Commit 9db3b24c authored by Dag Erling Smørgrav's avatar Dag Erling Smørgrav

Slide the change log.

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git-svn-id: d4fa192b-c00b-0410-8231-f00ffab90ce4
parent 6f73f889
Change log for Varnish 1.0.4 Change log for Varnish 1.1
Changes between 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 Changes between 1.0.4 and 1.1
varnishd varnishd
• The request workflow has been redesigned to simplify request processing and • Readability of the C source code generated from VCL code has been improved.
eliminate code duplication. All codepaths which need to speak HTTP now
share a single implementation of the protocol. Some new VCL hooks have been
added, though they aren't much use yet. The only real user-visible change
should be that Varnish now handles persistent backend connections correctly
(see ticket #56).
• Support for multiple listen addresses has been added. • Equality (==) and inequality (!=) operators have been implemented for IP
addresses (which previously could only be compared using ACLs).
An "include" facility has been added to VCL, allowing VCL code to pull in The address of the listening socket on which the client connection was
code fragments from multiple files. received is now available to VCL as the server.ip variable.
Multiple definitions of the same VCL function are now concatenated into one Each object's hash key is now computed based on a string which is available
in the order in which they appear in the source. This simplifies the to VCL as req.hash. A VCL hook named vcl_hash has been added to allow VCL
mechanism for falling back to the built-in default for cases which aren't scripts to control hash generation (for instance, whether or not to include
handled in custom code, and facilitates modularization. the value of the Host: header in the hash).
• The code used to format management command arguments before passing them on • The setup code for listening sockets has been modified to detect and handle
to the child process would underestimate the amount of space needed to hold situations where a host name resolves to multiple IP addresses. It will now
each argument once quotes and special characters were properly escaped, attempt to bind to each IP address separately, and report a failure only if
resulting in a buffer overflow. This has been corrected. none of them worked.
The VCL compiler has been overhauled. Several memory leaks have been Network or protocol errors that occur while retrieving an object from a
plugged, and error detection and reporting has been improved throughout. backend server now result in a synthetic error page being inserted into the
Parts of the compiler have been refactored to simplify future extension of cache with a 30-second TTL. This should help avoid driving an overburdened
the language. backend server into the ground by repeatedly requesting the same object.
• A bug in the VCL compiler which resulted in incorrect parsing of the • The child process will now drop root privileges immediately upon startup.
decrement (-=) operator has been fixed. The user and group to use are specified with the user and group run-time
parameters, which default to nobody and nogroup, respectively. Other
changes have been made in an effort to increase the isolation between
parent and child, and reduce the impact of a compromise of the child
• A new -C command-line option has been added which causes varnishd to • Objects which are received from the backend with a Vary: header are now
compile the VCL code (either from a file specified with -f or the built-in stored separately according to the values of the headers specified in
default), print the resulting C code and exit. Vary:. This allows Varnish to correctly cache e.g. compressed and
uncompressed versions of the same object.
• When processing a backend response using chunked encoding, if a chunk • Each Varnish instance now has a name, which by default is the host name of
header crosses a read buffer boundary, read additional bytes from the the machine it runs on, but can be any string that would be valid as a
backend connection until the chunk header is complete. relative or absolute directory name. It is used to construct the name of a
directory in which the server state as well as all temporary files are
stored. This makes it possible to run multiple Varnish instances on the
same machine without conflict.
• A new ping_interval run-time parameter controls how often the management • When invoked with the -C option, varnishd will now not just translate the
process checks that the worker process is alive. VCL code to C, but also compile the C code and attempt to load the
resulting shared object.
• A bug which would cause the worker process to dereference a NULL pointer • Attempts by VCL code to reference a variable outside its scope or to assign
and crash if the backend did not respond has been fixed. a value to a read-only variable will now result in compile-time rather than
run-time errors.
• In some cases, such as when they are used by AJAX applications to • The new command-line option -F will make varnishd run in the foreground,
circumvent Internet Explorer's over-eager disk cache, it may be desirable without enabling debugging.
to cache POST requests. However, the code path responsible for delivering
objects from cache would only transmit the response body when replying to a
GET request. This has been extended to also apply to POST.
This should be revisited at a later date to allow VCL code to control • New VCL variables have been introduced to allow inspection and manipulation
whether the body is delivered. of the request sent to the backend (bereq.request, bereq.url, bereq.proto
and bereq.http) and the response to the client (resp.proto, resp.status,
resp.response and resp.http).
