Commit a7e9da29 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

Remove unused PARAM() macro arguments

This is the first of a series of mechanical patches made possible by vim
macros. This is a first step towards continuing the work initiated in
39e0bc53 and the first observation is that we have some dead weight
in the table.
parent 4356e2bf
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ struct params {
#define ptyp_uint unsigned
#define ptyp_vsl_buffer unsigned
#define ptyp_vsl_reclen unsigned
#define PARAM(nm, ty, mi, ma, de, un, fl, st, lt, fn) ptyp_##ty nm;
#define PARAM(nm, ty, mi, ma, de, un, fl, st) ptyp_##ty nm;
#include <tbl/params.h>
#undef ptyp_bool
#undef ptyp_bytes
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"\tmax_age\tmax age of free element."
struct parspec mgt_parspec[] = {
#define PARAM(nm, ty, mi, ma, de, un, fl, st, lt, fn) \
#define PARAM(nm, ty, mi, ma, de, un, fl, st) \
{ #nm, tweak_##ty, &mgt_param.nm, mi, ma, st, fl, de, un },
#include "tbl/params.h"
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
* PARAM(nm, ty, mi, ma, de, un, fl, st, lt, fn)
* PARAM(nm, ty, mi, ma, de, un, fl, st)
/*lint -save -e525 -e539 */
......@@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ PARAM(
"Enabling accept_filter may prevent some requests to reach Varnish "
"in the first place. Malformed requests may go unnoticed and not "
"increase the client_req_400 counter. GET or HEAD requests with a "
"body may be blocked altogether.",
/* l-text */ NULL,
/* func */ NULL
"body may be blocked altogether."
#undef XYZZY
......@@ -73,9 +71,7 @@ PARAM(
"If we run out of resources, such as file descriptors or worker "
"threads, the acceptor will sleep between accepts.\n"
"This parameter (multiplicatively) reduce the sleep duration for "
"each successful accept. (ie: 0.9 = reduce by 10%)",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"each successful accept. (ie: 0.9 = reduce by 10%)"
......@@ -90,9 +86,7 @@ PARAM(
"If we run out of resources, such as file descriptors or worker "
"threads, the acceptor will sleep between accepts.\n"
"This parameter control how much longer we sleep, each time we "
"fail to accept a new connection.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"fail to accept a new connection."
......@@ -107,9 +101,7 @@ PARAM(
"If we run out of resources, such as file descriptors or worker "
"threads, the acceptor will sleep between accepts.\n"
"This parameter limits how long it can sleep between attempts to "
"accept new connections.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"accept new connections."
......@@ -121,9 +113,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "bool",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Automatically restart the child/worker process if it dies.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Automatically restart the child/worker process if it dies."
......@@ -138,9 +128,7 @@ PARAM(
"Eliminate older identical bans when a new ban is added. This saves "
"CPU cycles by not comparing objects to identical bans.\n"
"This is a waste of time if you have many bans which are never "
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
......@@ -170,9 +158,7 @@ PARAM(
"additional latency due to request ban testing is in the order of "
"ban_cutoff / rate(bans_lurker_tests_tested). For example, for "
"rate(bans_lurker_tests_tested) = 2M/s and a tolerable latency of "
"100ms, a good value for ban_cutoff may be 200K.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"100ms, a good value for ban_cutoff may be 200K."
......@@ -189,9 +175,7 @@ PARAM(
"as part of object lookup. Because many applications issue bans in "
"bursts, this parameter holds the ban-lurker off until the rush is "
"This should be set to the approximate time which a ban-burst takes.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"This should be set to the approximate time which a ban-burst takes."
......@@ -205,9 +189,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"The ban lurker sleeps ${ban_lurker_sleep} after examining this "
"many objects."
" Use this to pace the ban-lurker if it eats too many resources.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
" Use this to pace the ban-lurker if it eats too many resources."
......@@ -222,9 +204,7 @@ PARAM(
"How long the ban lurker sleeps after examining ${ban_lurker_batch} "
" Use this to pace the ban-lurker if it eats too many resources.\n"
"A value of zero will disable the ban lurker entirely.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"A value of zero will disable the ban lurker entirely."
......@@ -237,9 +217,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ EXPERIMENTAL,
/* s-text */
"How long the ban lurker sleeps when giving way to lookup"
" due to lock contention.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
" due to lock contention."
......@@ -255,9 +233,7 @@ PARAM(
"wait for this many seconds for the first byte before giving up.\n"
"VCL can override this default value for each backend and backend "
"This parameter does not apply to pipe'ed requests.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"This parameter does not apply to pipe'ed requests."
......@@ -272,9 +248,7 @@ PARAM(
"We only wait for this many seconds between bytes received from "
"the backend before giving up the fetch.\n"
"VCL values, per backend or per backend request take precedence.\n"
"This parameter does not apply to pipe'ed requests.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"This parameter does not apply to pipe'ed requests."
......@@ -286,9 +260,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "seconds",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Timeout before we close unused backend connections.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Timeout before we close unused backend connections."
......@@ -306,9 +278,7 @@ PARAM(
"may worsen the situation due to the complexity of the operations "
"involved in the kernel.\n"
"This parameter prevents repeated connection attempts for the "
"configured duration.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"configured duration."
......@@ -325,9 +295,7 @@ PARAM(
"not accepting connections or routing problems for which repeated "
"connection attempts are considered useless\n"
"This parameter prevents repeated connection attempts for the "
"configured duration.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"configured duration."
......@@ -341,9 +309,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"Maximum size of CLI response. If the response exceeds this "
"limit, the response code will be 201 instead of 200 and the last "
"line will indicate the truncation.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"line will indicate the truncation."
