Commit 9ca68194 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

update documentation for the Varnish4-compatible version

parent 21b5f4e1
......@@ -9,50 +9,49 @@ Tracking Log Reader demon
:Author: Geoffrey Simmons
:Date: 2015-04-27
:Version: 3.0
:Date: 2015-05-08
:Version: 4.0
:Manual section: 3
**IMPORTANT NOTE: A new version of the Tracking Reader that is
compatible with Varnish version 4 is currently under development in
the master branch, but it WILL NOT WORK in its present form, and this
documentation has not been updated.**
Use branch 3.0 for a version that is compatible with Varnish 3.0.x.
Check back here again if you're looking for a version that runs with
Varnish 4. When this message goes away, and the documentation is
updated, you can give it a try.
trackrdrd [[-n varnish_name] | [-f varnishlog_bindump]]
[-c config_file] [-u user] [-P pid_file]
[[-l log_file] | [-y syslog_facility]]
[-D] [-d] [-V] [-h]
| trackrdrd [[-n varnish_name] | [-f varnish_binlog] | [-N vsm_file]]
| [-c config_file] [-u user] [-P pid_file]
| [[-l log_file] | [-y syslog_facility]]
| [-L tx_limit] [-T tx_timeout]
| [-D] [-d] [-V] [-h]
The ``trackrdrd`` demon reads from the shared memory log of a running
instance of Varnish, aggregates data for a request that are relevant
to tracking, and forwards the data to a messaging system (such as
ActiveMQ or Kafka).
instance of Varnish, aggregates data logged in a specific format for
requests and ESI subrequests, and forwards the data to a messaging
system, such as ActiveMQ or Kafka.
``trackrdrd`` reads data from ``VCL_Log`` entries that are displayed
in this format by the ``varnishlog`` tool::
in this format by the ``varnishlog`` tool for client request
<FD> VCL_Log c track <XID> <DATA>
VCL_Log track <XID> <DATA>
* ``FD``: file descriptor of a client connection
* ``XID``: XID (request identifier) assigned by Varnish
* ``DATA``: data to be logged
The ``VCL_Log`` entries may also specify a sharding key for the
message brokers, in this format::
VCL_Log track <XID> key <KEY>
* ``KEY``: the sharding key
``VCL_Log`` entries result from use of the ``log()`` function provided
by the standard vmod ``std`` distributed with Varnish. The ``log()``
call must include the prefix ``track``, the XID and the data to be
logged. These log entries can be created with VCL code such as::
logged, or a sharding key. These log entries can be created with VCL
code such as::
import std;
......@@ -60,61 +59,85 @@ logged. These log entries can be created with VCL code such as::
/* ... */
std.log("track " + req.xid + " url=" + req.url);
std.log("track " + req.xid + " http_Host=" + req.http.Host);
std.log("track " + req.xid + " key " + req.http.X-Key);
/* ... */
Thus the data to be logged can be any information available in VCL.
``trackrdrd`` collects all data logged for each XID, and combines
their data fields with the ampersand (``&``) character. Note that (in
Varnish 3) the same XID is assigned to a request and all requests that
it includes via ESI; so ``trackrdrd`` combines all logged data for a
request and its ESI includes.
When the request processing for an XID is complete (i.e. when
``trackrdrd`` reads ``ReqEnd`` for that XID), the data record is
complete and ready to be forwarded to the messaging
system. ``trackrdrd`` comprises a reader thread, which reads from the
shared memory log, and one or more worker threads, which send records
to one or more message brokers.
In addition to the data logged for an XID, ``trackrdrd`` prepends a
field ``XID=<xid>`` to the data, and appends a field ``req_endt=<t>``
containg the epoch time at which request processing ended (from the
``ReqEnd`` entry).
The interface to the messaging system is implemented in a messaging
Thus the data to be logged can be any information available in VCL. In
this example, the data to be forwarded includes the URL and the
``Host`` header, and the sharding key was obtained from a request
header ``X-Key``.
``trackrdrd`` collects all of the data logged for a request and its
ESI subrequests, combining their data fields with the ampersand
character (``&``). The data record is then buffered and ready to be
forwarded to the messaging system, using the sharding key if required
by the system. ``trackrdrd`` comprises a reader thread, which reads
from the shared memory log and buffers data, and one or more worker
threads, which read from the buffers and send data to message brokers.
In addition to the data obtained from the ``VCL_Log`` payloads,
``trackrdrd`` prepends a field ``XID=<xid>`` to the data, where
``<xid>`` is the VXID of the parent request (that includes any other
ESI subrequests). It also appends a field ``req_endt=<t>`` containing
the epoch time at which request processing ended, obtained from the
``Timestamp`` entry with the prefix ``Resp:`` (see vsl(3)). When there
is more than one such ``Timestamp`` entry in a group of requests (for
example in the logs of the ESI subrequests), the latest time is used.
The interface to the messaging system is implemented by a messaging
plugin -- a shared object that provides definitions for the functions
declared in the MQ interface in ``include/mq.h``. See ``mq.h`` for
documentation of the interface.
