Commit 52ff0015 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

add .real_selected

parent cc2552ef
......@@ -609,8 +609,8 @@ vmod_cluster_backend(VRT_CTX,
return (cluster_choose(ctx, vc, res, NULL, carg));
static enum decision_e
cluster_selected(VRT_CTX, const char *func,
struct VPFX(cluster_cluster) *vc,
struct VARGS(cluster_cluster_selected) *arg)
......@@ -619,20 +619,60 @@ vmod_cluster_cluster_selected(VRT_CTX,
if (ctx->method != VCL_MET_BACKEND_FETCH) {
"cluster.cluster_selected can not be called here");
return (0);
"cluster.%s can not be called here", func);
return (D_NULL);
b = cluster_choose(ctx, vc, CLD, &decision, arg);
if (decision == D_NULL || b == NULL)
return (0);
return (D_NULL);
assert(b != vc->dir);
VRT_l_bereq_backend(ctx, b);
return (decision);
struct VPFX(cluster_cluster) *vc,
struct VARGS(cluster_cluster_selected) *arg)
enum decision_e decision;
decision = cluster_selected(ctx, "cluster_selected", vc, arg);
if (decision == D_NULL)
return (0);
return (decision == D_CLUSTER);
struct VPFX(cluster_cluster) *vc,
struct VARGS(cluster_real_selected) *arg)
enum decision_e decision;
struct VARGS(cluster_cluster_selected)
carg[1] = {{
.valid_deny = arg->valid_deny,
.valid_real = arg->valid_real,
.valid_uncacheable_direct = arg->valid_uncacheable_direct,
.deny = arg->deny,
.real = arg->real,
.uncacheable_direct = arg->uncacheable_direct
decision = cluster_selected(ctx, "real_selected", vc, carg);
if (decision == D_NULL)
return (0);
return (decision == D_REAL);
* layered directors may not be prepared to resolve outside a VCL task, so when
* called from the cli (no method, no vcl), just return healthy if either the
......@@ -250,6 +250,17 @@ in which case ``bereq.backend`` is not modified;
This method may only be called from ``vcl_backend_fetch {}`` and fail
the vcl otherwise.
$Method BOOL .real_selected(
[ BACKEND deny ], [ BACKEND real ],
[ BOOL uncacheable_direct ])
mirrors :ref:`func_cluster.cluster_selected`, but returns true if the
real backend is selected.
This is not exactly the negation because of the ``NULL`` backend case
for which both :ref:`func_cluster.cluster_selected` and
:ref:`func_cluster.real_selected` return ``false``.
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