• Nils Goroll's avatar
    adjust to current varnish-cache (6.4 / post-6.4 master) · 808a8eee
    Nils Goroll authored
    The changes are mostly mechanical
    - replace use of the blobcode vmod with vmod blob and adjust to new
      function signatures
    - use struct vrt_blob for blobs and adjust to new struct members
    - use separate pointers for generating output (blobs are const)
    - use optional arguments for functions (minimal adjustments of
      existing code)
    - replace WS_Reserve() with WS_ReserveAll()
    - wipe needs the TRUST_ME() macro to un-const blobs
    unresolved issues:
    - padding errors lead to "vmod blob error: cannot encode, out of space",
      the respective tests have been moved to
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