The source distribution for ``trackrdrd`` includes implementations of
the MQ interface for Kafka and ActiveMQ; see libtrackrdr-activemq(3)
and libtrackrdr-kafka(3) for details.
the MQ interface for Kafka, ActiveMQ and for file output (the latter
for testing and debugging); see libtrackrdr-kafka(3),
libtrackrdr-activemq(3) and libtrackrdr-file(3) for details.
The VCL example shown above may result in log entries such as these::
The data read by the tracking reader from the Varnish log corresponds
to the data displayed with this ``varnishlog`` command::
$ varnishlog -c -I 'VCL_log:^track ' -I Timestamp:^Resp: -g request \\
-q 'VCL_log ~ "^track "' -i VSL
29 ReqEnd c 881964201 1363144515.280081511 1363144515.284164190 0.052356958 0.003843069 0.000239611
29 VCL_Log c track 881964202 url=/index.html
29 VCL_Log c track 881964202
29 ReqEnd c 881964202 1363144515.433386803 1363144515.436567307 0.149222612 0.000135660 0.003044844
Thus the VCL example shown above may result in log entries such as::
In this case, ``trackrdrd`` send this data to a message broker::
* << Request >> 591570
- VCL_Log track 591570 url=/index.html
- VCL_Log track 591570
- VCL_Log track 591570 key 12345678
- Timestamp Resp: 1430835449.167329 0.000681 0.000352
In this case, ``trackrdrd`` sends this data to message brokers, with
the sharding key ``12345678``::
A ``VSL`` record is synthesized by the Varnish logging API if there
was an error reading from the log; when this happens, ``trackrdrd``
logs the error message or warning in the ``VSL`` payload (by default
using syslog(3)).
-n varnish_logfile
-n varnish_name
Same as the -n option for varnishd and other Varnish binaries;
i.e. the 'varnish name' indicating the path of the mmap'd file
used by varnishd for the shared memory log. By default, the
host name is assumed (as with varnishd). Also set by the
config parameter ''. The -n and -f options are
i.e. the 'varnish name' indicating the directory containing
the mmap'd file used by varnishd for the shared memory log. By
default, the host name is assumed (as with varnishd). Also set
by the config parameter ''. The -n, -N and -f
options are mutually exclusive.
-N vsm_file
Same as the -N option for Varnish binaries; i.e. the full path
of a mmap'd VSM file, usually named ``_.vsm``. The default is
``-n hostname`` as explained above. Also set by the config
parameter 'varnish.file'. The -n. -N and -f options are
mutually exclusive.
-c config_file
......@@ -154,13 +177,31 @@ OPTIONS
debugging). By default, trackrdrd runs as a demon with a
management (parent) process and worker (child) process.
-f varnishlog_bindump
A binary dump of the Varnish SHM log produced by 'varnishlog
-w'. If this option is specified, trackrdrd reads from the
dump instead of a live SHM log (useful for debugging and
replaying traffic). The options -f and -n are mutually
exclusive; -n is the default. Also set by the config parameter
-f varnish_binlog
A binary dump of the Varnish SHM log produced by
'varnishlog -B -w'. If this option is specified, trackrdrd
reads from the dump instead of a live SHM log (useful for
debugging and replaying traffic). The options -f and -n are
mutually exclusive; -n is the default. Also set by the config
parameter 'varnish.bindump'.
-L limit
Sets the upper limit of incomplete transactions kept by the
Varnish logging API before the oldest transaction is force
completed. An error message is logged when this happens. This
setting keeps an upper bound on the memory usage of running
queries. Defaults to 1000 transactions. The same as the -L
option for standard Varnish logging tools such as
-T seconds
Sets the transaction timeout in seconds for the Varnish
logging API. This defines the maximum number of seconds
elapsed between the beginning and end of the log
transaction. If the timeout expires, the error message from
the API is logged, and the transaction is force
completed. Defaults to 120 seconds. The same as the -T option
for standard Varnish logging tools such as varnishlog(3).
Sets the log level to LOG_DEBUG. The default log level is
......@@ -175,35 +216,44 @@ OPTIONS
The build requires a source directory for Varnish 3.0.x in which sources
have been compiled. It also requires the unique XID patch available at::
Since version 4.0, the tracking reader is compatible with Varnish
4.0.x (and has been tested with Varnish 4.0.3). ``trackrdrd`` is built
against an existing Varnish installation on the same host, which in
the standard case can be found with usual settings for the ``PATH``
environment variable in the ``configure`` step described below.
To build the messaging plugin for ActiveMQ (``libtrackrdr-activemq``)
it is neccessary to link with the CMS or ActiveMQ-CPP library
(``libactivemq-cpp``). The sources can be obtained from::
The build requires the following tools/packages:
* git
* autoconf
* automake
* autoheader
* pkg-config
* python-docutils (for rst2man)
The messaging plugin for Kafka (``libtrackrdr-kafka``) requires the
rdkafka library (``librdkafka``)::
The messaging plugin for Kafka (``libtrackrdr-kafka``) requires
libraries for Kafka (``librdkafka``) and the multi-threaded libary for
Zookeeper (``libzookeeper_mt``)::
Building Varnish
To build the messaging plugin for ActiveMQ (``libtrackrdr-activemq``)
it is neccessary to link with the CMS or ActiveMQ-CPP library
(``libactivemq-cpp``). The sources can be obtained from::
The Varnish build requires the following tools/packages:
* git
* autoconf
* automake
* pkg-config
* pcre-devel (so that Varnish can link to the runtime libs)
* python-docutils (for rst2man)
The messaging plugins for Kafka and ActiveMQ are optional, and you can
choose to disable the builds of either or both of them in the
``configure`` step, as explained below. Requirements do not need to be
met for plugins that are not built.
