmt, args...)
worker.warnEvent(obj, syncFailure, msgFmt, args...)
worker.log.Errorf("%s%s", msgPfx, status)
worker.warnEvent(obj, status.Reason(), "%s%s", msgPfx, status)
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) dispatch(obj interface{}) error {
func (worker *NamespaceWorker) dispatch(obj interface{}) update.Status {
syncObj, ok := obj.(*SyncObj)
if !ok {
worker.syncFailure(obj, "Unhandled type %T", obj)
return nil
return update.MakeFatal("Unhandled type %T", obj)
_, key, err := getNameSpace(syncObj.Obj)
if err != nil {
"Cannot get key for object %v: %v", syncObj.Obj, err)
return nil
return update.MakeFatal("Cannot get key for object %v: %v",
syncObj.Obj, err)
switch syncObj.Type {
case Add:
......@@ -177,9 +179,8 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) dispatch(obj interface{}) error {
case *ving_v1alpha1.BackendConfig:
return worker.addBcfg(key)
"Unhandled object type: %T", syncObj.Obj)
return nil
return update.MakeFatal("Unhandled object type: %T",
case Update:
switch syncObj.Obj.(type) {
......@@ -196,9 +197,8 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) dispatch(obj interface{}) error {
case *ving_v1alpha1.BackendConfig:
return worker.updateBcfg(key)
"Unhandled object type: %T", syncObj.Obj)
return nil
return update.MakeFatal("Unhandled object type: %T",
case Delete:
deletedObj := syncObj.Obj
......@@ -220,14 +220,11 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) dispatch(obj interface{}) error {
case *ving_v1alpha1.BackendConfig:
return worker.deleteBcfg(deletedObj)
"Unhandled object type: %T", deletedObj)
return nil
return update.MakeFatal("Unhandled object type: %T",
worker.syncFailure(syncObj.Obj, "Unhandled sync type: %v",
return nil
return update.MakeFatal("Unhandled sync type: %v", syncObj.Type)
......@@ -238,22 +235,33 @@ func (worker *NamespaceWorker) next() {
defer worker.queue.Done(obj)
if err := worker.dispatch(obj); err == nil {
syncObj, ok := obj.(*SyncObj)
if ok {
if ns, name, err := getNameSpace(syncObj.Obj); err == nil {
"Successfully synced: %s %s/%s",
syncObj.Type, ns, name)
if !ok || err != nil {
worker.syncSuccess(obj, "Successfully synced")
status := worker.dispatch(obj)
msgPfx := ""
if syncObj, ok := obj.(*SyncObj); ok {
if ns, name, err := getNameSpace(syncObj.Obj); err == nil {
msgPfx = syncObj.Type.String() + " " + ns + "/" +
name + ": "
switch status.Type {
case update.Noop:
// XXX configure a verbose mode that also generates
// Events for the Noop case
worker.log.Info(msgPfx, status.String())
case update.Success:
worker.syncSuccess(obj, msgPfx, status)
case update.Fatal:
worker.syncFailure(obj, msgPfx, status)
} else {
worker.syncFailure(obj, "Error, requeueing: %v", err)
case update.Recoverable:
worker.syncFailure(obj, msgPfx, status)
case update.Incomplete:
worker.syncFailure(obj, msgPfx, status)
worker.queue.AddAfter(obj, incompleteRetryDelay)
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import (
......@@ -152,6 +153,52 @@ func (offldrErrs OffldrErrors) Error() string {
return sb.String()
func (offldrErrs OffldrErrors) status() update.Status {
if offldrErrs == nil {
return update.MakeSuccess("")
hasstatus, success, recoverable := false, false, false
for _, e := range offldrErrs {
status, ok := e.err.(update.Status)
if !ok {
hasstatus = true
switch status.Type {
case update.Fatal:
return update.MakeFatal("%v", offldrErrs)
case update.Incomplete:
return update.MakeIncomplete("%v", offldrErrs)
case update.Recoverable:
recoverable = true
case update.Success:
success = true
if !hasstatus || recoverable {
return update.MakeRecoverable("%v", offldrErrs)
if success {
return update.MakeSuccess("%v", offldrErrs)
return update.MakeNoop("%v", offldrErrs)
func errStatus(err error) update.Status {
status, ok := err.(update.Status)
if ok {
return status
errs, ok := err.(OffldrErrors)
if !ok {
