Commit 002345f0 authored by Per Buer's avatar Per Buer

Move storage backend prosa into users guide. Rework cmd line and config

parent 87cad02c
syntax: malloc[,size]
Malloc is a memory based backend. Each object will be allocated from
memory. If your system runs low on memory swap will be used. Be aware
that the size limitation only limits the actual storage and that
approximately 1k of memory per object will be used for various
internal structures.
The size parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory varnishd
will allocate. The size is assumed to be in bytes, unless followed by
one of the following suffixes:
K, k The size is expressed in kibibytes.
M, m The size is expressed in mebibytes.
G, g The size is expressed in gibibytes.
T, t The size is expressed in tebibytes.
The default size is unlimited.
Mallocs performance is bound by memory speed so it is very fast.
syntax: file[,path[,size[,granularity]]]
The file backend stores objects in memory backed by a file on disk
with mmap. This is the default storage backend and unless you specify
another storage this one will used along with Transient storage.
The path parameter specifies either the path to the backing file or
the path to a directory in which varnishd will create the backing
file. The default is /tmp.
The size parameter specifies the size of the backing file. The size
is assumed to be in bytes, unless fol‐ lowed by one of the following
K, k The size is expressed in kibibytes.
M, m The size is expressed in mebibytes.
G, g The size is expressed in gibibytes.
T, t The size is expressed in tebibytes.
% The size is expressed as a percentage of the free space on the
file system where it resides.
The default size is 50%.
If the backing file already exists, it will be truncated or expanded
to the specified size.
Note that if varnishd has to create or expand the file, it will not
pre-allocate the added space, leading to fragmentation, which may
adversely impact performance. Pre-creating the storage file using
dd(1) will reduce fragmentation to a minimum.
The granularity parameter specifies the granularity of
allocation. All allocations are rounded up to this size. The
is assumed to be in bytes, unless followed by one of the
suffixes described for size except for %.
The default size is the VM page size. The size should be reduced if
you have many small objects.
File performance is typically limited by the write speed of the
device, and depending on use, the seek time.
persistent (experimental)
syntax: persistent,path,size {experimental}
Persistent storage. Varnish will store objects in a file in a manner
that will secure the survival of *most* of the objects in the event of
a planned or unplanned shutdown of Varnish.
The path parameter specifies the path to the backing file. If
the file doesn't exist Varnish will create it.
The size parameter specifies the size of the backing file. The
size is assumed to be in bytes, unless followed by one of the
following suffixes:
K, k The size is expressed in kibibytes.
M, m The size is expressed in mebibytes.
G, g The size is expressed in gibibytes.
T, t The size is expressed in tebibytes.
Varnish will split the file into logical *silos* and write to the
silos in the manner of a circular buffer. Only one silo will be kept
open at any given point in time. Full silos are *sealed*. When Varnish
starts after a shutdown it will discard the content of any silo that
isn't sealed.
Note that taking persistent silos offline and at the same time using
bans can cause problems. This because bans added while the silo was
offline will not be applied to the silo when it reenters the cache,
and can make previously banned objects reappear.
Transient Storage
If you name any of your storage backend "Transient" it will be
used for transient (short lived) objects. By default Varnish
would use an unlimited malloc backend for this.
......@@ -157,7 +157,124 @@ Storage Types
The following storage types are available:
.. include:: ../include/storage_backends.rst
syntax: malloc[,size]
Malloc is a memory based backend. Each object will be allocated from
memory. If your system runs low on memory swap will be used. Be aware
that the size limitation only limits the actual storage and that
approximately 1k of memory per object will be used for various
internal structures.
The size parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory varnishd
will allocate. The size is assumed to be in bytes, unless followed by
one of the following suffixes:
K, k The size is expressed in kibibytes.
M, m The size is expressed in mebibytes.
G, g The size is expressed in gibibytes.
T, t The size is expressed in tebibytes.
The default size is unlimited.
Mallocs performance is bound by memory speed so it is very fast.
syntax: file[,path[,size[,granularity]]]
The file backend stores objects in memory backed by a file on disk
with mmap. This is the default storage backend and unless you specify
another storage this one will used along with Transient storage.
The path parameter specifies either the path to the backing file or
the path to a directory in which varnishd will create the backing
file. The default is /tmp.