Check out the repository and apply the unique-xids patch.
Building and installing trackrdrd
The tracking reader and the Varnish instances against which it built
and run must be built for the same architecture; in particular, they
......@@ -213,54 +263,17 @@ machine (with the same architecture on which they will run), then they
will likely match by default. When in doubt, set compile-time flags
such as ``CFLAGS=-m64`` for ``gcc``.
The following sequence builds Varnish as needed for the ``trackrdrd``
$ ./
$ CFLAGS=-m64 ./configure
$ make
Building and installing packaged MQ implementations
The ``trackrdrd`` distribution includes implementations of the MQ
interface for Kafka and ActiveMQ message brokers. For details of the
builds and their dependencies, see libtrackrdr-kafka(3) and
libtrackrdr-activemq(3) (``README.rst`` in ``src/mq/kafka`` and
The global make targets for ``trackrdrd`` also build the MQ
implementations, unless their builds are disabled in the ``configure``
step as explained below. If they are enabled, then it is necessary to
configure the build for them as well, for example by setting
``CXXFLAGS`` to compile C++ sources.
Building and installing trackrdrd
Requirements for ``trackrdrd`` are the same as for Varnish, in
addition to the Varnish build itself. (``pcre-devel`` is not strictly
necessary for ``trackrdrd``, but since you are building ``trackrdrd``
on the same platform as the Varnish build, all requirements are
The steps to build ``trackrdrd`` are very similar to those for
building Varnish. The only difference is in the ``configure``
* The path to the Varnish source directory must be given in the
variable ``VARNISHSRC``.
* For ActiveMQ, the flag ``CXXFLAGS`` should be set similarly to
``CFLAGS``, because C++ code is also compiled. Settings for
``CXXFLAGS`` can be obtained from ``pkg-config --cflags apr-1``.
For ActiveMQ, the flag ``CXXFLAGS`` should be set similarly to
``CFLAGS``, because C++ code is also compiled (unless you choose to
disable the ActiveMQ plugin). Settings for ``CXXFLAGS`` can be
obtained from ``pkg-config --cflags apr-1``.
At minimum, run these steps::
$ git clone $TRACKRDRD_GIT_URL
$ cd trackrdrd
$ ./
$ CXXFLAGS=-m64 CFLAGS=-m64 ./configure \\
$ CXXFLAGS=-m64 CFLAGS=-m64 ./configure
$ make
For self-tests after the build, run::
......@@ -283,55 +296,68 @@ be shown with::
To disable the build of the Kafka or ActiveMQ MQ implementations,
specify the options ``--disable-kafka`` or ``disable-activemq`` for
``configure``. Both are enabled by default.
``configure``. Both are enabled by default. A file output plugin,
suitable for testing and debugging, is always built.
To specify a non-standard installation prefix, add the ``--prefix``
$ CFLAGS=-m64 CXXFLAGS=-m64 ./configure \\
VARNISHSRC=/path/to/varnish_build \\
If Varnish is installed at a non-standard location, it is necessary to
set runtime paths to the Varnish libraries with the option
If the Varnish installation against which ``trackrdrd`` is *built* has
a non-standard location, set these env variables before running
* PREFIX=/path/to/varnish/install/prefix
* export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig
* export ACLOCAL_PATH=$PREFIX/share/aclocal
* export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PREFIX/sbin:$PATH
``PKG_CONFIG_PATH`` might also have to include pkg-config directories
for other requirements, such as the ActiveMQ C++ libraries, if they
have been installed into non-default locations.
If the Varnish installation against which ``trackrdrd`` is *run* has a
non-standard location, it is necessary to specify runtime paths to the
Varnish libraries by setting ``LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath=$LIB_PATHS`` for the
configure step::
$ export VARNISH_PREFIX=/path/to/varnish_install
$ CFLAGS=-m64 CXXFLAGS=-m64 ./configure \\
VARNISHSRC=/path/to/varnish_build \\
--prefix=/path/to/trackrdrd_install \\
Developers can add a number of options as an aid to compiling and debugging::
Developers can add a number of options as an aid to compiling and
$ CFLAGS=-m64 CXXFLAGS=-m64 ./configure \\
VARNISHSRC=/path/to/varnish_build \\
--enable-debugging-symbols --enable-werror \\
--enable-developer-warnings --enable-extra-developer-warnings \\
--enable-debugging-symbols --enable-developer-warnings
``--enable-debugging-symbols`` ensures that symbols and source code
file names are saved in the executable, and thus are available in core
dumps, in stack traces on assertion failures, for debuggers and so
forth. It is advisable to turn this switch on for production builds
(not just for developer builds), so that runtime errors can more
easily be debugged.