if err != nil {
return update.MakeRecoverable("%v", err)
return update.MakeSuccess("")
return errs.status()
type configStatus struct {
dplaneState ReloadState
version int64
......@@ -249,9 +296,10 @@ func (hc *Controller) updateLoadStatus(inst *haproxyInst) error {
inst.status.pemExists[s] = pemExists
if !pemExists {
// XXX SyncIncomplete
return fmt.Errorf("Offloader instance %s: certificate "+
"PEM %s not found",, s.CertName())
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"Offloader instance %s: certificate "+
"PEM %s not found",, s.CertName())
hc.log.Infof("Offloader instance %s: PEM file %s exists",, s.CertName())
......@@ -272,9 +320,9 @@ func (hc *Controller) updateLoadStatus(inst *haproxyInst) error {
inst.status.dplaneState = state
if !reloaded {
// XXX SyncIncomplete
return fmt.Errorf("Offloader instance %s: TLS config %s not "+
"loaded, status: %s",, inst.spec,
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"Offloader instance %s: TLS config %s not "+
"loaded, status: %s",, inst.spec,
hc.log.Infof("Offloader instance %s: TLS config %s successfully "+
......@@ -303,9 +351,9 @@ func (hc *Controller) updateInstance(inst *haproxyInst, spec *Spec) error {
defer hc.wg.Done()
if len(spec.Secrets) == 0 {
hc.log.Warnf("Offloader instance %s: no certificates specified",
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"Offloader instance %s: no certificates specified",
return nil
for _, s := range spec.Secrets {
hc.log.Debugf("Offloader instance %s, checking for PEM file %s",
......@@ -317,9 +365,10 @@ func (hc *Controller) updateInstance(inst *haproxyInst, spec *Spec) error {
inst.status.pemExists[s] = pemExists
if !pemExists {
// XXX SyncIncomplete
return fmt.Errorf("Offloader instance %s: certificate "+
"PEM %s not found",, s.CertName())
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"Offloader instance %s: certificate "+
"PEM %s not found",, s.CertName())
hc.log.Infof("Offloader instance %s: PEM file %s exists",, s.CertName())
......@@ -404,9 +453,10 @@ func (hc *Controller) updateInstance(inst *haproxyInst, spec *Spec) error {
inst.status.loaded = true
return nil
// XXX SyncIncomplete
return fmt.Errorf("Offloader instance %s: TLS config %s not "+
"loaded, status: %s",, spec, state.Status)
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"Offloader instance %s: TLS config %s not "+
"loaded, status: %s",, spec, state.Status)
panic("Illegal reload status")
......@@ -424,15 +474,17 @@ func (hc *Controller) updateOffldSvc(svcKey string) error {
var errs OffldrErrors
svc, exists := hc.svcs[svcKey]
if !exists || svc == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No known offloader service for %s", svcKey)
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"No known offloader service for %s", svcKey)
if svc.secrName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("No known admin secret for offloader service"+
" %s", svcKey)
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"No known admin secret for offloader service %s",
if svc.spec == nil {
hc.log.Infof("Offloader service %s: no current spec", svcKey)
return nil
return update.MakeNoop(
"Offloader service %s: no current spec", svcKey)
hc.log.Info("Updating offloader instances for ", svcKey)
......@@ -526,9 +578,9 @@ func (hc *Controller) removeOffldrInstances(
// instsGauge.Dec()
// XXX SyncIncomplete
err = fmt.Errorf("Offloader instance %s: TLS config "+
"not deleted, status: %s",,
err = update.MakeIncomplete(
"Offloader instance %s: TLS config "+
"not deleted, status: %s",,
errs = append(errs, inst.mkError(err))
......@@ -661,8 +713,11 @@ func (hc *Controller) getOffldStatus(inst *haproxyInst) error {
// designated by key, using the given addresses for remote admin, and
// the Secret designated by secrName as the password for Basic Auth in
// requests to the dataplane API.
