Commit 1d24543b authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Fix a typo.

parent ed328f11
Pipeline #268 skipped
......@@ -520,8 +520,8 @@ be less than 0; if they are, then the match fails.
If true, then the just-in-time matcher is not used, even when the
pattern was compiled for JIT. In that case, PCRE2's "traditional"
interpretive matcher is used (as is always the case if JIT is not
available, or if the pattern was not JIT-compiled). If ``not_jit``
is true for an invocation of the ``match()`` or ``sub()`` functions,
available, or if the pattern was not JIT-compiled). If ``no_jit`` is
true for an invocation of the ``match()`` or ``sub()`` functions,
which compile a pattern on every call, then the pattern is also not
JIT-compiled. See `JIT compilation and matching`_ below.
......@@ -503,8 +503,8 @@ be less than 0; if they are, then the match fails.
If true, then the just-in-time matcher is not used, even when the
pattern was compiled for JIT. In that case, PCRE2's "traditional"
interpretive matcher is used (as is always the case if JIT is not
available, or if the pattern was not JIT-compiled). If ``not_jit``
is true for an invocation of the ``match()`` or ``sub()`` functions,
available, or if the pattern was not JIT-compiled). If ``no_jit`` is
true for an invocation of the ``match()`` or ``sub()`` functions,
which compile a pattern on every call, then the pattern is also not
JIT-compiled. See `JIT compilation and matching`_ below.
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