Commit 57eb0f17 authored by Pål Hermunn Johansen's avatar Pål Hermunn Johansen

Unbreak test from incomplete backport

The previous commit was not a good backport, as I did not check the
new test case. Now the test case has been updated, and everything
should work.
parent d8810a87
......@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ client c1 {
} -run
process p1 {varnishncsa -d -n ${v1_name} -F "%u %{Host}i"} -run
process p1 {varnishncsa -d -n ${v1_name} -F "%u %{Host}i"} -start
process p1 -wait
shell {grep -q "foo qux" ${tmpdir}/p1/stdout}
process p2 {varnishncsa -d -n ${v1_name} -F "%r"} -run
process p2 {varnishncsa -d -n ${v1_name} -F "%r"} -start
process p2 -wait
shell {grep -q "GET http://qux/ HTTP/1.1" ${tmpdir}/p2/stdout}
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