``--enable-werror`` activates the ``-Werror`` option for compilers,
which causes compiles to fail on any warning. ``trackrdrd`` should
*always* build successfully with this option.
``--enable-developer-warnings`` activates stricter compiler switches
for errors and warnings, such as ``-Werror`` to cause compiles to fail
on any warning. ``trackrdrd`` should *always* build successfully with
this option.
``--enable-developer-warnings``, ``--enable-extra-developer-warnings``
and ``--enable-diagnostics`` turn on additional compiler switches for
errors and warnings. ``trackrdrd`` builds should succeed with these as
Building and installing packaged MQ implementations
It may be necessary to set ``PKG_CONFIG_PATH`` to point to the
appropriate pkg-config directories, if any of the needed requirements
(such as the ActiveMQ C++ library) have been installed into
non-default locations, as in this example::
The ``trackrdrd`` distribution includes implementations of the MQ
interface for Kafka and ActiveMQ message brokers, as well as the file
output plugin. For details of the builds and their dependencies, see
libtrackrdr-kafka(3), libtrackrdr-activemq(3) and libtrackrdr-file(3)
(``README.rst`` in ``src/mq/kafka``, ``src/mq/activemq`` and
$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ./configure #...
The global make targets for ``trackrdrd`` also build the MQ
implementations, unless their builds are disabled in the ``configure``
step as explained above. If they are enabled, then it is necessary to
configure the build for them as well, for example by setting
``CXXFLAGS`` to compile C++ sources.
......@@ -353,16 +379,67 @@ that send data to message brokers.
To stop ``trackrdrd``, send the ``TERM`` signal to the management
process (e.g. with ``kill(1)``); the management process in turn shuts
down the worker process. Other responses to signals are detailed below
in SIGNALS_. If the worker process stops without being directed by the
management process, then the management process starts another one, up
to the limit defined by the config parameter ``restarts``.
After being instructed to terminate, the child process continues
reading data from the Varnish log for open records (request records
for which ``ReqEnd`` has not yet been read), and sends all pending
messages to the message broker, but does not open any new records on
reading ``ReqStart``. It stops when all open records are complete and
have been sent to message brokers.
in SIGNALS_. If the worker process stops without being directed to do
so by the management process, then the management process starts
another one, up to the limit defined by the config parameter
After being instructed to terminate, the child process requests the
Varnish logging API to flush open log transactions (transactions that
have not yet been read to the ``End`` tag), and sends all pending
messages to the message broker, but does not open any new
transactions. It stops when all pending data have been sent to message
The tracking reader reads and writes data asynchronously -- a reader
thread reads from the Varnish log and saves messages ready for sending
in buffers, while worker threads read from the buffer and send
messages to brokers.
Objects in the buffer are *records* and *chunks*. A record comprises a
complete message ready to be sent to brokers, made up of one or more
chunks, which store the message payload in fixed-size blocks.
The maximal length of a message payload is set by the config parameter
``max.reclen`` (payloads longer than the maximum are truncated), and
the ``chunk.size`` sets the fixed length of data blocks. The best
choice for these parameters depends on the distribution of message
lengths. If the majority of messages are shorter than the maximum,
then less memory is wasted by setting a smaller chunk size. Ideally,
most messages should fit into the chunk size, and if nearly all
messages require the maximum length, then ``chunk.size`` can be set
equal to ``max.reclen``.
The choice constitutes a time-space tradeoff -- if the chunk size is
too large, then space is wasted; it if is too small, then the tracking
reader spends too much time iterating over and copying chunks.
The ``max.records`` parameter sets the maximum number of records that
can be stored in the buffers; the tracking reader computes the number
of chunks necessary for that many records. ``max.records`` should be
large enough for the buffering necessary during load spikes, and when
the delivery of messages to the brokers is slow. ``max.records`` and
``chunk.size`` together determine the memory footprint of the tracking
Free entries in the buffers for records and chunks are structured in
free lists. The reader and worker threads each have local free lists,
and exchange data via global free lists. That is, the reader thread
takes free entries from its local free lists, and gets new entries
from the global lists when the local lists are exhausted. Worker
threads return free data to their local free lists, and return free
lists to the global free lists periodically.
If the reader thread cannot obtain free data from the buffers --
meaning that the buffers are full and the worker threads have not yet
returned free data -- then the reader discards the transaction that is
currently being read from the Varnish log. No data are buffered from
the transaction, leading to a loss of data. To avoid that, configure
the throughput of message sends and the size of the data buffers so
that free space is available as needed.
......@@ -400,45 +477,44 @@ command-line options, as shown below.
==================== ========== ========================================================================================= =======
Parameter CLI Option Description Default
==================== ========== ========================================================================================= =======
```` ``-n`` Like the ``-n`` option for Varnish, this is the path to the file that is mmap'd to the default for Varnish (the host name)
shared memory segment for the Varnish log. This parameter and ``varnish.bindump`` are
mutually exclusive.
