Commit c0f99018 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

move all of the docs into README.rst -- no more includes (in the

hope that github displays it correctly)
parent 65e8a5fa
...@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ Tracking Log Reader demon ...@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ Tracking Log Reader demon
======== ========
.. include:: synopsis.txt trackrdrd [[-n varnish_name] | [-f varnishlog_bindump]]
[-c config_file] [-u user] [-P pid_file]
[[-l log_file] | [-y syslog_facility]]
[-D] [-d] [-V] [-h]
=========== ===========
...@@ -96,7 +99,68 @@ In this case, ``trackrdrd`` send this data to a message broker:: ...@@ -96,7 +99,68 @@ In this case, ``trackrdrd`` send this data to a message broker::
======= =======
.. include:: options.txt -n varnish_logfile
Same as the -n option for varnishd and other Varnish binaries;
i.e. the 'varnish name' indicating the path of the mmap'd file
used by varnishd for the shared memory log. By default, the
host name is assumed (as with varnishd). Also set by the
config parameter ''. The -n and -f options are
mutually exclusive.
-c config_file
Path of a configuration file. If /etc/trackrdrd.conf exists
and is readable, then its values are read first. If a file is
specified by the -c option, then that file is read next, and
config values that it specifies override values specified in
/etc/trackrdrd.conf. Finally, config values specified on the
command line override values specified in any config file. If
no config files or other command line options are set, default
config values hold.
-u user
Owner of the child process. By default, the child process runs
as 'nobody'. Also set by the config parameter 'user'.
-P pid_file
Path of a file written by the management process that contains
its process ID. By default, no PID file is written. Also set
by the config parameter 'pid.file'.
-l log_file
Log file for status, warning, debug and error messages. If '-'
is specified, then log messages are written to stdout. By
default, syslog(3) is used for logging. Log levels correspond
to the 'priorities' defined by syslog(3). Also set by the config
parameter 'log.file'.
-y syslog_facility
Set the syslog facility; legal values are 'user' or 'local0'
through 'local7', and the default is 'local0'. Options -y and
-l are mutually exclusive. Also set by the config parameter
Run as a non-demon single process (for testing and
debugging). By default, trackrdrd runs as a demon with a
management (parent) process and worker (child) process.
-f varnishlog_bindump
A binary dump of the Varnish SHM log produced by 'varnishlog
-w'. If this option is specified, trackrdrd reads from the
dump instead of a live SHM log (useful for debugging and
replaying traffic). The options -f and -n are mutually
exclusive; -n is the default. Also set by the config parameter
Sets the log level to LOG_DEBUG. The default log level is
Print version and exit
Print usage and exit
============= =============
...@@ -323,7 +387,83 @@ implementation requires a configuration file). All other config ...@@ -323,7 +387,83 @@ implementation requires a configuration file). All other config
parameters have default values, and some of them correspond to parameters have default values, and some of them correspond to
command-line options, as shown below. command-line options, as shown below.
.. include:: config.rst ==================== ========== ========================================================================================= =======
Parameter CLI Option Description Default
==================== ========== ========================================================================================= =======
```` ``-n`` Like the ``-n`` option for Varnish, this is the path to the file that is mmap'd to the default for Varnish (the host name)
shared memory segment for the Varnish log. This parameter and ``varnish.bindump`` are
mutually exclusive.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``mq.module`` Name of the shared object implementing the MQ interface. May be an absolute path, or the None, this parameter is required.
name of a library that the dynamic linker finds according to the rules described in
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``mq.config_file`` Path of a configuration file used by the MQ implementation None, this parameter is optional.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``nworkers`` Number of worker threads used to send messages to the message broker(s). 1
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``maxopen.scale`` log\ :sub:`2`\(max number of concurrent requests in Varnish). For example, if 10 (= 1024 concurrent requests)
``maxopen.scale`` = 10, then ``trackrdrd`` can support up to 1024 concurrent requests.
