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.. role:: ref(emphasis)
.. _vmod_crypto(3):
Varnish crypto Module
Public Key signature generation and verification for Varnish-Cache
:Manual section: 3
.. parsed-literal::
import crypto [as name] [from "path"]
new xkey = crypto.key()
BLOB xkey.use()
import crypto [from "path"] ;
VOID xkey.pem_pubkey(STRING)
new xverifier = verifier(ENUM digest, STRING key)
VOID xkey.pem_privkey(STRING, STRING password)
VOID xkey.rsa(BLOB n, BLOB e, [BLOB d])
new xverifier = crypto.verifier(ENUM digest, [STRING pem], [BLOB key])
BOOL xverifier.update(STRING)
......@@ -36,6 +43,15 @@ SYNOPSIS
BOOL xverifier.valid(BLOB signature)
new xsigner = crypto.signer(ENUM digest, [STRING pem], [BLOB key])
BOOL xsigner.update(STRING)
BOOL xsigner.update_blob(BLOB)
BOOL xsigner.reset()
BLOB xsigner.final()
......@@ -64,56 +80,100 @@ Example
return (synth(400, "invalid signature"));
} -start
.. _crypto.key():
new xkey = crypto.key()
Create a generic key object. The algorithm gets defined by the method
called upon it.
Any methods on `crypto.key()`_ may only be used in ``sub vcl_init {}``.
.. _xkey.use():
BLOB xkey.use()
Wrap the key in a blob to be passed to `crypto.verifier()`_
.. _xkey.pem_pubkey():
VOID xkey.pem_pubkey(STRING)
Create a key from the PEM-encoded public key.
The cryptographic method to be used and the key length are
automatically determined from _pem_. Typically supported methods
comprise RSA and DSA.
Any error is fatal to vcl initialization.
.. _xkey.pem_privkey():
VOID xkey.pem_privkey(STRING, STRING password=0)
Create a key from the PEM-encoded private key, optionally decrypting
it using `password`.
The cryptographic method to be used and the key length are
automatically determined from _pem_. Typically supported methods
comprise RSA and DSA.
Any error is fatal to vcl initialization.
* :ref:`obj_verifier`
* :ref:`func_verifier.reset`
* :ref:`func_verifier.update`
* :ref:`func_verifier.update_blob`
* :ref:`func_verifier.valid`
.. _xkey.rsa():
VOID xkey.rsa(BLOB n, BLOB e, [BLOB d])
.. _obj_verifier:
Create an RSA key from the parameters n, e, and optionally d.
new xverifier = verifier(ENUM digest, STRING key)
Any error is fatal to vcl initialization.
.. _crypto.verifier():
new xverifier = crypto.verifier(ENUM digest, [STRING pem], [BLOB key])
new xverifier = verifier(
new xverifier = crypto.verifier(
ENUM {md_null, md4, md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, ripemd160, rmd160, whirlpool} digest,
[STRING pem],
[BLOB key]
Create an object to verify signatures created using _digest_ and
The _key_ argument is a PEM-encoded public key specification.
The _key_ argument should be a call to `xkey.use()`_ on the respective
`crypto.key()`_ object.
The cryptographic method to be used and the key length are
automatically determined from _key_. Typically supported methods
comprise RSA and DSA.
Alternatively to _key_, the _pem_ argument may be used to pass a
PEM-encoded public key specification. Use of the _pem_ argument is
.. _func_verifier.update:
Either the _key_ or the _pem_ argument must be given.
.. _xverifier.update():
BOOL xverifier.update(STRING)
Add strings to the data to be verfied with the verifier object.
.. _func_verifier.update_blob:
.. _xverifier.update_blob():
BOOL xverifier.update_blob(BLOB)
Add a blob to the data to be verified with the verifier object.
.. _func_verifier.reset:
.. _xverifier.reset():
BOOL xverifier.reset()
......@@ -121,8 +181,7 @@ BOOL xverifier.reset()
Reset the verfication state as if previous calls to the update methods
had not happened.
.. _func_verifier.valid:
.. _xverifier.valid():
BOOL xverifier.valid(BLOB signature)
......@@ -134,20 +193,75 @@ Note that after calling .valid(), .update can be called again to add
additional data, which can then be validated against a (different)
signature using another call to .valid().
.. _crypto.signer():
new xsigner = crypto.signer(ENUM digest, [STRING pem], [BLOB key])
new xsigner = crypto.signer(
ENUM {md_null, md4, md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, ripemd160, rmd160, whirlpool} digest,
[STRING pem],
[BLOB key]
Create an object to create signatures using _digest_ and _key_.
The _key_ argument should be a call to `xkey.use()`_ on the respective
`crypto.key()`_ private key object.
Alternatively to _key_, the _pem_ argument may be used to pass a
PEM-encoded private key specification. Password protection is not
supported with a _pem_ argument. Use of the _pem_ argument is
Either the _key_ or the _pem_ argument must be given.
.. _xsigner.update():
BOOL xsigner.update(STRING)
Add strings to the data to be signed.
.. _xsigner.update_blob():
BOOL xsigner.update_blob(BLOB)
Add a blob to the data to be signed.
.. _xsigner.reset():
BOOL xsigner.reset()
Reset the signer state as if previous calls to the update methods had
not happened.
.. _xsigner.final():
BLOB xsigner.final()
Return the signature for data added using `xsigner.update()` and
Note that after calling `xsigner.final()`,
`xsigner.update()`/`xsigner.update_blob()` can be called again to add
additional data, and more signatures can be generated with
Copyright 2018 UPLEX Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung
Copyright 2018,2021 UPLEX Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung
All rights reserved
Author: Nils Goroll <nils.goroll@uplex.de>
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
.. _vmod_crypto(3):
VMOD crypto - Public Key hash verification for Varnish
VMOD crypto - Public Key signature generation and verification for Varnish-Cache
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ VOID xkey.pem_privkey(STRING, STRING password=0)
Create a key from the PEM-encoded private key, optionally decrypting
it using `password`.
it using _password_.
The cryptographic method to be used and the key length are
automatically determined from _pem_. Typically supported methods
......@@ -186,9 +186,10 @@ BOOL xverifier.valid(BLOB signature)
Check if _signature_ is a valid signature for the _verifier_ object
given the previous updates.
Note that after calling .valid(), .update can be called again to add
additional data, which can then be validated against a (different)
signature using another call to .valid().
Note that after calling `xverifier.valid()`, `xverifier.update()` can
be called again to add additional data, which can then be validated
against a (different) signature using another call to
.. _crypto.signer():
......@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2018 UPLEX Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung
Copyright 2018,2021 UPLEX Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung
All rights reserved
Author: Nils Goroll <nils.goroll@uplex.de>
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