```` ``-n`` Like the ``-n`` option for Varnish, this is the directory containing the file that is default for Varnish (the host name)
mmap'd to the shared memory segment for the Varnish log. This parameter, ``varnish.file``
and ``varnish.bindump`` are mutually exclusive.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``varnish.file`` ``-N`` Like the ``-N`` option for Varnish, this is the full path to the mmap'd shared memory default for Varnish (the host name)
file. This parameter, ```` and ``varnish.bindump`` are mutually exclusive.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``mq.module`` Name of the shared object implementing the MQ interface. May be an absolute path, or the None, this parameter is required.
name of a library that the dynamic linker finds according to the rules described in
SO name of a library that the dynamic linker finds according to the rules described in
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``mq.config_file`` Path of a configuration file used by the MQ implementation None, this parameter is optional.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``nworkers`` Number of worker threads used to send messages to the message broker(s). 1
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``maxopen.scale`` log\ :sub:`2`\(max number of concurrent requests in Varnish). For example, if 10 (= 1024 concurrent requests)
``maxopen.scale`` = 10, then ``trackrdrd`` can support up to 1024 concurrent requests.
More precisely, this number describes the maximum number of request XIDs for which
``ReqStart`` has been read, but not yet ``ReqEnd``. It should specify at least the next
power of two larger than (``thread_pools`` * ``thread_pool_max``) in the Varnish
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``maxdone`` The maximum number of finished records waiting to be sent to message brokers. That is, 1024
the largest number of request XIDs for which ``ReqEnd`` has been read, but the data have
not yet been sent to a message queue.
``max.records`` The maximum number of buffered records waiting to be sent to message brokers. 1024
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``maxdata`` The maximum length of a data record in characters. Should be at least as large the 1024
``max.reclen`` The maximum length of a data record in characters. Should be at least as large the 1024
Varnish parameter ``shm_reclen``.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``hash.max_probes`` The maximum number of insert or find probes used for the hash table of XIDs. Hash lookups 10
fail if a hit is not found after this many probes.
``chunk.size`` The size of fixed data blocks to store message data, as described above. This value may 256
not be smaller than 64.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``hash.ttl`` Maximum time to live in seconds for an unfinished record. If ``ReqEnd`` is not read for 120
a request XID within this time, then ``trackrdrd`` no longer waits for it, and schedules
the data read thus far to be sent to a message broker. This should be a bit longer than
the sum of all timeouts configured for a Varnish request.
``maxkeylen`` The maximum length of a sharding key. Keys longer than this limit are discarded, with an 128
error message in the log.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``hash.mlt`` Minimum lifetime of an open record in seconds. That is, after ``ReqStart`` has been read 5
for a request XID, then ``trackrdrd`` will not evacuate it if space is needed in its hash
table before this interval has elapsed.
``idle.pause`` When the reader thread encounters the end of the Varnish log, i.e. no new transactions 0.01 seconds
have been added to the log since the last read, then the thread pauses for this length
of time in seconds. If the pause is too short, then the reader thread may waste CPU
time in a busy-wait loop. If too long, the reader may fall too far behind in the log
read, running a risk of log overruns.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``qlen.goal`` A goal length for the internal queue from the reader thread to the worker thread. ``maxdone``/2
``tx.limit`` ``-L`` The upper limit for incomplete transactions to be aggregated by the Varnish logging API, default for the logging API (1000 transactions)
as explained above.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``tx.timeout`` ``-T`` The transaction timeout in seconds for the logging API, as explained above. default for the logging API (120 seconds)
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``qlen.goal`` A goal length for the internal queue from the reader thread to the worker threads. ``max.records``/2
``trackrdrd`` uses this value to determine whether a new worker thread should be started
to support increasing load.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
......@@ -469,10 +545,10 @@ Parameter CLI Option Description
``syslog.facility`` ``-y`` See ``syslog(3)``; legal values are ``user`` or ``local0`` through ``local7``. This ``local0``
parameter and ``log.file`` are mutually exclusive.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``varnish.bindump`` ``-f`` A binary dump of the Varnish shared memory log obtained from ``varnishlog -w``. If a
``varnish.bindump`` ``-f`` A binary dump of the Varnish shared memory log obtained from ``varnishlog -B -w``. If a
value is specified, ``trackrdrd`` reads from that file instead of a live Varnish log
(useful for testing, debugging and replaying traffic). This parameter and
```` are mutually exclusive.
(useful for testing, debugging and replaying traffic). This parameter `````
and ``varnish.file`` are mutually exclusive.