func (hc *Controller) AddOrUpdateOffloader(key string, addrs []OffldAddr,
secrName string) error {
func (hc *Controller) AddOrUpdateOffloader(
key string,
addrs []OffldAddr,
secrName string,
) update.Status {
var passwdPtr *string
svc, exists := hc.svcs[key]
......@@ -694,28 +749,32 @@ func (hc *Controller) AddOrUpdateOffloader(key string, addrs []OffldAddr,
hc.log.Debugf("Update offloader svc %s: addrs=%+v secret=%s", key,
addrs, secrName)
return hc.updateOffldrAddrs(key, addrs, passwdPtr)
return errStatus(hc.updateOffldrAddrs(key, addrs, passwdPtr))
// DeleteOffldSvc removes the TLS offloader service designated by
// svcKey -- the haproxy configuration is deleted, and the
// specification is removed from the controller's configuration.
func (hc *Controller) DeleteOffldSvc(svcKey string) error {
func (hc *Controller) DeleteOffldSvc(svcKey string) update.Status {
svc, exists := hc.svcs[svcKey]
if !exists {
return nil
return update.MakeNoop("No offloader service %s", svcKey)
err := hc.removeOffldrInstances(svc.instances)
if err != nil {
delete(hc.svcs, svcKey)
// svcsGauge.Dec()
return err
return errStatus(err)
// Update the TLS offloader designated by svcKey to the configuration
// given by spec.
func (hc *Controller) Update(svcKey string, addrs []OffldAddr, spec Spec) error {
func (hc *Controller) Update(
svcKey string,
addrs []OffldAddr,
spec Spec,
) update.Status {
svc, exists := hc.svcs[svcKey]
if !exists {
svc = &offldrSvc{instances: make([]*haproxyInst, len(addrs))}
......@@ -725,14 +784,15 @@ func (hc *Controller) Update(svcKey string, addrs []OffldAddr, spec Spec) error
svc.spec = &spec
if len(svc.instances) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Currently no known offloader endpoints for "+
"Service %s", svcKey)
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"Currently no known offloader endpoints for Service %s",
passwdPtr := hc.secrets[svc.secrName]
for _, inst := range svc.instances {
inst.dplanePasswd = passwdPtr
return hc.updateOffldrAddrs(svcKey, addrs, passwdPtr)
return errStatus(hc.updateOffldrAddrs(svcKey, addrs, passwdPtr))
// SetDataplaneSecret stores the secret to be used as the Basic Auth
......@@ -753,12 +813,12 @@ func (hc *Controller) SetDataplaneSecret(key string, secret []byte) {
// used to authorize use of the dataplane API for the TLS offloader
// designated by SetOffldSecret. SetDataplaneSecret(), in turns, sets
// the secret contents for secretKey.
func (hc *Controller) SetOffldSecret(svcKey, secretKey string) error {
func (hc *Controller) SetOffldSecret(svcKey, secretKey string) {
svc, ok := hc.svcs[svcKey]
if !ok {
hc.log.Warnf("Cannot set secret %s for offloader %s: "+
"offloader not found", secretKey, svcKey)
return nil
svc.secrName = secretKey
if secret, ok := hc.secrets[secretKey]; ok {
......@@ -766,7 +826,7 @@ func (hc *Controller) SetOffldSecret(svcKey, secretKey string) error {
inst.dplane.password = *secret
return nil
// DeleteDataplaneSecret removes the Secret designated by name.
* Copyright (c) 2020 UPLEX Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung
* All rights reserved
* Author: Geoffrey Simmons <>
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// Package update defines the Status type, which classifies the result
// of a synchronization operation by the controller. This
// distinguishes forms of success or failure after an
// Add/Update/Delete notification for the resource types that the
// controller watches, and determeins furher actions such as error
// handling, logging and event generation.
package update
import "fmt"
// StatusType is the classifier for the result of a synchronization.
type StatusType uint8
const (
// Noop indicates that no change in the cluster was
// necessary. The result is logged, but no further action is
// taken.