More precisely, this number describes the maximum number of request XIDs for which
``ReqStart`` has been read, but not yet ``ReqEnd``. It should specify at least the next
power of two larger than (``thread_pools`` * ``thread_pool_max``) in the Varnish
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``maxdone`` The maximum number of finished records waiting to be sent to message brokers. That is, 1024
the largest number of request XIDs for which ``ReqEnd`` has been read, but the data have
not yet been sent to a message queue.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``maxdata`` The maximum length of a data record in characters. Should be at least as large the 1024
Varnish parameter ``shm_reclen``.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``hash.max_probes`` The maximum number of insert or find probes used for the hash table of XIDs. Hash lookups 10
fail if a hit is not found after this many probes.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``hash.ttl`` Maximum time to live in seconds for an unfinished record. If ``ReqEnd`` is not read for 120
a request XID within this time, then ``trackrdrd`` no longer waits for it, and schedules
the data read thus far to be sent to a message broker. This should be a bit longer than
the sum of all timeouts configured for a Varnish request.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``hash.mlt`` Minimum lifetime of an open record in seconds. That is, after ``ReqStart`` has been read 5
for a request XID, then ``trackrdrd`` will not evacuate it if space is needed in its hash
table before this interval has elapsed.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``qlen.goal`` A goal length for the internal queue from the reader thread to the worker thread. ``maxdone``/2
``trackrdrd`` uses this value to determine whether a new worker thread should be started
to support increasing load.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``user`` ``-u`` Owner of the child process ``nobody``, or the user starting ``trackrdrd``
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``pid.file`` ``-P`` Path to the file to which the management process writes its process ID. If the value is ``/var/run/``
set to be empty (by the line ``pid.file=``, with no value), then no PID file is written.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``restarts`` Maximum number of restarts of the child process by the management process 1
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``restart.pause`` Seconds to pause before restarting a child process 1
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``thread.restarts`` Maximum number of restarts of a worker thread by the child process. A thread is restarted 1
after a message send, message system reconnect and message resend have all failed. If the
restart limit for a thread is reached, then the thread goes into the state ``abandoned``
and no more restarts are attempted. If all worker threads are abandoned, then the child
process stops.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``monitor.interval`` Interval in seconds at which monitoring statistics are emitted to the log. If set to 0, 30
then no statistics are logged.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``monitor.workers`` Whether statistics about worker threads should be logged (boolean) false
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``log.file`` ``-l`` Log file for status, warning, debug and error messages, and monitoring statistics. If '-' ``syslog(3)``
is specified, then log messages are written to stdout. This parameter and
``syslog.facility`` are mutually exclusive.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``syslog.facility`` ``-y`` See ``syslog(3)``; legal values are ``user`` or ``local0`` through ``local7``. This ``local0``
parameter and ``log.file`` are mutually exclusive.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``varnish.bindump`` ``-f`` A binary dump of the Varnish shared memory log obtained from ``varnishlog -w``. If a
value is specified, ``trackrdrd`` reads from that file instead of a live Varnish log
(useful for testing, debugging and replaying traffic). This parameter and
```` are mutually exclusive.
==================== ========== ========================================================================================= =======
====================== ======================
...@@ -352,7 +492,46 @@ read, but not yet ``ReqEnd``. The fields ``open``, ``load`` and ...@@ -352,7 +492,46 @@ read, but not yet ``ReqEnd``. The fields ``open``, ``load`` and
``occ_hi`` is monotonic increasing; all other fields are cumulative ``occ_hi`` is monotonic increasing; all other fields are cumulative
counters: counters:
.. include:: hashlog.rst ================= =============================================================
Field Description
================= =============================================================
``len`` Size of the hash table (2\ :sup:``maxopen.scale``\)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``seen`` Number of request records read (``ReqStart`` seen)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``drop_reqstart`` Number of records that could not be inserted into internal
tables (no data from ``ReqStart`` inserted, nor any other
data for that XID)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``drop_vcl_log`` How often data from ``VCL_log`` could not be inserted
(usually because the XID could not be found)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``drop_reqend`` How often data from ``ReqStart`` could not be inserted
(usually because the XID could not be found)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``expired`` Number of records for which ``hash.ttl`` expired (data sent
to message broker without waiting for ``ReqEnd``)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``evacuated`` Number of records removed to recover space in the hash table
(``hash.mlt`` expired, data possibly incomplete)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``open`` Current number of open records in the table
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``load`` Current open records as percent (``open``/``len`` * 100)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``collisions`` Number of hash collisions
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``insert_probes`` Number of hash insert probes
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``find_probes`` Number of hash find probes
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``fail`` Number of failed hash operations (insert or find)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi`` Occupancy high watermark -- highest number of open records
since startup
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi_this`` Occupancy high watermark in the current monitoring interval
================= =============================================================
The line prefixed by ``Data table`` describes the table of request The line prefixed by ``Data table`` describes the table of request
records, including records in the open and done states -- for "done" records, including records in the open and done states -- for "done"
...@@ -361,7 +540,58 @@ complete, but it has not yet been sent to a message broker. The fields ...@@ -361,7 +540,58 @@ complete, but it has not yet been sent to a message broker. The fields
``open``, ``done``, ``load`` and ``occ_hi_this`` are gauges, and ``open``, ``done``, ``load`` and ``occ_hi_this`` are gauges, and
``occ_hi`` is monotonic increasing; the rest are cumulative counters: ``occ_hi`` is monotonic increasing; the rest are cumulative counters:
.. include:: datalog.rst ================== ============================================================
Field Description
================== ============================================================
``len`` Size of the data table
(``maxdone`` + 2\ :sup:``maxopen.scale``\)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``nodata`` Number of request records that contained no data (nothing to
track in a ``VCL_log`` entry). These records are discarded
without sending a message to a message broker.