==================== ========== ========================================================================================= =======
......@@ -487,104 +563,122 @@ to the log (as configured with the parameter
``info`` log level, with additional formatting of the log lines,
depending on how syslog is configured)::
Hash table: len=8192 seen=375862067 drop_reqstart=0 drop_vcl_log=0 drop_reqend=14 expired=50 evacuated=0 open=29 load=0.35 collisions=1526027 insert_probes=1534686 find_probes=45907 fail=0 occ_hi=530 occ_hi_this=85
Data table: len=18192 nodata=280295531 submitted=95566507 wait_room=0 data_hi=6217 data_overflows=0 done=9 open=29 load=0.21 sent=95566498 reconnects=0 failed=0 restarts=0 abandoned=0 occ_hi=944 occ_hi_this=111
Data table: len=1000 occ_rec=0 occ_rec_hi=8 occ_rec_hi_this=2 occ_chunk=0 occ_chunk_hi=8 occ_chunk_hi_this=2 global_free_rec=0 global_free_chunk=0
Reader: seen=1896 submitted=1896 nodata=0 free_rec=1000 free_chunk=8000 no_free_rec=0 no_free_chunk=0 len_hi=728 key_hi=39 len_overflows=0 truncated=0 key_overflows=0 vcl_log_err=0 vsl_err=0 closed=0 overrun=0 ioerr=0 reacquire=0
Workers: active=20 running=0 waiting=20 exited=0 abandoned=0 reconnects=0 restarts=0 sent=1896 failed=0 bytes=1050591
If monitoring of worker threads is switched on, then monitoring logs
such as this are emitted for each thread::
Worker 1 (waiting): seen=576414 waits=86682 sent=576414 reconnects=0 restarts=0 failed=0
Worker 1 (waiting): seen=105 waits=85 sent=105 bytes=57664 free_rec=0 free_chunk=0 reconnects=0 restarts=0 failed_recoverable=0 failed=0
The line prefixed by ``Hash table`` describes the hash table for open
records -- records for request XIDs for which ``ReqStart`` has been
read, but not yet ``ReqEnd``. The fields ``open``, ``load`` and
``occ_hi_this`` are gauges (expressing a current state), and
``occ_hi`` is monotonic increasing; all other fields are cumulative
The line prefixed by ``Data table`` describes the state of the data
buffers -- completed messages waiting to be forwarded by worker
threads. The field ``len`` is constant; ``occ_rec_hi`` and
``occ_chunk_hi`` are monotone increasing. All other fields are
gauges, expressing a current level that may rise or fall:
================= =============================================================
===================== ===================================================
Field Description
================= =============================================================
``len`` Size of the hash table (2\ :sup:``maxopen.scale``\)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``seen`` Number of request records read (``ReqStart`` seen)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``drop_reqstart`` Number of records that could not be inserted into internal
tables (no data from ``ReqStart`` inserted, nor any other
data for that XID)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``drop_vcl_log`` How often data from ``VCL_log`` could not be inserted
(usually because the XID could not be found)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``drop_reqend`` How often data from ``ReqStart`` could not be inserted
(usually because the XID could not be found)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``expired`` Number of records for which ``hash.ttl`` expired (data sent
to message broker without waiting for ``ReqEnd``)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``evacuated`` Number of records removed to recover space in the hash table
(``hash.mlt`` expired, data possibly incomplete)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``open`` Current number of open records in the table
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``load`` Current open records as percent (``open``/``len`` * 100)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``collisions`` Number of hash collisions
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``insert_probes`` Number of hash insert probes
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``find_probes`` Number of hash find probes
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``fail`` Number of failed hash operations (insert or find)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi`` Occupancy high watermark -- highest number of open records
since startup
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi_this`` Occupancy high watermark in the current monitoring interval
================= =============================================================
The line prefixed by ``Data table`` describes the table of request
records, including records in the open and done states -- for "done"
records, ``ReqEnd`` has been read for the XID and the record is
complete, but it has not yet been sent to a message broker. The fields
``open``, ``done``, ``load`` and ``occ_hi_this`` are gauges, and
``occ_hi`` is monotonic increasing; the rest are cumulative counters:
===================== ===================================================
``len`` Max number of records in the data table
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
``occ_rec`` Number of records currently buffered
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
``occ_rec_hi`` Occupancy high watermark for records -- highest
number of buffered records since startup
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
``occ_rec_hi_this`` Occupancy high watermark for records in the current
monitoring interval
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
``occ_chunk`` Number of chunks currently buffered
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
``occ_chunk_hi`` Occupancy high watermark for chunks since startup
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
``occ_chunk_hi_this`` Occupancy high watermark for chunks in the current
monitoring interval
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
``global_free_rec`` Current length of the global free record list
--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
``global_free_chunk`` Current length of the global free record list
===================== ===================================================
The line prefixed by ``Reader`` describes the state of the reader
thread. The fields ``free_rec`` and ``free_chunk`` are gauges, and
``len_hi`` and ``key_hi`` are monotone increasing; the rest are
cumulative counters:
================== ============================================================
Field Description
================== ============================================================
``len`` Size of the data table
(``maxdone`` + 2\ :sup:``maxopen.scale``\)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``nodata`` Number of request records that contained no data (nothing to
track in a ``VCL_log`` entry). These records are discarded
without sending a message to a message broker.
