Commit 7cb06c72 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

document compatibility since at least Varnish 4.1.2 and through 5.0.0

parent 6274190e
Pipeline #32 skipped
......@@ -413,10 +413,8 @@ to a header, then the header will not be set.
This VMOD requires a Varnish build with commit 84a2903 (bugfix for
issue #1844), which at the time of writing is not yet available in a
released version of Varnish. So for the time being, it should be built
against and used with the master branch.
This VMOD requires at least Varnish version 4.1.2, and has been tested
with versions through 5.0.0.
Perl 5 is required for the build.
......@@ -352,10 +352,8 @@ to a header, then the header will not be set.
This VMOD requires a Varnish build with commit 84a2903 (bugfix for
issue #1844), which at the time of writing is not yet available in a
released version of Varnish. So for the time being, it should be built
against and used with the master branch.
This VMOD requires at least Varnish version 4.1.2, and has been tested
with versions through 5.0.0.
Perl 5 is required for the build.
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