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``submitted`` Number of records passed from the reader thread to worker
threads to be sent to a message broker
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``wait_room`` How often the reader thread had to wait for space in the
data table
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_hi`` Data high watermark -- longest record since startup (in
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_overflows`` How often the accumulated length of a record exceeded
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_truncated`` How often data from the Varnish log was truncated due to
the presence of a null byte. This can happen if the data was
already truncated in the log, due to exceeding
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``done`` Current number of records in state "done"
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``open`` Current number of open records in the table
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``load`` Current number records in the table as percent
(100 * (``open`` + ``done``)/``len``)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``sent`` Number of records successfully sent to a message broker
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``reconnects`` How often worker threads reconnected to a message broker
after an unsuccessful send
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``restarts`` How often worker threads were restarted after a message
send, reconnect and resend all failed
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``abandoned`` Number of worker threads that have been abandoned due to
reaching the restart limit (``thread.restarts``)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``failed`` Number of failed sends (failure after reconnect)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi`` Occupancy high watermark -- highest number of records (open
and done) since startup
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi_this`` Occupancy high watermark in the current monitoring interval
================== ============================================================
If worker threads are monitored, then the running state if logged for If worker threads are monitored, then the running state if logged for
each worker thread, one of: each worker thread, one of:
...@@ -382,7 +612,58 @@ pending records, or has not yet been awakened to handle more records. ...@@ -382,7 +612,58 @@ pending records, or has not yet been awakened to handle more records.
The remaining fields in a log line for a worker thread are cumulative The remaining fields in a log line for a worker thread are cumulative
counters: counters:
.. include:: workerlog.rst ================== ============================================================
Field Description
================== ============================================================
``len`` Size of the data table
(``maxdone`` + 2\ :sup:``maxopen.scale``\)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``nodata`` Number of request records that contained no data (nothing to
track in a ``VCL_log`` entry). These records are discarded
without sending a message to a message broker.
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``submitted`` Number of records passed from the reader thread to worker
threads to be sent to a message broker
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``wait_room`` How often the reader thread had to wait for space in the
data table
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_hi`` Data high watermark -- longest record since startup (in
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_overflows`` How often the accumulated length of a record exceeded
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_truncated`` How often data from the Varnish log was truncated due to
the presence of a null byte. This can happen if the data was
already truncated in the log, due to exceeding
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``done`` Current number of records in state "done"
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``open`` Current number of open records in the table
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``load`` Current number records in the table as percent
(100 * (``open`` + ``done``)/``len``)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``sent`` Number of records successfully sent to a message broker
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``reconnects`` How often worker threads reconnected to a message broker
after an unsuccessful send
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``restarts`` How often worker threads were restarted after a message
send, reconnect and resend all failed
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``abandoned`` Number of worker threads that have been abandoned due to
reaching the restart limit (``thread.restarts``)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``failed`` Number of failed sends (failure after reconnect)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi`` Occupancy high watermark -- highest number of records (open
and done) since startup
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi_this`` Occupancy high watermark in the current monitoring interval
================== ============================================================
======= =======
...@@ -390,7 +671,30 @@ SIGNALS ...@@ -390,7 +671,30 @@ SIGNALS
The management and child process respond to the following signals (all The management and child process respond to the following signals (all
other signals have the default handlers): other signals have the default handlers):
.. include:: signals.rst ====== ========== ============
Signal Parent Child
====== ========== ============
TERM Shutdown Shutdown
------ ---------- ------------
INT Shutdown Shutdown
------ ---------- ------------
HUP Graceful Ignore
------ ---------- ------------
USR1 Graceful Dump data
restart table to log
------ ---------- ------------
USR2 Ignore Ignore
------ ---------- ------------
ABRT Abort with Abort with
stacktrace stacktrace
------ ---------- ------------
SEGV Abort with Abort with
stacktrace stacktrace
------ ---------- ------------
BUS Abort with Abort with
stacktrace stacktrace
====== ========== ============
Shutdown proceeds as described above in `STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN`_. Shutdown proceeds as described above in `STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN`_.
