• Nils Goroll's avatar
    update to varnish-cache master -- use the new in-tree vmod_blob · 770d410d
    Nils Goroll authored
    most of the editing has been done using the following shell commands,
    but some tests were edited manually
    sed -i 's:HEXLC:HEX, LOWER:g' $(git grep -l HEXLC)
    sed -i 's:HEXUC:HEX, UPPER:g' $(git grep -l HEXUC)
    sed -i '/VMOD blobcode must be installed/ d' $(git grep -l blobcode)
    sed -i 's:blobcode:blob:g' $(git grep -l blobcode)
    sed -i 's:\.decode(IDENTITY, *$:\.decode(encoded=:' $(git grep -l '\.decode(IDENTITY, *$')
    sed -i 's:\.decode(IDENTITY, ":\.decode(encoded=":' $(git grep -l '\.decode(IDENTITY, "')
    sed -i 's:\.decode(BASE64, ":\.decode(decoding=BASE64, encoded=":' $(git grep -l '\.decode(BASE64, "')
    sed -i 's:\.decode(BASE64, *$:\.decode(decoding=BASE64, encoded=:' $(git grep -l '\.decode(BASE64, *$')
    sed -i 's:\.decode(HEX, ":\.decode(decoding=HEX, encoded=":' $(git grep -l '\.decode(HEX, "')
    sed -i 's:\.decode(HEX, *$:\.decode(decoding=HEX, encoded=:' $(git grep -l '\.decode(HEX, *$')
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