Commit 7d7d7000 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

Move the definitions of constants and their types into data.go.

parent cd3a1ce3
* Copyright (c) 2018 UPLEX Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung
* All rights reserved
* Author: Geoffrey Simmons <>
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
package log
#cgo pkg-config: varnishapi
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vapi/vsl.h>
return SLT__MAX;
nonprintable(enum VSL_tag_e tag)
return (VSL_tagflags[tag] & (SLT_F_BINARY | SLT_F_UNSAFE));
import "C"
import "fmt"
// TxType is a classifier for a log transaction, indicating if it is
// the log of a client or backend request/response, a Varnish session,
// or a raw transaction.
type TxType uint8
const (
// TxUnknown is rarely generated from log reads.
TxUnknown TxType = TxType(C.VSL_t_unknown)
// Sess indicates the log of a session, which stands for the
// "conversation" that Varnish has with a single client
// connection, comprising one or more requests/responses.
Sess = TxType(C.VSL_t_sess)
// Req indicates a client request/response log.
Req = TxType(C.VSL_t_req)
// BeReq indicates a backend request/response log.
BeReq = TxType(C.VSL_t_bereq)
// TxRaw indicates a raw transaction with only one Record,
// such as the log of a backend health check.
TxRaw = TxType(C.VSL_t_raw)
// String returns the string for a TxType that appears in the "title"
// line of a log transaction in varnishlog output.
func (txtype TxType) String() string {
switch txtype {
case TxUnknown:
return "Unknown"
case Sess:
return "Session"
case Req:
return "Request"
case BeReq:
return "BeReq"
case TxRaw:
return "Record"
panic("invalid transaction type")
// Reason is a classifier for the cause of the event that was logged.
type Reason uint8
const (
// ReasonUnknown is the reason for raw transactions (since
// they are not grouped with the transaction for the event
// that initiated the logged event).
ReasonUnknown Reason = Reason(C.VSL_r_unknown)
// HTTP1 indicates the start of an HTTP/1 session.
HTTP1 = Reason(C.VSL_r_http_1)
// RxReq indicates that a client request was received.
RxReq = Reason(C.VSL_r_rxreq)
// ESI indicates an edge side include subrequest.
ESI = Reason(C.VSL_r_esi)
// Restart indicates that request restart was invoked by VSL.
Restart = Reason(C.VSL_r_restart)
// Pass is a backend request for which cache lookup was
// bypassed.
Pass = Reason(C.VSL_r_pass)
// Fetch is a synchronous backend fetch.
Fetch = Reason(C.VSL_r_fetch)
// BgFetch is a backend fetch in the background.
BgFetch = Reason(C.VSL_r_bgfetch)
// Pipe is an exchange of requests and responses between a
// client and backend with no intervention by Varnish, until
// one or the other side closes the connection.
Pipe = Reason(C.VSL_r_pipe)
// String returns the string for a Reason that appears as the third
// field of a "Begin" record in varnishlog output (except for raw
// transactions).
func (reason Reason) String() string {
switch reason {
case ReasonUnknown:
return "unknown"
case HTTP1:
return "HTTP/1"
case RxReq:
return "rxreq"
case ESI:
return "esi"
case Restart:
return "restart"
case Pass:
return "pass"
case Fetch:
return "fetch"
case BgFetch:
return "bgfetch"
case Pipe:
return "pipe"
panic("invalid reason")
// Grouping mode determines how transactions are aggregated when read
// from the log. Depending on the mode, transactions in a group may
// form a hierarchy. The default Grouping is VXID.
type Grouping uint8
const (
// GRaw for raw grouping. Transactions are not grouped, nor
// are records grouped into transactions -- every transaction
// has exactly one record. Records unrelated to requests,
// responses and sessions, such as backend health checks, are
// only reported in this mode.
GRaw Grouping = Grouping(C.VSL_g_raw)
// VXID is the default mode. Transactions are not grouped --
// each read returns one transaction for a request/response
// (client or backend) or session. Non-transactional data,
// such as backend health checks, are not reported in this
// mode. VXID is the unique ID generated by Varnish for each
// transaction.
VXID = Grouping(C.VSL_g_vxid)
// Request indicates grouping by client request. A group
// contains the client request and any other transactions that
// it initiated, such as backend requests, ESI subrequests and
// restarts,
Request = Grouping(C.VSL_g_request)
// Session grouping aggregates all transactions over a client
// connection. These groups can be much larger than the
// others; they may occupy significantly more memory, and log
// reads with this mode may take much longer.
