Commit e10278ef authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Emit a better error message when the id in the key header is too long.

parent 3c47fcb5
......@@ -792,8 +792,8 @@ vfp_encrypt_init(struct vfp_ctx *ctx, struct vfp_entry *ent)
keyid_len = strlen(keyid);
if (keyid_len > MAX_ID_LEN)
return (VERR_ENC(ctx, "key id %s too long (%zd > 255)", keyid,
return (VERR_ENC(ctx, "key id \"%.80s...\" too long "
"(length %zd > 255)", keyid, keyid_len));
if (common_alloc(ctx, &ece, 1) == VFP_ERROR)
return (VFP_ERROR);
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