Commit 532fdef2 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

adjust for master changes

Ref: e8985f22711fe9a342b27a10052ae3655f64435c
parent 6089fd5d
......@@ -78,10 +78,17 @@ static void *
state_l(VRT_CTX, void *v, size_t sz)
struct vmod_priv *t;
struct ws *ws;
top_common(ctx, t, v);
t->priv = WS_Alloc(ctx->req->top->ws, sz);
if (ctx->req->top)
ws = ctx->req->top->topreq->ws;
ws = ctx->req->ws;
t->priv = WS_Alloc(ws, sz);
if (t->priv == NULL) {
VRT_fail(ctx, "out of workspace");
return (NULL);
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