The size parameter specifies the size of the backing file. The size
is assumed to be in bytes, unless fol‐ lowed by one of the following
K, k The size is expressed in kibibytes.
M, m The size is expressed in mebibytes.
G, g The size is expressed in gibibytes.
T, t The size is expressed in tebibytes.
% The size is expressed as a percentage of the free space on the
file system where it resides.
The default size is 50%.
If the backing file already exists, it will be truncated or expanded
to the specified size.
Note that if varnishd has to create or expand the file, it will not
pre-allocate the added space, leading to fragmentation, which may
adversely impact performance. Pre-creating the storage file using
dd(1) will reduce fragmentation to a minimum.
The granularity parameter specifies the granularity of
allocation. All allocations are rounded up to this size. The
is assumed to be in bytes, unless followed by one of the
suffixes described for size except for %.
The default size is the VM page size. The size should be reduced if
you have many small objects.
File performance is typically limited by the write speed of the
device, and depending on use, the seek time.
persistent (experimental)
syntax: persistent,path,size {experimental}
Persistent storage. Varnish will store objects in a file in a manner
that will secure the survival of *most* of the objects in the event of
a planned or unplanned shutdown of Varnish.
The path parameter specifies the path to the backing file. If
the file doesn't exist Varnish will create it.
The size parameter specifies the size of the backing file. The
size is assumed to be in bytes, unless followed by one of the
following suffixes:
K, k The size is expressed in kibibytes.
M, m The size is expressed in mebibytes.
G, g The size is expressed in gibibytes.
T, t The size is expressed in tebibytes.
Varnish will split the file into logical *silos* and write to the
silos in the manner of a circular buffer. Only one silo will be kept
open at any given point in time. Full silos are *sealed*. When Varnish
starts after a shutdown it will discard the content of any silo that
isn't sealed.
Note that taking persistent silos offline and at the same time using
bans can cause problems. This because bans added while the silo was
offline will not be applied to the silo when it reenters the cache,
and can make previously banned objects reappear.
Transient Storage
If you name any of your storage backend "Transient" it will be
used for transient (short lived) objects. By default Varnish
would use an unlimited malloc backend for this.
Management Interface
......@@ -22,5 +22,6 @@ Then we hand things over to the user guide.
.. _users-guide-command-line:
XXX: Total rewrite of this
Typical command line options
Command Line options
On a modern Linux distro the various options that are used when
starting up Varnish are stored in /etc/default/varnish (Debian, Ubuntu) or
/etc/sysconfig/varnish (Red Hat, Centos).
I assume varnishd is in your path. You might want to run ``pkill
varnishd`` to make sure varnishd isn't running.
There are quite a few options you can tweak but most of you will only
need to change a few them.
Become root and type:
The typical command line options you want to change are:
``# varnishd -f /usr/local/etc/varnish/default.vcl -s malloc,1G -T -a``
-a *listen_address*
What address should Varnish listen to. The default is to listen to
all IP adresses and stick to port 80. ":80" will ask Varnish to
listen to all adresses, both IPv4 and IPv6 and is probably a
sensible thing.
I added a few options, lets go through them:
-f *config file*
The -f options specifies what VCL file Varnish should use as the default.
``-f /usr/local/etc/varnish/default.vcl``
The -f options specifies what configuration varnishd should use.
-s *storage options*
``-s malloc,1G``
The -s options chooses the storage type Varnish should use for
storing its content. I used the type *malloc*, which just uses memory
for storage. There are other backends as well, described in
:ref:users-guide-storage. 1G specifies how much memory should be allocated
- one gigabyte.
This is probably the most important one. The default is to use
the memory storage backend and to allocate a small amount of
memory. On a small site this might suffice. If you have dedicated
Varnish Cache server you most definitivly want to increase
the memory allocated or consider another backend.
Please note that in addition to the memory allocated by the
storage engine itself Varnish also has internal data structures
that consume memory. More or less 1kb per object.
See also :ref:`guide-storage`.
-T *listen address*
Varnish has a built-in text-based administration
interface. Activating the interface makes Varnish manageble without
stopping it. You can specify what interface the management interface
should listen to. Make sure you don't expose the management interface
to the world as you can easily gain root access to a system via the
Varnish management interface. I recommend tieing it to localhost. If
you have users on your system that you don't fully trust, use firewall
rules to restrict access to the interface to root only.