Session = Grouping(C.VSL_g_session)
// Str2Grp maps strings to Grouping constants.
var Str2Grp = map[string]Grouping{
"raw": GRaw,
"vxid": VXID,
"request": Request,
"session": Session,
// RecordType is a classifier for the data in a Record, indicating if
// it is part of the log for a client request/response, a backend
// request/repsonse, or neither. Corresponds to the indicator 'b',
// 'c' or '-' in the fourth column of verbose varnishlog output.
// Use rune(rt) for a RecordType rt to get 'b', 'c' or '-'
type RecordType uint8
const (
// Client Record -- part of the log for a client
// request/response.
Client RecordType = RecordType('c')
// Backend Record -- part of the log for a backend
// request/response.
Backend = RecordType('b')
// None is the type of a Record that is not part of the log of
// a backend or client transaction. Examples are records with
// tags such as "Backend_health", "CLI" and so forth.
None = RecordType('-')
// String returns "b", "c" or "-".
func (rt RecordType) String() string {
return string(rt)
func initTags() []string {
var tags []string
if uint8(C.slt_max()) > ^uint8(0) {
panic("SLT__MAX > max uint8")
max := int(C.slt_max())
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
if C.VSL_tags[i] == nil {
tags = append(tags, fmt.Sprintf("%d", i))
tags = append(tags, C.GoString(C.VSL_tags[i]))
return tags
var tags = initTags()
// A Tag is a classifier for the contents of a Record's payload,
// corresponding to the second column of default varnishlog
// output. For a Tag t, t.String() may be "ReqURL" for a client
// request URL, "BerespStatus" for the HTTP status of a backend
// response, and so forth.
type Tag uint8
// String returns the Tag name that appears in the second column of
// default varnishlog output, such as "ReqHeader" for a client request
// header, or "BerespHeader" for a backend response header.
// If t.String() returns the numeric value of t as a string, then
// there is no legal tag for t. No such tag is generated from log
// reads for a live instance of Varnish. You may encounter such a tag
// when reading from a binary log that was generated by a version of
// Varnish that is different from the version with which the Go client
// is currently linked.
func (tag Tag) String() string {
return tags[tag]
// Nonprintable returns true if log payloads of the type indicated by
// the tag may contain non-printable characters. If Nonprintable()
// returns false (which is the case for most tags), you can assume
// that the log payload contains only printable ASCII characters.
func (tag Tag) Nonprintable() bool {
return C.nonprintable(uint32(tag)) != 0
// Payload is the type of the message contained in a Record -- the
// specific data for the record.
// A Payload is just a byte slice, so it is easily converted to a
// string (and otherwise manipulated).
type Payload []byte
// String returns a payload as a string.
func (p Payload) String() string {
return string(p)
// A Record in the Varnish log, corresponding to a line of output from
// the varnishlog utility. Instances of this type are returned for log
// reads, possibly aggregated into transactions (the Tx type), and
// form the bulk of log data.
// The contents and format of log records are described in vsl(7):
type Record struct {
// Indicates whether this record is part of a client or
// backend log, or neither.
Type RecordType
// A classifier for the contents of this Record's payload. Use
// Tag.String() to get tag names such as "ReqURL" or
// "BerespHeader" that appear in the second column of default
// varnishlog output.
Tag Tag
// The unique ID generated by Varnish for this log
// transaction.
VXID uint
// The log payload is the specific data for this record. The
// payload appears after the second column of default
// varnishlog output.
// If Nonprintable() is true for the tag in this record, then
// the payload may contain nonprintable characters. Otherwise
// it contains only printable ASCII characters (which is the
// case for most records).
Payload Payload
// A Tx for "transaction" is a collection of related log records,
// typically as the log of a client or backend request and
// response. Transactions may also include data unrelated to requests
// and responses, such as backend health checks.
// Transactions are read from the log in groups, according to the
// Grouping selected for the log client, corresponding to the grouping
// modes set by varnishlog -g. Transactions in a group may form a
// hierarchy, in which case they are related by the parent VXID
// property -- a transaction's parent VXID is the VXID of the
// transaction that initiated it. Parent VXID 0 indicates that a
// transaction has no parent transaction.
// The depth of nesting in a hierarchy is represented by a
// transaction's Level property. Levels start at level 1, except for
// raw transactions, which always have level 0.
type Tx struct {
// Whether this is the log of a client request/response,
// backend request/response, session and so forth.
