Commit 5d272966 authored by Federico G. Schwindt's avatar Federico G. Schwindt

Don't emit multiple Age or Accept-Ranges headers

This might happen during pass'd requests or in a multi-tier setup.
Fixes #1955.
parent 2d4565b6
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ vbf_beresp2obj(struct busyobj *bo)
l2 = http_EstimateWS(bo->beresp,
bo->uncacheable ? HTTPH_R_PASS : HTTPH_A_INS);
bo->uncacheable ? HTTPH_A_PASS : HTTPH_A_INS);
l += l2;
if (bo->uncacheable)
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ vbf_beresp2obj(struct busyobj *bo)
bp = ObjSetAttr(bo->wrk, bo->fetch_objcore, OA_HEADERS, l2, NULL);
HTTP_Encode(bo->beresp, bp, l2,
bo->uncacheable ? HTTPH_R_PASS : HTTPH_A_INS);
bo->uncacheable ? HTTPH_A_PASS : HTTPH_A_INS);
if (http_GetHdr(bo->beresp, H_Last_Modified, &b))
AZ(ObjSetDouble(bo->wrk, bo->fetch_objcore, OA_LASTMODIFIED,
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ cnt_transmit(struct worker *wrk, struct req *req)
if (cache_param->http_range_support &&
http_IsStatus(req->resp, 200)) {
http_SetHeader(req->resp, "Accept-Ranges: bytes");
http_ForceHeader(req->resp, H_Accept_Ranges, "bytes");
if (sendbody && http_GetHdr(req->http, H_Range, &r))
VRG_dorange(req, r);
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ server s1 {
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
import debug;
sub vcl_deliver {
debug.workspace_allocate(client, debug.workspace_free(client) - 150);
debug.workspace_allocate(client, debug.workspace_free(client) - 160);
if (req.url ~ "/bar") {
set resp.http.x-foo = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
varnishtest "Correct handling multiple Age headers in pass mode"
# This affects Accept-Range as well but it's not possible to test
# for that.
server s1 {
txresp -hdr "Cache-Control: max-age=1" -hdr "Age: 2"
} -start
varnish v1 -vcl+backend {
import std;
sub vcl_deliver {
} -start
client c1 {
expect resp.http.age == "2"
} -run
......@@ -43,75 +43,78 @@
#define HTTPH_R_PASS (1 << 0) /* Request (c->b) in pass mode */
#define HTTPH_R_FETCH (1 << 1) /* Request (c->b) for fetch */
#define HTTPH_A_INS (1 << 2) /* Response (b->o) for insert */
#define HTTPH_A_PASS (1 << 3) /* Response (b->o) for pass */
/* Shorthand for this file only, to keep table narrow */
#if defined(P) || defined(F) || defined(I) || defined(H)
#if defined(P) || defined(F) || defined(I) || defined(H) || defined(S)
#error "Macro overloading" // Trust but verify
#define P HTTPH_R_PASS
#define I HTTPH_A_INS
#define S HTTPH_A_PASS
#define H(s,e,f) HTTPH(s, e, f)
H("Keep-Alive", H_Keep_Alive, P|F ) // 2068
H("Accept", H_Accept, 0 ) // 2616 14.1
H("Accept-Charset", H_Accept_Charset, 0 ) // 2616 14.2
H("Accept-Encoding", H_Accept_Encoding, 0 ) // 2616 14.3
H("Accept-Language", H_Accept_Language, 0 ) // 2616 14.4
H("Accept-Ranges", H_Accept_Ranges, F|I) // 2616 14.5
H("Age", H_Age, I) // 2616 14.6
H("Allow", H_Allow, 0 ) // 2616 14.7
H("Authorization", H_Authorization, 0 ) // 2616 14.8
H("Cache-Control", H_Cache_Control, F ) // 2616 14.9
H("Connection", H_Connection, P|F|I) // 2616 14.10
H("Content-Encoding", H_Content_Encoding, 0 ) // 2616 14.11
H("Content-Language", H_Content_Language, 0 ) // 2616 14.12
H("Content-Length", H_Content_Length, F ) // 2616 14.13
H("Content-Location", H_Content_Location, 0 ) // 2616 14.14
H("Content-MD5", H_Content_MD5, 0 ) // 2616 14.15
H("Content-Range", H_Content_Range, F|I) // 2616 14.16
H("Content-Type", H_Content_Type, 0 ) // 2616 14.17
H("Cookie", H_Cookie, 0 ) // 6265 4.2
H("Date", H_Date, 0 ) // 2616 14.18
H("ETag", H_ETag, 0 ) // 2616 14.19
H("Expect", H_Expect, 0 ) // 2616 14.20
H("Expires", H_Expires, 0 ) // 2616 14.21
H("From", H_From, 0 ) // 2616 14.22
H("Host", H_Host, 0 ) // 2616 14.23
H("HTTP2-Settings", H_HTTP2_Settings, P|F|I) // httpbis-http2-16.txt
H("If-Match", H_If_Match, F ) // 2616 14.24
