Commit 3dbc284a authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

Missing bits surrounding VSV14

parent 599dd41f
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Our bi-annual "fresh" release is here: :ref:`rel7.5.0`
The 7.3 series is no longer supported in any capacity.
2024-03-18 - Varnish HTTP/2 Broke Window Attack
All Varnish Cache releases with HTTP/2 support suffer a vulnerability in
the HTTP/2 protocol. Please see :ref:`VSV00014` for more information.
......@@ -43,34 +43,52 @@ Timeline
* **2019-04-19** the vulnerability is theorized (see commit message of e1a1fdc7_)
* **2023-08-24** the vulnerability is confirmed
* it happened while working on bringing back the parameters ``timeout_req``
and ``timeout_reqbody`` to Varnish Enterprise 6.0
* **2023-09-20** the vulnerability is studied
* once the timeouts are reintroduced in Varnish Enterprise, work started to
find an appropriate mitigation
* **2023-10-10** the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack is disclosed
* work on the Rapid Reset Attack starts, see :ref:`VSV00013_`
* work on the Rapid Reset Attack starts, see :ref:`VSV00013`
* work on the Broke Window Attack mitigation is postponed
* **2023-10-23** CVE-2023-43622 is published
* it describes a subset of the vulnerability for the Apache HTTP Server
* work on the Broke Window Attack mitigation resumes
* a first iteration is ready and submitted for a review
* the Varnish Cache maintainers are informed
* **2023-11-16** a second iteration is submitted for review
* **2023-11-29** the second iteration is approved
* Varnish Enterprise ships the mitigation in the 6.0.12r4 release
* **2023-12-05** the mitigation is ported to Varnish Cache
* the master branch is targeted
* the mitigation is not ready to publish
* **2024-01-15** the port to Varnish Cache resumes
* ported to supported branches 7.4, 7.4 and 6.0 LTS
* **2024-01-17** a regression is discovered
* the second iteration of the mitigation is racy
* when a race occurs, it is partially effective
* offending HTTP/2 streams are reset, but the connection is not closed
* **2024-01-23** the regression is fixed
* the ports to Varnish Cache are updated
* a bug fix is submitted to Varnish Enterprise
* **2024-03-05** the port to Varnish Cache master branch is updated
* **2024-03-18** public advisory and releases
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ List of all Varnish CVEs
=============== =============== ====================================
Versions CVE What
=============== =============== ====================================
5.x, 6.x, 7.x CVE-2023-43622_ :ref:`vsv00014`
5.x, 6.x, 7.x CVE-2023-44487_ :ref:`vsv00013`
vmod_digest CVE-2023-41104_ :ref:`vsv00012`
6.x, 7.x CVE-2022-45060_ :ref:`vsv00011`
......@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ vmod_digest CVE-2023-41104_ :ref:`vsv00012`
< 2.1.0 CVE-2009-2936_ Trophy hunting
=============== =============== ====================================
.. _CVE-2023-43622:
.. _CVE-2023-44487:
.. _CVE-2023-41104:
.. _CVE-2022-45060:
......@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ vmod_digest CVE-2023-41104_ :ref:`vsv00012`
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