Type TxType
// The cause of the event logged by this transaction.
Reason Reason
// The level of this transaction in a group. Always 1 for VXID
// grouping, and always 0 for raw grouping.
Level uint
// The unique ID generated by Varnish for this transaction.
VXID uint32
// The ID of the parent transaction for this transaction in a
// group. 0 if there is no parent. Always 0 for VXID and raw
// groupings.
ParentVXID uint32
// The Records that make up the bulk of this transaction's
// data.
Records []Record
// Status classifies the current state of a log read sequence. A value
// of this type is returned from the Cursor.Next() and
// Query.NextTxGroup() methods.
type Status int8
const (
// WriteErr while writing a log.
WriteErr Status = Status(C.vsl_e_write)
// IOErr while reading a log.
IOErr = Status(C.vsl_e_io)
// Overrun indicates that the write position of a live Varnish
// instance, writing into the ring buffer, has cycled around
// and overtaken the read position of the Log client.
Overrun = Status(C.vsl_e_overrun)
// Abandoned indicates tha the log was closed or abandoned
// (usually because the Varnish child process stopped).
Abandoned = Status(C.vsl_e_abandon)
// EOF indicates that the end of a binary log file was reached.
EOF = Status(C.vsl_e_eof)
// EOL indicates that the end of a live Varnish log buffer was
// reached (there are currently no new log data).
EOL = Status(C.vsl_end)
// More indicates that there are more records to be read from
// the log.
More = Status(C.vsl_more)
// String returns a string describing the Status.
func (status Status) String() string {
switch status {
case WriteErr:
return "write error"
case IOErr:
return "I/O read error"
case Overrun:
return "Log overrun"
case Abandoned:
return "Log was abandoned or closed"
case EOF:
return "End of file"
case EOL:
return "End of log"
case More:
return "More log transactions are pending"
panic("invalid status")
// Error returns the same string as String for a Status, so that
// Status implements the error interface.
// Some of the strings returned, such as for EOF or EOL, do not
// necessarily describe an error.
func (status Status) Error() string {
return status.String()
......@@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ package log
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vapi/vsl.h>
return SLT__MAX;
......@@ -58,12 +52,6 @@ vsl_opt_tailstop()
nonprintable(enum VSL_tag_e tag)
return (VSL_tagflags[tag] & (SLT_F_BINARY | SLT_F_UNSAFE));
import "C"
......@@ -71,323 +59,9 @@ import (
// TxType is a classifier for a log transaction, indicating if it is
// the log of a client or backend request/response, a Varnish session,
// or a raw transaction.
type TxType uint8
const (
// TxUnknown is rarely generated from log reads.
TxUnknown TxType = TxType(C.VSL_t_unknown)
// Sess indicates the log of a session, which stands for the
// "conversation" that Varnish has with a single client
// connection, comprising one or more requests/responses.
Sess = TxType(C.VSL_t_sess)
// Req indicates a client request/response log.
Req = TxType(C.VSL_t_req)
// BeReq indicates a backend request/response log.
BeReq = TxType(C.VSL_t_bereq)
// TxRaw indicates a raw transaction with only one Record,
// such as the log of a backend health check.
TxRaw = TxType(C.VSL_t_raw)
// String returns the string for a TxType that appears in the "title"
// line of a log transaction in varnishlog output.
func (txtype TxType) String() string {
switch txtype {
case TxUnknown:
return "Unknown"
case Sess:
return "Session"
case Req:
return "Request"
case BeReq:
return "BeReq"
case TxRaw:
return "Record"
panic("invalid transaction type")
// Reason is a classifier for the cause of the event that was logged.
type Reason uint8
const (
// ReasonUnknown is the reason for raw transactions (since
// they are not grouped with the transaction for the event
// that initiated the logged event).
ReasonUnknown Reason = Reason(C.VSL_r_unknown)
// HTTP1 indicates the start of an HTTP/1 session.
HTTP1 = Reason(C.VSL_r_http_1)
// RxReq indicates that a client request was received.
RxReq = Reason(C.VSL_r_rxreq)
// ESI indicates an edge side include subrequest.
ESI = Reason(C.VSL_r_esi)
// Restart indicates that request restart was invoked by VSL.
Restart = Reason(C.VSL_r_restart)
// Pass is a backend request for which cache lookup was
// bypassed.