I specify that I want Varnish to listen on port 8080 for incomming
HTTP requests. For a production environment you would probably make
Varnish listen on port 80, which is the default.
interface. Activating the interface makes Varnish manageble
without stopping it. You can specify what interface the
management interface should listen to. Make sure you don't expose
the management interface to the world as you can easily gain root
access to a system via the Varnish management interface. I
recommend tieing it to localhost. If you have users on your
system that you don't fully trust, use firewall rules to restrict
access to the interface to root only.
For a complete list of the command line parameters please see
This should deal with
This chapter deals with configuration of Varnish Cache. It will not
cover the actual configuration policy that's written in VCL.
This guide assumes you're running Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat or
Centos. If you're on any other platform you're probably used to doing
some mental translations.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. _guide-storage:
Storage backends
......@@ -9,5 +11,120 @@ Intro
Varnish has pluggable storage backends. It can store data in various
backends which have different performance characteristics.
.. include:: ../include/storage_backends.rst
syntax: malloc[,size]
Malloc is a memory based backend. Each object will be allocated from
memory. If your system runs low on memory swap will be used. Be aware
that the size limitation only limits the actual storage and that
approximately 1k of memory per object will be used for various
internal structures.
The size parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory varnishd
will allocate. The size is assumed to be in bytes, unless followed by
one of the following suffixes:
K, k The size is expressed in kibibytes.
M, m The size is expressed in mebibytes.
G, g The size is expressed in gibibytes.
T, t The size is expressed in tebibytes.
The default size is unlimited.
Mallocs performance is bound by memory speed so it is very fast.
syntax: file[,path[,size[,granularity]]]
The file backend stores objects in memory backed by a file on disk
with mmap. This is the default storage backend and unless you specify
another storage this one will used along with Transient storage.
The path parameter specifies either the path to the backing file or
the path to a directory in which varnishd will create the backing
file. The default is /tmp.
The size parameter specifies the size of the backing file. The size
is assumed to be in bytes, unless fol‐ lowed by one of the following
K, k The size is expressed in kibibytes.
M, m The size is expressed in mebibytes.
G, g The size is expressed in gibibytes.
T, t The size is expressed in tebibytes.
% The size is expressed as a percentage of the free space on the
file system where it resides.
The default size is 50%.
If the backing file already exists, it will be truncated or expanded
to the specified size.
Note that if varnishd has to create or expand the file, it will not
pre-allocate the added space, leading to fragmentation, which may
adversely impact performance. Pre-creating the storage file using
dd(1) will reduce fragmentation to a minimum.
The granularity parameter specifies the granularity of
allocation. All allocations are rounded up to this size. The
is assumed to be in bytes, unless followed by one of the
suffixes described for size except for %.
The default size is the VM page size. The size should be reduced if
you have many small objects.
File performance is typically limited by the write speed of the
device, and depending on use, the seek time.
persistent (experimental)
syntax: persistent,path,size {experimental}
Persistent storage. Varnish will store objects in a file in a manner
that will secure the survival of *most* of the objects in the event of
a planned or unplanned shutdown of Varnish.
The path parameter specifies the path to the backing file. If
the file doesn't exist Varnish will create it.
The size parameter specifies the size of the backing file. The
size is assumed to be in bytes, unless followed by one of the
following suffixes:
K, k The size is expressed in kibibytes.
M, m The size is expressed in mebibytes.
G, g The size is expressed in gibibytes.
T, t The size is expressed in tebibytes.
Varnish will split the file into logical *silos* and write to the
silos in the manner of a circular buffer. Only one silo will be kept
open at any given point in time. Full silos are *sealed*. When Varnish
starts after a shutdown it will discard the content of any silo that
isn't sealed.
Note that taking persistent silos offline and at the same time using
bans can cause problems. This because bans added while the silo was
offline will not be applied to the silo when it reenters the cache,
and can make previously banned objects reappear.
Transient Storage
If you name any of your storage backend "Transient" it will be
used for transient (short lived) objects. By default Varnish
would use an unlimited malloc backend for this.
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