Commit 9e9e39f1 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

keep only one instance of hidx

parent 90356896
......@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ typedef VSTAILQ_HEAD(includehead_s, inc_t) includehead_t;
static compiled_fmt_t cformat, bformat, rformat;
static includehead_t cincl[MAX_VSL_TAG], bincl[MAX_VSL_TAG], rincl[MAX_VSL_TAG];
int hidx[MAX_VSL_TAG];
* Header field names are HTTP 'tokens': ASCII except for control chars
* and the listed separators.
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ typedef struct arg_t {
typedef void formatter_f(const tx_t *tx, const arg_t *args, char **s,
size_t *len);
int hidx[MAX_VSL_TAG];
extern int hidx[MAX_VSL_TAG];
char *get_payload(const rec_t *rec);
rec_t *get_tag(const tx_t *tx, enum VSL_tag_e tag);
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