Noop StatusType = iota
// Success indicates that a change in the cluster was
// successfully executed. The result is logged, and an event
// is generated for the resource that was synchronized.
// Fatal indicates an unrecoverable error, which cannot be
// compensated by retrying the same synchronization. For
// example, an invalid configuration is unrecoverable, if it
// can never become valid until it is changed. This result is
// logged, a warning event is generated, and the operation is
// never retried.
// Recoverable indicates an error that might be compensated
// with a retry. For example, network errors in the cluster
// such as a timeouts may be temporary, and hence may succeed
// on retry. This result is logged, a warning event is
// generated, and the sync operation is re-queued with a rate
// limiting delay (likely an exponential backoff, as scheduled
// by the client-go workqueue).
// Incomplete indicates that a cluster change is necessary,
// but the controller does not currently have all of the
// information that it requires. For example, a Service
// configuration may have been added, but the Endpoints are
// not yet known (the Service's Pods might still be starting
// up). This result is logged, a warning event is generated,
// and the sync operation is scheduled for retry after a brief
// delay (default 5s), since the missing info commonly becomes
// available within a brief time.
func (t StatusType) String() string {
switch t {
case Noop:
return "no cluster change necessary"
case Success:
return "successfully synced"
case Fatal:
return "unrecoverable error"
case Recoverable:
return "recoverable error"
case Incomplete:
return "insufficient info for necessary cluster change"
// Reason returns a string suitable as the reason string for an event
// after a sync returns the given status type.
// Success: SyncSuccess
// Fatal: SyncFatalError
// Recoverable: SyncRecoverableError
// Incomplete: SyncIncomplete
// Not valid for the Noop type, since no event is generated for Noop.
func (t StatusType) Reason() string {
switch t {
case Success:
return "SyncSuccess"
case Fatal:
return "SyncFatalError"
case Recoverable:
return "SyncRecoverableError"
case Incomplete:
return "SyncIncomplete"
panic("illegal StatusType for Reason()")
// Status encapsulates the result of a synchronization operation,
// including its type and an optional detail message (an error message
// for the error types).
type Status struct {
Msg string
Type StatusType
func (status Status) String() string {
if status.Msg == "" {
return status.Type.String()
return status.Type.String() + ": " + status.Msg
// Reason returns a string suitable as the reason string for an event
// after a sync returns. Identical to Reason() for the given type.
func (status Status) Reason() string {
return status.Type.Reason()
// IsError returns true iff the Status has one of the error types:
// Fatal, Recoverable or Incomplete.
func (status Status) IsError() bool {
switch status.Type {
case Noop:
return false
case Success:
return false
case Fatal:
return true
case Recoverable:
return true
case Incomplete:
return true
return true
func (status Status) Error() string {
return status.String()
// Make is a convenience function to create a Status of the given
// type, setting the Msg to a formatted string.
func Make(t StatusType, format string, args ...interface{}) Status {
return Status{
Msg: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...),
Type: t,
// MakeNoop creates a Noop Status with a formatted string for the Msg.
func MakeNoop(format string, args ...interface{}) Status {
return Make(Noop, format, args...)
// MakeSuccess creates a Success Status with a formatted string for
// the Msg.
func MakeSuccess(format string, args ...interface{}) Status {
return Make(Success, format, args...)
// MakeFatal creates a Fatal Status with a formatted string for the
// Msg.
func MakeFatal(format string, args ...interface{}) Status {
return Make(Fatal, format, args...)
// MakeRecoverable creates a Recoverable Status with a formatted
// string for the Msg.
func MakeRecoverable(format string, args ...interface{}) Status {
return Make(Recoverable, format, args...)
// MakeIncomplete creates an Incomplete Status with a formatted string
// for the Msg.
func MakeIncomplete(format string, args ...interface{}) Status {
return Make(Incomplete, format, args...)
