Commit c9ef0f52 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

fix a leftover from vslp times - overlooked increment by one for crc32

noticed after varnish core merge
parent 26b23cee
Pipeline #27 skipped
......@@ -56,12 +56,7 @@ vle32enc(void *pp, uint32_t u)
static uint32_t __match_proto__(hash_func)
shard_hash_crc32(VCL_STRING s)
uint32_t crc;
crc = crc32(~0U, (const unsigned char*)s, strlen(s));
crc ^= ~0U;
return (crc);
return (crc32_l(s, strlen(s)));
static uint32_t __match_proto__(hash_func)
......@@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ logexpect l1 -v v1 -g raw -d 1 {
expect 0 = CLI Loaded
expect * = Debug {^shard: lookup key 68b902f8 idx 29 host 0}
expect * = Debug {^shard: lookup key 39dc4614 idx 20 host 1}
expect * = Debug {^shard: lookup key c7793506 idx 59 host 2}
expect * = Debug {^shard: lookup key 68b902f7 idx 29 host 0}
expect * = Debug {^shard: lookup key 39dc4613 idx 20 host 1}
expect * = Debug {^shard: lookup key c7793505 idx 59 host 2}
} -start
client c1 {
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