H("If-Modified-Since", H_If_Modified_Since, F ) // 2616 14.25
H("If-None-Match", H_If_None_Match, F ) // 2616 14.26
H("If-Range", H_If_Range, F ) // 2616 14.27
H("If-Unmodified-Since",H_If_Unmodified_Since, F ) // 2616 14.28
H("Last-Modified", H_Last_Modified, 0 ) // 2616 14.29
H("Location", H_Location, 0 ) // 2616 14.30
H("Max-Forwards", H_Max_Forwards, 0 ) // 2616 14.31
H("Pragma", H_Pragma, 0 ) // 2616 14.32
H("Proxy-Authenticate", H_Proxy_Authenticate, F|I) // 2616 14.33
H("Proxy-Authorization",H_Proxy_Authorization, F|I) // 2616 14.34
H("Range", H_Range, F|I) // 2616 14.35
H("Referer", H_Referer, 0 ) // 2616 14.36
H("Retry-After", H_Retry_After, 0 ) // 2616 14.37
H("Server", H_Server, 0 ) // 2616 14.38
H("Set-Cookie", H_Set_Cookie, 0 ) // 6265 4.1
H("TE", H_TE, P|F|I) // 2616 14.39
H("Trailer", H_Trailer, P|F|I) // 2616 14.40
H("Transfer-Encoding", H_Transfer_Encoding, P|F|I) // 2616 14.41
H("Upgrade", H_Upgrade, P|F|I) // 2616 14.42
H("User-Agent", H_User_Agent, 0 ) // 2616 14.43
H("Vary", H_Vary, 0 ) // 2616 14.44
H("Via", H_Via, 0 ) // 2616 14.45
H("Warning", H_Warning, 0 ) // 2616 14.46
H("WWW-Authenticate", H_WWW_Authenticate, 0 ) // 2616 14.47
H("X-Forwarded-For", H_X_Forwarded_For, 0 ) // No RFC
H("Keep-Alive", H_Keep_Alive, P|F |S) // 2068
H("Accept", H_Accept, 0 ) // 2616 14.1
H("Accept-Charset", H_Accept_Charset, 0 ) // 2616 14.2
H("Accept-Encoding", H_Accept_Encoding, 0 ) // 2616 14.3
H("Accept-Language", H_Accept_Language, 0 ) // 2616 14.4
H("Accept-Ranges", H_Accept_Ranges, P|F|I ) // 2616 14.5
H("Age", H_Age, I|S) // 2616 14.6
H("Allow", H_Allow, 0 ) // 2616 14.7
H("Authorization", H_Authorization, 0 ) // 2616 14.8
H("Cache-Control", H_Cache_Control, F ) // 2616 14.9
H("Connection", H_Connection, P|F|I|S) // 2616 14.10
H("Content-Encoding", H_Content_Encoding, 0 ) // 2616 14.11
H("Content-Language", H_Content_Language, 0 ) // 2616 14.12
H("Content-Length", H_Content_Length, F ) // 2616 14.13
H("Content-Location", H_Content_Location, 0 ) // 2616 14.14
H("Content-MD5", H_Content_MD5, 0 ) // 2616 14.15
H("Content-Range", H_Content_Range, F|I ) // 2616 14.16
H("Content-Type", H_Content_Type, 0 ) // 2616 14.17
H("Cookie", H_Cookie, 0 ) // 6265 4.2
H("Date", H_Date, 0 ) // 2616 14.18
H("ETag", H_ETag, 0 ) // 2616 14.19
H("Expect", H_Expect, 0 ) // 2616 14.20
H("Expires", H_Expires, 0 ) // 2616 14.21
H("From", H_From, 0 ) // 2616 14.22
H("Host", H_Host, 0 ) // 2616 14.23
H("HTTP2-Settings", H_HTTP2_Settings, P|F|I|S) // httpbis-http2-16.txt
H("If-Match", H_If_Match, F ) // 2616 14.24
H("If-Modified-Since", H_If_Modified_Since, F ) // 2616 14.25
H("If-None-Match", H_If_None_Match, F ) // 2616 14.26
H("If-Range", H_If_Range, F ) // 2616 14.27
H("If-Unmodified-Since",H_If_Unmodified_Since, F ) // 2616 14.28
H("Last-Modified", H_Last_Modified, 0 ) // 2616 14.29
H("Location", H_Location, 0 ) // 2616 14.30
H("Max-Forwards", H_Max_Forwards, 0 ) // 2616 14.31
H("Pragma", H_Pragma, 0 ) // 2616 14.32
H("Proxy-Authenticate", H_Proxy_Authenticate, F|I ) // 2616 14.33
H("Proxy-Authorization",H_Proxy_Authorization, F|I ) // 2616 14.34
H("Range", H_Range, F|I ) // 2616 14.35
H("Referer", H_Referer, 0 ) // 2616 14.36
H("Retry-After", H_Retry_After, 0 ) // 2616 14.37
H("Server", H_Server, 0 ) // 2616 14.38
H("Set-Cookie", H_Set_Cookie, 0 ) // 6265 4.1
H("TE", H_TE, P|F|I|S) // 2616 14.39
H("Trailer", H_Trailer, P|F|I|S) // 2616 14.40
H("Transfer-Encoding", H_Transfer_Encoding, P|F|I|S) // 2616 14.41
H("Upgrade", H_Upgrade, P|F|I|S) // 2616 14.42
H("User-Agent", H_User_Agent, 0 ) // 2616 14.43
H("Vary", H_Vary, 0 ) // 2616 14.44
H("Via", H_Via, 0 ) // 2616 14.45
H("Warning", H_Warning, 0 ) // 2616 14.46
H("WWW-Authenticate", H_WWW_Authenticate, 0 ) // 2616 14.47
H("X-Forwarded-For", H_X_Forwarded_For, 0 ) // No RFC
#undef P
#undef F
#undef I
#undef S
#undef H
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