Commit 7bd89652 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

correct http_nv return code for neither name/value vs. no seperator

parent 85dfe7b3
......@@ -326,7 +326,8 @@ http_split(txt *where, const char *sep, txt *tok)
* return 0 if no seperator found (or only whitespace in where)
* 1 otherwise
* name/value contain a NULL pointer if not found
* name/value contain a NULL pointers if not found
* otherwise assert(Tlen(name/value) > 0)
static int
http_nv(const txt where, const char *sep, txt *name, txt *value)
......@@ -342,19 +343,28 @@ http_nv(const txt where, const char *sep, txt *name, txt *value)
if (http_split(&work, sep, name) == 0) {
* only whitespace or seperator found: if the where arguemnt
* only whitespace or seperator found: if the where argument
* came from http_split, it implies we only have a seperator
* with no name or value
* with no name and no value
value->b = NULL;
value->e = NULL;
return (1);
if (work.b >= where.e)
if (work.b >= where.e) {
if (name->b == where.b)
/* no seperator found */
return (0);
value->b = name->b;
value->e = name->e;
name->b = NULL;
name->e = NULL;
return (1);
(void)http_split(&work, sep, value);
return (1);
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