``seen`` Number of log transactions read since startup, natching the
filters for the tracking reader as shown above
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``submitted`` Number of records passed from the reader thread to worker
threads to be sent to a message broker
threads, to be sent to message brokers
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``no_data`` Number of log transactions read with no data payloads in the
``VCL_Log`` entries
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``free_rec`` Number of records in the reader thread's local free list
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``free_chunk`` Number of chunks in the reader thread's local free list
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``wait_room`` How often the reader thread had to wait for space in the
data table
``no_free_rec`` How often data was discarded because no free records were
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_hi`` Data high watermark -- longest record since startup (in
``no_free_chunk`` How often data was discarded because no free chunks were
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_overflows`` How often the accumulated length of a record exceeded
``len_hi`` Length high watermark -- longest complete message formed
since startup
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``key_hi`` Key length high watermark -- longest sharding key since
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_truncated`` How often data from the Varnish log was truncated due to
``len_overflows`` How often the length of a message exceeded ``max.reclen``
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``truncated`` How often data from the Varnish log was truncated due to
the presence of a null byte. This can happen if the data was
already truncated in the log, due to exceeding
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``done`` Current number of records in state "done"
``key_overflows`` How often the length of a sharding key exceeded
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``vcl_log_err`` How often a ``VCL_Log`` entry beginning with ``track`` could
not be parsed
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``open`` Current number of open records in the table
``vsl_err`` Number of errors/warnings signaled by the Varnish logging
API with a ``VSL`` entry in the log transaction
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``load`` Current number records in the table as percent
(100 * (``open`` + ``done``)/``len``)
``closed`` Number of times the Varnish log was closed or abandoned
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``sent`` Number of records successfully sent to a message broker
``overrun`` Number of times log reads were overrun
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``ioerr`` Number of times log reads failed due to I/O errors
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``reacquire`` Number of times the Varnish log was re-acquired
================== ============================================================
The line prefixed by ``Workers`` gives an overview of the worker
threads. The field ``active`` is constant, and ``running`` and
``waiting`` are gauges; the rest are cumulative counters:
================== ============================================================
Field Description
================== ============================================================
``active`` Number of worker threads created, equal to the config param
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``running`` Number of worker threads currently in the running state
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``waiting`` Number of threads currently in the waiting state
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``exited`` Number of threads currently in the exited state
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``abandoned`` Number of worker threads that have been abandoned due to
reaching the restart limit (``thread.restarts``)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``reconnects`` How often worker threads reconnected to a message broker
after an unsuccessful send
......@@ -592,15 +686,13 @@ Field Description
``restarts`` How often worker threads were restarted after a message
send, reconnect and resend all failed
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``abandoned`` Number of worker threads that have been abandoned due to
reaching the restart limit (``thread.restarts``)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``failed`` Number of failed sends (failure after reconnect)
``sent`` Total number of messages successfully sent to a message
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi`` Occupancy high watermark -- highest number of records (open
and done) since startup
``failed`` Number of failed sends (failure after reconnect, or after
non-recoverable failures of the message plugin)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi_this`` Occupancy high watermark in the current monitoring interval
``bytes`` Total number of bytes in successfully sent messages
================== ============================================================
If worker threads are monitored, then the running state if logged for
......@@ -615,65 +707,48 @@ each worker thread, one of:
* ``exited``
In normal operation, the state should be either ``running``, when the
thread is actively reading finished data records and sending them to
message brokers, or ``waiting``, when the threads has exhausted all
pending records, or has not yet been awakened to handle more records.
thread is actively reading data buffers and sending them to message
brokers, or ``waiting``, when the threads have exhausted all pending
records, or has not yet been awakened to handle more records.
The remaining fields in a log line for a worker thread are cumulative
The fields ``free_rec`` and ``free_chunks`` are gauges, and all other
fields in a log line for a worker thread are cumulative counters:
================== ============================================================
====================== ========================================================
Field Description
================== ============================================================
``len`` Size of the data table
(``maxdone`` + 2\ :sup:``maxopen.scale``\)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``nodata`` Number of request records that contained no data (nothing to
track in a ``VCL_log`` entry). These records are discarded
without sending a message to a message broker.
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``submitted`` Number of records passed from the reader thread to worker
threads to be sent to a message broker
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``wait_room`` How often the reader thread had to wait for space in the
data table
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_hi`` Data high watermark -- longest record since startup (in
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_overflows`` How often the accumulated length of a record exceeded
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_truncated`` How often data from the Varnish log was truncated due to
the presence of a null byte. This can happen if the data was
already truncated in the log, due to exceeding
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``done`` Current number of records in state "done"
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``open`` Current number of open records in the table
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``load`` Current number records in the table as percent
(100 * (``open`` + ``done``)/``len``)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``sent`` Number of records successfully sent to a message broker
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``reconnects`` How often worker threads reconnected to a message broker
====================== ========================================================
``seen`` Number of messages read by the worker thread from the
internal queue (which is filled by the reader thread)
---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
``waits`` How often the worker thread was in the waiting state (no
new messages on the queue)
---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
``sent`` Number of messages successfully sent by the worker
---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
``bytes`` Total number of bytes in messages successfully sent by
the worker
---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
``free_rec`` Number of records currently in the worker's local free
---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
``free_chunk`` Number of chunks currently in the worker's local free
---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
``reconnects`` How often this worker reconnected to a message broker
after an unsuccessful send
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``restarts`` How often worker threads were restarted after a message
send, reconnect and resend all failed
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``abandoned`` Number of worker threads that have been abandoned due to
reaching the restart limit (``thread.restarts``)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``failed`` Number of failed sends (failure after reconnect)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi`` Occupancy high watermark -- highest number of records (open
and done) since startup
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi_this`` Occupancy high watermark in the current monitoring interval
================== ============================================================
---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
``restarts`` How often this worker was restarted after a message
send, reconnect and resend all failed, or after
non-recoverable message failures
---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
``failed_recoverable`` How often this worker had recoverable message failures
(failures that do not corrupt the state of the message
plugin and do not require thread restart)
---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
``failed`` Number of non-recoverable message failures, requiring a
thread restart
====================== ========================================================
......@@ -688,8 +763,8 @@ TERM Shutdown Shutdown
------ ---------- ------------
INT Shutdown Shutdown
------ ---------- ------------
HUP Graceful Ignore
HUP Graceful Flush
restart transactions
------ ---------- ------------
USR1 Graceful Dump data
restart table to log
......@@ -710,16 +785,23 @@ Shutdown proceeds as described above in `STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN`_.
