Commit 4e540dde authored by Poul-Henning Kamp's avatar Poul-Henning Kamp

Set sockopts on the listen socket and probe the accepted socket (once)

to see which we do not need to set there because they are inherited.

This could potentially save three syscalls per session.

git-svn-id: d4fa192b-c00b-0410-8231-f00ffab90ce4
parent cee00cf9
......@@ -42,23 +42,98 @@ static struct acceptor *vca_acceptors[] = {
static struct acceptor *vca_act;
static pthread_t vca_thread_acct;
static struct timeval tv_sndtimeo;
static struct timeval tv_rcvtimeo;
static struct linger linger;
static struct sess *
vca_accept_sess(int fd)
static unsigned char need_sndtimeo, need_rcvtimeo, need_linger, need_test;
static void
sock_test(int fd)
struct linger lin;
struct timeval tv;
socklen_t l;
struct sockaddr addr[2]; /* XXX: IPv6 hack */
l = sizeof lin;
AZ(getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &lin, &l));
assert(l == sizeof lin);
if (memcmp(&lin, &linger, l))
need_linger = 1;
l = sizeof tv;
AZ(getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &tv, &l));
assert(l == sizeof tv);
if (memcmp(&tv, &tv_sndtimeo, l))
need_sndtimeo = 1;
l = sizeof tv;
AZ(getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv, &l));
assert(l == sizeof tv);
if (memcmp(&tv, &tv_rcvtimeo, l))
need_rcvtimeo = 1;
need_test = 0;
printf("socktest: linger=%d sndtimeo=%d rcvtimeo=%d\n",
need_linger, need_sndtimeo, need_rcvtimeo);
VCA_Prep(struct sess *sp)
TCP_name(sp->sockaddr, sp->sockaddrlen,
sp->addr, sizeof sp->addr, sp->port, sizeof sp->port);
VSL(SLT_SessionOpen, sp->fd, "%s %s", sp->addr, sp->port);
sp->acct.first = sp->t_open.tv_sec;
if (need_test)
if (need_linger)
AZ(setsockopt(sp->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER,
&linger, sizeof linger));
if (need_sndtimeo)
AZ(setsockopt(sp->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO,
&tv_sndtimeo, sizeof tv_sndtimeo));
if (need_rcvtimeo)
AZ(setsockopt(sp->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO,
&tv_rcvtimeo, sizeof tv_rcvtimeo));
static void *
vca_acct(void *arg)
struct sess *sp;
socklen_t l;
struct sockaddr addr[2]; /* XXX: IPv6 hack */
int i;
need_test = 1;
AZ(setsockopt(heritage.socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER,
&linger, sizeof linger));
while (1) {
if (params->send_timeout != tv_sndtimeo.tv_sec) {
need_test = 1;
tv_sndtimeo.tv_sec = params->send_timeout;
AZ(setsockopt(heritage.socket, SOL_SOCKET,
SO_SNDTIMEO, &tv_sndtimeo, sizeof tv_sndtimeo));
if (params->sess_timeout != tv_rcvtimeo.tv_sec) {
need_test = 1;
tv_rcvtimeo.tv_sec = params->sess_timeout;
AZ(setsockopt(heritage.socket, SOL_SOCKET,
SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv_rcvtimeo, sizeof tv_rcvtimeo));
l = sizeof addr;
i = accept(fd, addr, &l);
i = accept(heritage.socket, addr, &l);
if (i < 0) {
VSL(SLT_Debug, fd, "Accept failed errno=%d", errno);
VSL(SLT_Debug, heritage.socket,
"Accept failed errno=%d", errno);
/* XXX: stats ? */
return (NULL);
sp = SES_New(addr, l);
......@@ -67,43 +142,14 @@ vca_accept_sess(int fd)
sp->id = i;
(void)clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &sp->t_open);
return (sp);
VCA_Prep(struct sess *sp)
struct linger linger;
TCP_name(sp->sockaddr, sp->sockaddrlen,
sp->addr, sizeof sp->addr, sp->port, sizeof sp->port);
VSL(SLT_SessionOpen, sp->fd, "%s %s", sp->addr, sp->port);
sp->acct.first = sp->t_open.tv_sec;
#ifdef SO_LINGER /* XXX Linux*/
linger.l_onoff = 0;
linger.l_linger = 0;
AZ(setsockopt(sp->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &linger, sizeof linger));
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = params->send_timeout;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
AZ(setsockopt(sp->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &tv, sizeof tv));
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = params->sess_timeout;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
AZ(setsockopt(sp->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv, sizeof tv));
sp->step = STP_FIRST;
vca_handover(struct sess *sp, int bad)
......@@ -160,24 +206,6 @@ vca_return_session(struct sess *sp)
static void *
vca_acct(void *arg)
struct sess *sp;
while (1) {
sp = vca_accept_sess(heritage.socket);
if (sp == NULL)
sp->step = STP_FIRST;
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