Commit add7c855 authored by Geoff Simmons's avatar Geoff Simmons

make the unit tests for strfTIM independent of (my) local time zone

parent eda06ca7
Pipeline #98 skipped
......@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ static char
size_t n;
time_t t = 1382804827;
long usec = 112625;
const char *exp = "2013-10-26-18:27:07.112625";
const char *exp = "2013-10-26-16:27:07.112625";
char s[BUFSIZ];
struct tm *tm;
printf("... testing strfTIM %%i conversion specifier\n");
tm = localtime(&t);
tm = gmtime(&t);
n = strfTIM(s, BUFSIZ, "%F-%T.%i", tm, usec);
......@@ -113,12 +113,16 @@ static char
size_t n;
time_t t = 1382804820;
struct tm *tm;
char s[BUFSIZ], exp[BUFSIZ];
printf("... testing strfTIMlocal\n");
n = strfTIMlocal(s, BUFSIZ, "%F-%T.%i", 1382804820.112625);
sprintf(exp, "2013-10-26-18:27:0%.6f", 0.112625);
tm = localtime(&t);
strftime(exp, BUFSIZ, "%F-%T.112625", tm);
VMASSERT(n == strlen(exp), "strfTIMlocal return value %zu (expected %zu)",
n, strlen(exp));
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