Pass = Reason(C.VSL_r_pass)
// Fetch is a synchronous backend fetch.
Fetch = Reason(C.VSL_r_fetch)
// BgFetch is a backend fetch in the background.
BgFetch = Reason(C.VSL_r_bgfetch)
// Pipe is an exchange of requests and responses between a
// client and backend with no intervention by Varnish, until
// one or the other side closes the connection.
Pipe = Reason(C.VSL_r_pipe)
// String returns the string for a Reason that appears as the third
// field of a "Begin" record in varnishlog output (except for raw
// transactions).
func (reason Reason) String() string {
switch reason {
case ReasonUnknown:
return "unknown"
case HTTP1:
return "HTTP/1"
case RxReq:
return "rxreq"
case ESI:
return "esi"
case Restart:
return "restart"
case Pass:
return "pass"
case Fetch:
return "fetch"
case BgFetch:
return "bgfetch"
case Pipe:
return "pipe"
panic("invalid reason")
// Grouping mode determines how transactions are aggregated when read
// from the log. Depending on the mode, transactions in a group may
// form a hierarchy. The default Grouping is VXID.
type Grouping uint8
const (
// GRaw for raw grouping. Transactions are not grouped, nor
// are records grouped into transactions -- every transaction
// has exactly one record. Records unrelated to requests,
// responses and sessions, such as backend health checks, are
// only reported in this mode.
GRaw Grouping = Grouping(C.VSL_g_raw)
// VXID is the default mode. Transactions are not grouped --
// each read returns one transaction for a request/response
// (client or backend) or session. Non-transactional data,
// such as backend health checks, are not reported in this
// mode. VXID is the unique ID generated by Varnish for each
// transaction.
VXID = Grouping(C.VSL_g_vxid)
// Request indicates grouping by client request. A group
// contains the client request and any other transactions that
// it initiated, such as backend requests, ESI subrequests and
// restarts,
Request = Grouping(C.VSL_g_request)
// Session grouping aggregates all transactions over a client
// connection. These groups can be much larger than the
// others; they may occupy significantly more memory, and log
// reads with this mode may take much longer.
Session = Grouping(C.VSL_g_session)
// Str2Grp maps strings to Grouping constants.
var Str2Grp = map[string]Grouping{
"raw": GRaw,
"vxid": VXID,
"request": Request,
"session": Session,
// RecordType is a classifier for the data in a Record, indicating if
// it is part of the log for a client request/response, a backend
// request/repsonse, or neither. Corresponds to the indicator 'b',
// 'c' or '-' in the fourth column of verbose varnishlog output.
// Use rune(rt) for a RecordType rt to get 'b', 'c' or '-'
type RecordType uint8
const (
// Client Record -- part of the log for a client
// request/response.
Client RecordType = RecordType('c')
// Backend Record -- part of the log for a backend
// request/response.
Backend = RecordType('b')
// None is the type of a Record that is not part of the log of
// a backend or client transaction. Examples are records with
// tags such as "Backend_health", "CLI" and so forth.
None = RecordType('-')
// String returns "b", "c" or "-".
func (rt RecordType) String() string {
return string(rt)
func initTags() []string {
var tags []string
if uint8(C.slt_max()) > ^uint8(0) {
panic("SLT__MAX > max uint8")
max := int(C.slt_max())
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
if C.VSL_tags[i] == nil {
tags = append(tags, fmt.Sprintf("%d", i))
tags = append(tags, C.GoString(C.VSL_tags[i]))
return tags
var tags = initTags()
// A Tag is a classifier for the contents of a Record's payload,
// corresponding to the second column of default varnishlog
// output. For a Tag t, t.String() may be "ReqURL" for a client
// request URL, "BerespStatus" for the HTTP status of a backend
// response, and so forth.
type Tag uint8
// String returns the Tag name that appears in the second column of
// default varnishlog output, such as "ReqHeader" for a client request
// header, or "BerespHeader" for a backend response header.
// If t.String() returns the numeric value of t as a string, then
// there is no legal tag for t. No such tag is generated from log
// reads for a live instance of Varnish. You may encounter such a tag
// when reading from a binary log that was generated by a version of
// Varnish that is different from the version with which the Go client
// is currently linked.
func (tag Tag) String() string {
return tags[tag]
// Nonprintable returns true if log payloads of the type indicated by
// the tag may contain non-printable characters. If Nonprintable()
// returns false (which is the case for most tags), you can assume
// that the log payload contains only printable ASCII characters.
func (tag Tag) Nonprintable() bool {
return C.nonprintable(uint32(tag)) != 0
// Payload is the type of the message contained in a Record -- the
// specific data for the record.