==================== ========== ========================================================================================= =======
Parameter CLI Option Description Default
==================== ========== ========================================================================================= =======
```` ``-n`` Like the ``-n`` option for Varnish, this is the path to the file that is mmap'd to the default for Varnish (the host name)
shared memory segment for the Varnish log. This parameter and ``varnish.bindump`` are
mutually exclusive.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``mq.module`` Name of the shared object implementing the MQ interface. May be an absolute path, or the None, this parameter is required.
name of a library that the dynamic linker finds according to the rules described in
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``mq.config_file`` Path of a configuration file used by the MQ implementation None, this parameter is optional.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``nworkers`` Number of worker threads used to send messages to the message broker(s). 1
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``maxopen.scale`` log\ :sub:`2`\(max number of concurrent requests in Varnish). For example, if 10 (= 1024 concurrent requests)
``maxopen.scale`` = 10, then ``trackrdrd`` can support up to 1024 concurrent requests.
More precisely, this number describes the maximum number of request XIDs for which
``ReqStart`` has been read, but not yet ``ReqEnd``. It should specify at least the next
power of two larger than (``thread_pools`` * ``thread_pool_max``) in the Varnish
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``maxdone`` The maximum number of finished records waiting to be sent to message brokers. That is, 1024
the largest number of request XIDs for which ``ReqEnd`` has been read, but the data have
not yet been sent to a message queue.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``maxdata`` The maximum length of a data record in characters. Should be at least as large the 1024
Varnish parameter ``shm_reclen``.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``hash.max_probes`` The maximum number of insert or find probes used for the hash table of XIDs. Hash lookups 10
fail if a hit is not found after this many probes.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``hash.ttl`` Maximum time to live in seconds for an unfinished record. If ``ReqEnd`` is not read for 120
a request XID within this time, then ``trackrdrd`` no longer waits for it, and schedules
the data read thus far to be sent to a message broker. This should be a bit longer than
the sum of all timeouts configured for a Varnish request.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``hash.mlt`` Minimum lifetime of an open record in seconds. That is, after ``ReqStart`` has been read 5
for a request XID, then ``trackrdrd`` will not evacuate it if space is needed in its hash
table before this interval has elapsed.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``qlen.goal`` A goal length for the internal queue from the reader thread to the worker thread. ``maxdone``/2
``trackrdrd`` uses this value to determine whether a new worker thread should be started
to support increasing load.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``user`` ``-u`` Owner of the child process ``nobody``, or the user starting ``trackrdrd``
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``pid.file`` ``-P`` Path to the file to which the management process writes its process ID. If the value is ``/var/run/``
set to be empty (by the line ``pid.file=``, with no value), then no PID file is written.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``restarts`` Maximum number of restarts of the child process by the management process 1
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``restart.pause`` Seconds to pause before restarting a child process 1
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``thread.restarts`` Maximum number of restarts of a worker thread by the child process. A thread is restarted 1
after a message send, message system reconnect and message resend have all failed. If the
restart limit for a thread is reached, then the thread goes into the state ``abandoned``
and no more restarts are attempted. If all worker threads are abandoned, then the child
process stops.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``monitor.interval`` Interval in seconds at which monitoring statistics are emitted to the log. If set to 0, 30
then no statistics are logged.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``monitor.workers`` Whether statistics about worker threads should be logged (boolean) false
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``log.file`` ``-l`` Log file for status, warning, debug and error messages, and monitoring statistics. If '-' ``syslog(3)``
is specified, then log messages are written to stdout. This parameter and
``syslog.facility`` are mutually exclusive.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``syslog.facility`` ``-y`` See ``syslog(3)``; legal values are ``user`` or ``local0`` through ``local7``. This ``local0``
parameter and ``log.file`` are mutually exclusive.
