Commit b0583696 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

polish: pull out args processing

parent ce2abe8b
......@@ -504,18 +504,49 @@ vmod_cluster_resolve(VRT_CTX, VCL_BACKEND dir)
cluster_task_param_r(ctx, dir->priv), DEEP, NULL));
static const struct vmod_cluster_cluster_param *
cluster_update_by_args(VRT_CTX, struct vmod_cluster_cluster *vc,
const struct vmod_cluster_cluster_param *pr,
const struct VARGS(cluster_cluster_selected) *arg,
void *spc)
struct vmod_cluster_cluster_param *pl = NULL;
int nblack;
nblack = pr->nblack;
if (arg->valid_deny && arg->deny != NULL &&
! cluster_blacklisted(pr, arg->deny)) {
if (pl == NULL)
pr = pl = cluster_task_param_l(ctx, vc,
++nblack, spc);
cluster_blacklist_add(pl, arg->deny);
if (arg->valid_real && pr->real != arg->real) {
if (pl == NULL)
pr = pl = cluster_task_param_l(ctx, vc, nblack, spc);
pl->real = arg->real;
if (arg->valid_uncacheable_direct &&
pr->uncacheable_direct != arg->uncacheable_direct) {
if (pl == NULL)
pr = pl = cluster_task_param_l(ctx, vc, nblack, spc);
pl->uncacheable_direct = arg->uncacheable_direct;
return (pr);
struct vmod_cluster_cluster *vc,
enum resolve_e resolve, enum decision_e *decision,
struct VARGS(cluster_cluster_selected) *arg)
const struct VARGS(cluster_cluster_selected) *arg)
int modify = arg->valid_deny || arg->valid_real ||
const struct vmod_cluster_cluster_param *pr;
struct vmod_cluster_cluster_param *pl = NULL;
void *spc = NULL;
int nblack;
if (decision != NULL)
*decision = D_NULL;
......@@ -539,30 +570,13 @@ cluster_choose(VRT_CTX,
pr = cluster_task_param_r(ctx, vc);
nblack = pr->nblack;
char pstk[param_sz(pr, nblack + 1)];
char pstk[param_sz(pr, pr->nblack + 1)];
if ((ctx->method & cluster_methods) == 0)
spc = pstk;
if (arg->valid_deny && arg->deny != NULL &&
! cluster_blacklisted(pr, arg->deny)) {
if (pl == NULL)
pr = pl = cluster_task_param_l(ctx, vc,
++nblack, spc);
cluster_blacklist_add(pl, arg->deny);
if (arg->valid_real && pr->real != arg->real) {
if (pl == NULL)
pr = pl = cluster_task_param_l(ctx, vc, nblack, spc);
pl->real = arg->real;
if (arg->valid_uncacheable_direct &&
pr->uncacheable_direct != arg->uncacheable_direct) {
if (pl == NULL)
pr = pl = cluster_task_param_l(ctx, vc, nblack, spc);
pl->uncacheable_direct = arg->uncacheable_direct;
pr = cluster_update_by_args(ctx, vc, pr, arg, spc);
if (resolve == LAZY)
return (vc->dir);
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