Commit 74f7f279 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons


parent cea34825
......@@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ this issue, and of possible solutions with VCL.
.. _vmod_brotli.encoder:
new xencoder = brotli.encoder(STRING name, BYTES bufffer, INT quality, BOOL large_win, INT lgwin, ENUM mode)
new xencoder = brotli.encoder(STRING name, BYTES buffer, INT quality, BOOL large_win, INT lgwin, ENUM mode)
new xencoder = brotli.encoder(
STRING name,
BYTES bufffer=32768,
BYTES buffer=32768,
INT quality=11,
BOOL large_win=0,
INT lgwin=22,
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ Note that (unlike gzip) brotli compression does not work together with
Edge Side Includes (ESI). See `LIMITATIONS`_ below for a discussion of
this issue, and of possible solutions with VCL.
$Object encoder(PRIV_VCL, STRING name, BYTES bufffer=32768, INT quality=11,
$Object encoder(PRIV_VCL, STRING name, BYTES buffer=32768, INT quality=11,
BOOL large_win=0, INT lgwin=22,
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