// A Payload is just a byte slice, so it is easily converted to a
// string (and otherwise manipulated).
type Payload []byte
// String returns a payload as a string.
func (p Payload) String() string {
return string(p)
// A Record in the Varnish log, corresponding to a line of output from
// the varnishlog utility. Instances of this type are returned for log
// reads, possibly aggregated into transactions (the Tx type), and
// form the bulk of log data.
// The contents and format of log records are described in vsl(7):
type Record struct {
// Indicates whether this record is part of a client or
// backend log, or neither.
Type RecordType
// A classifier for the contents of this Record's payload. Use
// Tag.String() to get tag names such as "ReqURL" or
// "BerespHeader" that appear in the second column of default
// varnishlog output.
Tag Tag
// The unique ID generated by Varnish for this log
// transaction.
VXID uint
// The log payload is the specific data for this record. The
// payload appears after the second column of default
// varnishlog output.
// If Nonprintable() is true for the tag in this record, then
// the payload may contain nonprintable characters. Otherwise
// it contains only printable ASCII characters (which is the
// case for most records).
Payload Payload
// A Tx for "transaction" is a collection of related log records,
// typically as the log of a client or backend request and
// response. Transactions may also include data unrelated to requests
// and responses, such as backend health checks.
// Transactions are read from the log in groups, according to the
// Grouping selected for the log client, corresponding to the grouping
// modes set by varnishlog -g. Transactions in a group may form a
// hierarchy, in which case they are related by the parent VXID
// property -- a transaction's parent VXID is the VXID of the
// transaction that initiated it. Parent VXID 0 indicates that a
// transaction has no parent transaction.
// The depth of nesting in a hierarchy is represented by a
// transaction's Level property. Levels start at level 1, except for
// raw transactions, which always have level 0.
type Tx struct {
// Whether this is the log of a client request/response,
// backend request/response, session and so forth.
Type TxType
// The cause of the event logged by this transaction.
Reason Reason
// The level of this transaction in a group. Always 1 for VXID
// grouping, and always 0 for raw grouping.
Level uint
// The unique ID generated by Varnish for this transaction.
VXID uint32
// The ID of the parent transaction for this transaction in a
// group. 0 if there is no parent. Always 0 for VXID and raw
// groupings.
ParentVXID uint32
// The Records that make up the bulk of this transaction's
// data.
Records []Record
// A Log instance is the foundation for log access via the native
// interface. It can be used to attach to the log of a live instance
// of Varnish, create a Cursor object, and set include/exclude filters
......@@ -502,67 +176,3 @@ func (log *Log) Attach(name string) error {
return nil
// Status classifies the current state of a log read sequence. A value
// of this type is returned from the Cursor.Next() and
// Query.NextTxGroup() methods.
type Status int8
const (
// WriteErr while writing a log.
WriteErr Status = Status(C.vsl_e_write)
// IOErr while reading a log.
IOErr = Status(C.vsl_e_io)
// Overrun indicates that the write position of a live Varnish
// instance, writing into the ring buffer, has cycled around
// and overtaken the read position of the Log client.
Overrun = Status(C.vsl_e_overrun)
// Abandoned indicates tha the log was closed or abandoned
// (usually because the Varnish child process stopped).
Abandoned = Status(C.vsl_e_abandon)
// EOF indicates that the end of a binary log file was reached.
EOF = Status(C.vsl_e_eof)
// EOL indicates that the end of a live Varnish log buffer was
// reached (there are currently no new log data).
EOL = Status(C.vsl_end)
// More indicates that there are more records to be read from
// the log.
More = Status(C.vsl_more)
// String returns a string describing the Status.
func (status Status) String() string {
switch status {
case WriteErr:
return "write error"
case IOErr:
return "I/O read error"
case Overrun:
return "Log overrun"
case Abandoned:
return "Log was abandoned or closed"
case EOF:
return "End of file"
case EOL:
return "End of log"
case More:
return "More log transactions are pending"
panic("invalid status")
// Error returns the same string as String for a Status, so that
// Status implements the error interface.
// Some of the strings returned, such as for EOF or EOL, do not
// necessarily describe an error.
func (status Status) Error() string {
return status.String()
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