Commit e54dcfd5 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

fix a typo in the examples

parent 132f5326
Pipeline #70 skipped
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Here are some examples::
if (!fooprefix.update(blobcode.decode(IDENTITY, "bar"))) {
call do_error;
set req.http.Foobar-Hash = blocode.encode(BASE64,
set req.http.Foobar-Hash = blobcode.encode(BASE64,;
......@@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ Here are some examples::
if (!fooprefix.update(blobcode.decode(IDENTITY, "baz"))) {
call do_error;
set req.http.Foobaz-Hash = blocode.encode(BASE64,
set req.http.Foobaz-Hash = blobcode.encode(BASE64,;
sub vcl_deliver {
# Retrieve the SHA256 hash of "foo" computed in the constructor
set req.http.Foo-Hash = blocode.encode(BASE64,;
set req.http.Foo-Hash = blobcode.encode(BASE64,;
The ``hash()`` function computes the message digest for its argument
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ and returns the result. It is functionally equivalent to using a
sub vcl_recv {
# Get the SHA256 hash of "foo"
set req.http.Foo-Hash-Functional
= blocode.encode(BASE64,
= blobcode.encode(BASE64,
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Here are some examples::
if (!fooprefix.update(blobcode.decode(IDENTITY, "bar"))) {
call do_error;
set req.http.Foobar-Hash = blocode.encode(BASE64,
set req.http.Foobar-Hash = blobcode.encode(BASE64,;
......@@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ Here are some examples::
if (!fooprefix.update(blobcode.decode(IDENTITY, "baz"))) {
call do_error;
set req.http.Foobaz-Hash = blocode.encode(BASE64,
set req.http.Foobaz-Hash = blobcode.encode(BASE64,;
sub vcl_deliver {
# Retrieve the SHA256 hash of "foo" computed in the constructor
set req.http.Foo-Hash = blocode.encode(BASE64,;
set req.http.Foo-Hash = blobcode.encode(BASE64,;
The ``hash()`` function computes the message digest for its argument
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ and returns the result. It is functionally equivalent to using a
sub vcl_recv {
# Get the SHA256 hash of "foo"
set req.http.Foo-Hash-Functional
= blocode.encode(BASE64,
= blobcode.encode(BASE64,
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