......@@ -185,10 +185,16 @@ func (vc *Controller) monitor(monitorIntvl time.Duration) {
if err := vc.updateVarnishSvc(svcName); err != nil {
vc.errorEvt(svcName, updateErr,
"Errors updating Varnish "+
"Service %s: %+v", svcName, err)
good = false
if status := errStatus(err); status.IsError() {
vc.errorEvt(svcName, updateErr,
"Errors updating Varnish "+
"Service %s: %+v",
svcName, err)
good = false
} else {
vc.log.Infof("Varnish Service %s: %s",
svcName, status)
if good {
vc.infoEvt(svcName, monitorGood,
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import (
......@@ -105,6 +106,52 @@ func (vadmErrs AdmErrors) Error() string {
return sb.String()
func (vadmErrs AdmErrors) status() update.Status {
if vadmErrs == nil {
return update.MakeSuccess("")
hasstatus, success, recoverable := false, false, false
for _, e := range vadmErrs {
status, ok := e.err.(update.Status)
if !ok {
hasstatus = true
switch status.Type {
case update.Fatal:
return update.MakeFatal("%v", vadmErrs)
case update.Incomplete:
return update.MakeIncomplete("%v", vadmErrs)
case update.Recoverable:
recoverable = true
case update.Success:
success = true
if !hasstatus || recoverable {
return update.MakeRecoverable("%v", vadmErrs)
if success {
return update.MakeSuccess("%v", vadmErrs)
return update.MakeNoop("%v", vadmErrs)
func errStatus(err error) update.Status {
status, ok := err.(update.Status)
if ok {
return status
errs, ok := err.(AdmErrors)
if !ok {
if err != nil {
return update.MakeRecoverable("%v", err)
return update.MakeSuccess("")
return errs.status()
// Meta encapsulates meta-data for the resource types that enter into
// a Varnish configuration: Ingress, VarnishConfig and BackendConfig.
......@@ -264,6 +311,11 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishInstance(inst *varnishInst, cfgName string,
vc.log.Tracef("Error loading config %s at %s: %v",
cfgName, inst.addr, err)
if resp, ok := err.(admin.UnexpectedResponse); ok {
if resp.Response.Code < admin.OK {
return update.MakeFatal("%v", resp)
return err
......@@ -309,18 +361,18 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishSvc(name string) error {
vc.log.Tracef("Update Varnish svc %s: config=%+v", name, *svc)
svc.cfgLoaded = false
if svc.secrName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("No known admin secret for Varnish Service "+
"%s", name)
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"No known admin secret for Varnish Service %s", name)
if svc.spec == nil {
vc.log.Infof("Update Varnish Service %s: Currently no Ingress"+
" defined", name)
return nil
return update.MakeNoop(
"Update Varnish Service %s: Currently no Ingress "+
"defined", name)
vclSrc, err := svc.spec.spec.GetSrc()
if err != nil {
return err
return update.MakeFatal("%v", err)
cfgName := svc.spec.configName()
......@@ -522,9 +574,12 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateVarnishSvcAddrs(key string, addrs []vcl.Address,
// Service
// loadVCL: true if the VCL config for the Service should be
// reloaded
func (vc *Controller) AddOrUpdateVarnishSvc(key string, addrs []vcl.Address,
secrName string, loadVCL bool) error {
func (vc *Controller) AddOrUpdateVarnishSvc(
key string,
addrs []vcl.Address,
secrName string,
loadVCL bool,
) update.Status {
var secrPtr *[]byte
svc, svcExists := vc.svcs[key]
if !svcExists {
......@@ -567,18 +622,18 @@ func (vc *Controller) AddOrUpdateVarnishSvc(key string, addrs []vcl.Address,
} else {
vc.log.Trace("secret is nil")
return vc.updateVarnishSvcAddrs(key, addrs, secrPtr, loadVCL)
return errStatus(vc.updateVarnishSvcAddrs(key, addrs, secrPtr, loadVCL))
// DeleteVarnishSvc is called on the Delete event for the Varnish
// Service identified by the namespace/name key. The Varnish instance
// is set to the unready state, and no further action is taken (other
// resources in the cluster may shut down the Varnish instances).