-------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
``varnish.bindump`` ``-f`` A binary dump of the Varnish shared memory log obtained from ``varnishlog -w``. If a
value is specified, ``trackrdrd`` reads from that file instead of a live Varnish log
(useful for testing, debugging and replaying traffic). This parameter and
```` are mutually exclusive.
==================== ========== ========================================================================================= =======
================== ============================================================
Field Description
================== ============================================================
``len`` Size of the data table
(``maxdone`` + 2\ :sup:``maxopen.scale``\)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``nodata`` Number of request records that contained no data (nothing to
track in a ``VCL_log`` entry). These records are discarded
without sending a message to a message broker.
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``submitted`` Number of records passed from the reader thread to worker
threads to be sent to a message broker
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``wait_room`` How often the reader thread had to wait for space in the
data table
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_hi`` Data high watermark -- longest record since startup (in
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_overflows`` How often the accumulated length of a record exceeded
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``data_truncated`` How often data from the Varnish log was truncated due to
the presence of a null byte. This can happen if the data was
already truncated in the log, due to exceeding
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``done`` Current number of records in state "done"
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``open`` Current number of open records in the table
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``load`` Current number records in the table as percent
(100 * (``open`` + ``done``)/``len``)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``sent`` Number of records successfully sent to a message broker
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``reconnects`` How often worker threads reconnected to a message broker
after an unsuccessful send
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``restarts`` How often worker threads were restarted after a message
send, reconnect and resend all failed
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``abandoned`` Number of worker threads that have been abandoned due to
reaching the restart limit (``thread.restarts``)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``failed`` Number of failed sends (failure after reconnect)
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi`` Occupancy high watermark -- highest number of records (open
and done) since startup
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi_this`` Occupancy high watermark in the current monitoring interval
================== ============================================================
================= =============================================================
Field Description
================= =============================================================
``len`` Size of the hash table (2\ :sup:``maxopen.scale``\)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``seen`` Number of request records read (``ReqStart`` seen)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``drop_reqstart`` Number of records that could not be inserted into internal
tables (no data from ``ReqStart`` inserted, nor any other
data for that XID)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``drop_vcl_log`` How often data from ``VCL_log`` could not be inserted
(usually because the XID could not be found)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``drop_reqend`` How often data from ``ReqStart`` could not be inserted
(usually because the XID could not be found)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``expired`` Number of records for which ``hash.ttl`` expired (data sent
to message broker without waiting for ``ReqEnd``)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``evacuated`` Number of records removed to recover space in the hash table
(``hash.mlt`` expired, data possibly incomplete)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``open`` Current number of open records in the table
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``load`` Current open records as percent (``open``/``len`` * 100)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``collisions`` Number of hash collisions
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``insert_probes`` Number of hash insert probes
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``find_probes`` Number of hash find probes
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``fail`` Number of failed hash operations (insert or find)
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi`` Occupancy high watermark -- highest number of open records
since startup
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
``occ_hi_this`` Occupancy high watermark in the current monitoring interval
================= =============================================================
====== ========== ============
Signal Parent Child
====== ========== ============
TERM Shutdown Shutdown
------ ---------- ------------
INT Shutdown Shutdown
------ ---------- ------------
HUP Graceful Ignore
------ ---------- ------------
USR1 Graceful Dump data
restart table to log
------ ---------- ------------
USR2 Ignore Ignore
------ ---------- ------------
ABRT Abort with Abort with
stacktrace stacktrace
------ ---------- ------------
SEGV Abort with Abort with
stacktrace stacktrace
------ ---------- ------------
BUS Abort with Abort with
stacktrace stacktrace
====== ========== ============
============== ================================================================
Field Description
============== ================================================================
``seen`` Number of request records received by this thread
-------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
``waits`` How many times this thread went into the ``waiting`` state
-------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
``sent`` Number of records successfully sent to a message broker
-------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
``reconnects`` How often this thread reconnected to a message broker (after
failing to send a message)
-------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
``restarts`` How often this thread restarted (after a failed reconnection
-------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
``failed`` Number of failed attempts to send a message (after reconnection
succeeded, but the send retry failed)
============== ================================================================
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