Commit adfb6e38 authored by Nils Goroll's avatar Nils Goroll

support SLT_F_UNSAFE

Ref varnish-cache master 2d0843eac8d77cfb3369591a61234d9c3ed6881e

parent 76741251
......@@ -797,15 +797,12 @@ format_VCL_Log(const tx_t *tx, const arg_t *args, char **s, size_t *len)
*len = strlen(l);
* XXX: apparently none of VSL, varnishlog or varnishncsa use VSB_quote
* for SLT_F_BINARY any more.
format_SLT(const tx_t *tx, const arg_t *args, char **s, size_t *len)
format_slt(tx, args->tag, args->hdr_idx, args->fld, s, len);
if (VSL_tagflags[args->tag] & SLT_F_BINARY && *s != NULL && *len > 0)
if (VSL_tagflags[args->tag] & (SLT_F_UNSAFE|SLT_F_BINARY) &&
*s != NULL && *len > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < *len; i++)
if (!isprint(*(*s + i))) {
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