func (vc *Controller) DeleteVarnishSvc(key string) error {
func (vc *Controller) DeleteVarnishSvc(key string) update.Status {
vc.log.Trace("DeleteVarnishSvc: key=", key)
svc, ok := vc.svcs[key]
if !ok {
return nil
return update.MakeNoop("No Varnish Service %s", key)
vc.log.Tracef("DeleteVarnishSvc: svc=%+v", svc)
err := vc.removeVarnishInstances(svc.instances)
......@@ -588,7 +643,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) DeleteVarnishSvc(key string) error {
vc.log.Tracef("DeleteVarnishSvc map after delete = %+v", vc.svcs)
return err
return errStatus(err)
func (vc *Controller) updateBeGauges() {
......@@ -616,10 +671,14 @@ func (vc *Controller) updateBeGauges() {
// ingsMeta: Ingress meta-data
// vcfgMeta: VarnishConfig meta-data
// bcfgMeta: BackendConfig meta-data
func (vc *Controller) Update(svcKey string, spec vcl.Spec, addrs []vcl.Address,
ingsMeta map[string]Meta, vcfgMeta Meta,
bcfgMeta map[string]Meta) error {
func (vc *Controller) Update(
svcKey string,
spec vcl.Spec,
addrs []vcl.Address,
ingsMeta map[string]Meta,
vcfgMeta Meta,
bcfgMeta map[string]Meta,
) update.Status {
var secrPtr *[]byte
svc, exists := vc.svcs[svcKey]
if !exists {
......@@ -647,8 +706,9 @@ func (vc *Controller) Update(svcKey string, spec vcl.Spec, addrs []vcl.Address,
if len(svc.instances) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Currently no known endpoints for Varnish "+
"service %s", svcKey)
return update.MakeIncomplete(
"Currently no known endpoints for Varnish service %s",
if _, exists := vc.secrets[svc.secrName]; exists {
......@@ -659,7 +719,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) Update(svcKey string, spec vcl.Spec, addrs []vcl.Address,
} else {
secrPtr = nil
return vc.updateVarnishSvcAddrs(svcKey, addrs, secrPtr, true)
return errStatus(vc.updateVarnishSvcAddrs(svcKey, addrs, secrPtr, true))
// SetNotReady may be called on the Delete event on an Ingress, if no
......@@ -794,7 +854,9 @@ func (vc *Controller) SetAdmSecret(key string, secret []byte) {
// UpdateSvcForSecret associates the Secret identified by the
// namespace/name secretKey with the Varnish Service identified by the
// namespace/name svcKey. The Service is newly synced if necessary.
func (vc *Controller) UpdateSvcForSecret(svcKey, secretKey string) error {
func (vc *Controller) UpdateSvcForSecret(
svcKey, secretKey string,
) update.Status {
secret, exists := vc.secrets[secretKey]
if !exists {
secretKey = ""
......@@ -803,9 +865,9 @@ func (vc *Controller) UpdateSvcForSecret(svcKey, secretKey string) error {
svc, exists := vc.svcs[svcKey]
if !exists {
if secret == nil {
vc.log.Infof("Neither Varnish Service %s nor secret "+
"%s found", svcKey, secretKey)
return nil
return update.MakeNoop(
"Neither Varnish Service %s nor secret %s found",
svcKey, secretKey)
vc.log.Infof("Creating Varnish Service %s to set secret %s",
svcKey, secretKey)
......@@ -822,7 +884,7 @@ func (vc *Controller) UpdateSvcForSecret(svcKey, secretKey string) error {
vc.log.Infof("Updating Service %s after setting secret %s", svcKey,
return vc.updateVarnishSvc(svcKey)
return errStatus(vc.updateVarnishSvc(svcKey))
// DeleteAdmSecret removes the secret identified by the namespace/name
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