• Varnish now respects Cache-control: s-maxage, and prefers it to • Statistics from the storage code (including the amount of data and free
Cache-control: max-age if both are present. space in the cache) are now available to varnishstat and other
statistics-gathering tools.
This should be revisited at a later date to allow VCL code to control which • Objects are now kept on an LRU list which is kept loosely up-to-date (to
headers are used and how they are interpreted. within a few seconds). When cache runs out, the objects at the tail end of
the LRU list are discarded one by one until there is enough space for the
freshly requested object(s). A VCL hook, vcl_discard, is allowed to inspect
each object and determine its fate by returning either keep or discard.
• When loading a new VCL script, the management process will now load the • A new VCL hook, vcl_deliver, provides a chance to adjust the response
compiled object to verify that it links correctly before instructing the before it is sent to the client.
worker process to load it.
• A new -P command-line options has been added which causes varnishd to • A new management command,, displays the VCL source code of any
create a PID file. loaded configuration.
• The sendfile_threshold run-time parameter's default value has been set to • A new VCL variable, now, provides VCL scripts with the current time in
infinity after a variety of sendfile()-related bugs were discovered on seconds since the epoch.
several platforms.
varnishlog • A new VCL variable, obj.lastuse, reflects the time in seconds since the
object in question was last used.
• When grouping log entries by request, varnishlog attempts to collapse the • VCL scripts can now add an HTTP header (or modify the value of an existing
log entry for a call to a VCL function with the log entry for the one) by assigning a value to the corresponding variable, and strip an HTTP
corresponding return from VCL. When two VCL calls were made in succession, header by using the remove keyword.
varnishlog would incorrectly omit the newline between the two calls (see
ticket #95).
• New -D and -P command-line options have been added to daemonize and create • VCL scripts can now modify the HTTP status code of cached objects
a pidfile, respectively. (obj.status) and responses (resp.status)
• Numeric and other non-textual variables in VCL can now be assigned to
textual variables; they will be converted as needed.
• VCL scripts can now apply regular expression substitutions to textual
variables using the regsub function.
• A new management command, status, returns the state of the child.
• Varnish will now build and run on Mac OS X.
• This is a new utility which sends a single command to a Varnish server's
management port and prints the result to stdout, greatly simplifying the
use of the management port from scripts.
• The user interface has been greatly improved; the histogram will be
automatically rescaled and redrawn when the window size changes, and it is
updated regularly rather than at a rate dependent on the amount of log data
gathered. In addition, the name of the Varnish instance being watched is
displayed in the upper right corner.
varnishncsa varnishncsa
• The formatting callback has been largely rewritten for clarity, robustness • In addition to client traffic, varnishncsa can now also process log data
and efficiency. from backend traffic.
• A bug that would cause varnishncsa to segfault when it encountered an empty
HTTP header in the log file has been fixed.
If a request included a Host: header, construct and output an absolute URL. varnishreplay
This makes varnishncsa output from servers which handle multiple virtual
hosts far more useful.
Documentation • This new utility will attempt to recreate the HTTP traffic which resulted
in the raw Varnish log data which it is fed.
• The documentation—especially the VCL documentation—has been greatly varnishstat
extended and improved.
Build system • Don't print lifetime averages when it doesn't make any sense—for instance,
there is no point in dividing the amount in bytes of free cache space by
the lifetime in seconds of the varnishd process.
• The name and location of the curses or ncurses library is now correctly • The user interface has been greatly improved; varnishstat will no longer
detected by the configure script instead of being hardcoded into affected print more than fits in the terminal, and will respond correctly to window
Makefiles. This allows Varnish to build correctly on a wider range of resize events. The output produced in one-shot mode has been modified to
platforms. include symbolic names for each entry. In addition, the name of the Varnish
instance being watched is displayed in the upper right corner in curses
• Compatibility shims for clock_gettime() are now correctly applied where varnishtop
needed, allowing Varnish to build on MacOS X.
• The script will now correctly detect and warn about automake • The user interface has been greatly improved; varnishtop will now respond
versions which are known not to work correctly. correctly to window resize events, and one-shot mode (-1) actually works.
In addition, the name of the Varnish instance being watched is displayed in
the upper right corner in curses mode.
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