Try to improve the documentation on registered buffers

It seems to have caused confusion regarding the relation between io_uring
and the fellow memory cache, which exists only to the extent that io_uring
manages IO in and out of it.
parent 33e9724c
......@@ -791,7 +791,9 @@ FELLOW KNOWN ISSUES
* On Linux with ``io_uring``, by default, `fellow` registers all of
the memory cache as buffers using
:ref:`io_uring_register_buffers(3)` to achieve optimal performance
at runtime, if supported by the system.
at runtime, if supported by the system. Where supported, this
enables *zero-copy* IO, where the hardware performs DMA directly
into the `fellow` memory cache.
Buffer registrations happen in multiple threads in parallel, one for
each io ring.
......@@ -811,6 +813,9 @@ FELLOW KNOWN ISSUES
registration is forced to be done as serial, syncronous registration
Note that even with registered buffers, ``io_uring`` has nothing to
do with how the `fellow` memory cache and LRU on it work.
* If initialization takes longer than the :ref:`varnishd(1)`
``cli_timeout``, it might not come up properly in that it does not
accept connections after finishing storage initialization. To avoid
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