When signaled for graceful restart, the management process stops the
running worker process and starts another one. This has the effect
that the first process finishes reading data for open requests, and
the second one begins reading data for new requests, so that few or no
records are lost. The new process reads the same config files as the
original worker process, and retains any command-line configuration,
unless these values are overridden by config files. This allows for
configuration changes "on-the-fly".
that the first process finishes reading data for open log
transactions, and the second one begins reading data for new requests,
so that as few records as possible are lost. The new process reads the
same config files as the original worker process, and retains any
command-line configuration, unless these values are overridden by
config files. This allows for configuration changes "on-the-fly".
On receiving signal ``USR1``, the worker process writes the contents
of all records in the "open" or "done" states to the log (syslog, or
log file specified by config), for troubleshooting or debugging.
of all buffered data as well as the current configuration to the log
(syslog, or log file specified by config), for troubleshooting or
On receivng the ``HUP`` signal, the worker process requests the
Varnish log API to flush all transactions that it is currently
aggregating, even if they are not yet complete (to the ``End`` tag).
These are consumed by the reader thread and processed normally
(although data may be missing).
Where "abort with stacktrace" is specified above, a process write a
stack trace to the log (syslog or otherwise) before aborting
......@@ -741,6 +823,8 @@ SEE ALSO
* ``varnishd(1)``
* ``libtrackrdr-file(3)``
* ``libtrackrdr-kafka(3)``
* ``libtrackrdr-activemq(3)``
* ````
* ``syslog(3)``
-n varnish_logfile
-n varnish_name
Same as the -n option for varnishd and other Varnish binaries;
i.e. the 'varnish name' indicating the path of the mmap'd file
used by varnishd for the shared memory log. By default, the
host name is assumed (as with varnishd). Also set by the
config parameter ''. The -n and -f options are
i.e. the 'varnish name' indicating the directory containing
the mmap'd file used by varnishd for the shared memory log. By
default, the host name is assumed (as with varnishd). Also set
by the config parameter ''. The -n, -N and -f
options are mutually exclusive.
-N vsm_file
Same as the -N option for Varnish binaries; i.e. the full path
of a mmap'd VSM file, usually named ``_.vsm``. The default is
``-n hostname`` as explained above. Also set by the config
parameter 'varnish.file'. The -n. -N and -f options are
mutually exclusive.
-c config_file
......@@ -45,12 +52,30 @@
-f varnishlog_bindump
A binary dump of the Varnish SHM log produced by 'varnishlog
-w'. If this option is specified, trackrdrd reads from the
-B -w'. If this option is specified, trackrdrd reads from the
dump instead of a live SHM log (useful for debugging and
replaying traffic). The options -f and -n are mutually
replaying traffic). The options -f, -n and -N are mutually
exclusive; -n is the default. Also set by the config parameter
-L limit
Sets the upper limit of incomplete transactions kept by the
Varnish logging API before the oldest transaction is force
completed. An error message is logged when this happens. This
setting keeps an upper bound on the memory usage of running
queries. Defaults to 1000 transactions. The same as the -L
option for standard Varnish logging tools such as
-T seconds
Sets the transaction timeout in seconds for the Varnish
logging API. This defines the maximum number of seconds
elapsed between the beginning and end of the log
transaction. If the timeout expires, the error message from
the API is logged, and the transaction is force
completed. Defaults to 120 seconds. The same as the -T option
for standard Varnish logging tools such as varnishlog(3).
Sets the log level to LOG_DEBUG. The default log level is
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ struct config {
* running
unsigned qlen_goal;
#define DEF_QLEN_GOAL 1024
#define DEF_QLEN_GOAL 512
unsigned nworkers;
unsigned restarts;
trackrdrd [[-n varnish_name] | [-f varnishlog_bindump]]
[-c config_file] [-u user] [-P pid_file]
[[-l log_file] | [-y syslog_facility]]
[-L tx_limit] [-T tx_timeout]
[-D] [-d] [-V] [-h]
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