......@@ -356,9 +322,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Timeout for the childs replies to CLI requests from the "
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
......@@ -371,9 +335,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"How much clockskew we are willing to accept between the backend "
"and our own clock.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"and our own clock."
......@@ -386,9 +348,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"How much observed clock step we are willing to accept before "
"we panic.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"we panic."
......@@ -403,9 +363,7 @@ PARAM(
"Default connection timeout for backend connections. We only try "
"to connect to the backend for this many seconds before giving up. "
"VCL can override this default value for each backend and backend "
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
......@@ -418,9 +376,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ WIZARD,
/* s-text */
"How long the critbit hasher keeps deleted objheads on the cooloff "
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
#if 0
......@@ -449,9 +405,7 @@ PARAM(
" lurker VSL Ban lurker\n"
" esi_chop Chop ESI fetch to bits\n"
" flush_head Flush after http1 head\n"
" vtc_mode Varnishtest Mode",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
" vtc_mode Varnishtest Mode"
......@@ -466,9 +420,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"Default grace period. We will deliver an object this long after "
"it has expired, provided another thread is attempting to get a "
"new copy.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"new copy."
......@@ -483,9 +435,7 @@ PARAM(
"Default keep period. We will keep a useless object around this "
"long, making it available for conditional backend fetches. That "
"means that the object will be removed from the cache at the end "
"of ttl+grace+keep.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"of ttl+grace+keep."
......@@ -498,9 +448,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ OBJ_STICKY,
/* s-text */
"The TTL assigned to objects if neither the backend nor the VCL "
"code assigns one.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"code assigns one."
......@@ -514,9 +462,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"Number of io vectors to allocate for HTTP1 protocol transmission."
" A HTTP1 header needs 7 + 2 per HTTP header field."
" Allocated from workspace_thread.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
" Allocated from workspace_thread."
#if 0
......@@ -541,9 +487,7 @@ PARAM(
" esi_ignore_https Treat HTTPS as HTTP in ESI:includes\n"
" esi_disable_xml_check Don't check of body looks like XML\n"
" esi_ignore_other_elements Ignore non-esi XML-elements\n"
" esi_remove_bom Remove UTF-8 BOM",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
" esi_remove_bom Remove UTF-8 BOM"
......@@ -559,9 +503,7 @@ PARAM(
"The default chunksize used by fetcher. This should be bigger than "
"the majority of objects with short TTLs.\n"
"Internal limits in the storage_file module makes increases above "
"128kb a dubious idea.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"128kb a dubious idea."
......@@ -574,9 +516,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ EXPERIMENTAL,
/* s-text */
"The maximum chunksize we attempt to allocate from storage. Making "
"this too large may cause delays and storage fragmentation.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"this too large may cause delays and storage fragmentation."
......@@ -592,9 +532,7 @@ PARAM(
"These buffers are used for in-transit data, for instance "
"gunzip'ed data being sent to a client.Making this space to small "
"results in more overhead, writes to sockets etc, making it too "
"big is probably just a waste of memory.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"big is probably just a waste of memory."
......@@ -606,9 +544,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ NULL,
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Gzip compression level: 0=debug, 1=fast, 9=best",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Gzip compression level: 0=debug, 1=fast, 9=best"
......@@ -621,9 +557,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Gzip memory level 1=slow/least, 9=fast/most compression.\n"
"Memory impact is 1=1k, 2=2k, ... 9=256k.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Memory impact is 1=1k, 2=2k, ... 9=256k."
......@@ -647,10 +581,8 @@ PARAM(
"please see the chapter on gzip in the Varnish reference.\n"
"When gzip support is disabled the variables beresp.do_gzip and "
"beresp.do_gunzip have no effect in VCL.",
"beresp.do_gunzip have no effect in VCL."
/* XXX: what about the effect on beresp.filters? */
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
......@@ -666,9 +598,7 @@ PARAM(
"{req|resp|bereq|beresp}.http (obj.http is autosized to the exact "
"number of headers).\n"
"Cheap, ~20 bytes, in terms of workspace memory.\n"
"Note that the first line occupies five header lines.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Note that the first line occupies five header lines."
......@@ -680,9 +610,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "bool",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Enable support for HTTP Range headers.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Enable support for HTTP Range headers."
......@@ -695,9 +623,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Maximum length of any HTTP client request header we will allow. "
"The limit is inclusive its continuation lines.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"The limit is inclusive its continuation lines."
......@@ -714,9 +640,7 @@ PARAM(
"ends the HTTP request.\n"
"The memory for the request is allocated from the client workspace "
"(param: workspace_client) and this parameter limits how much of "
"that the request is allowed to take up.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"that the request is allowed to take up."
......@@ -729,9 +653,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Maximum length of any HTTP backend response header we will allow. "
" The limit is inclusive its continuation lines.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
" The limit is inclusive its continuation lines."
......@@ -748,9 +670,7 @@ PARAM(
"which ends the HTTP response.\n"
"The memory for the response is allocated from the backend workspace "
"(param: workspace_backend) and this parameter limits how much "
"of that the response is allowed to take up.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"of that the response is allowed to take up."
#if defined(XYZZY)
......@@ -775,9 +695,7 @@ PARAM(
" May get extended if 'send_timeout' applies.\n\n"
"When this timeout is hit, the session is closed.\n\n"
"See the man page for `setsockopt(2)` or `socket(7)` under"
" ``SO_SNDTIMEO`` for more information.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
" ``SO_SNDTIMEO`` for more information."
#undef XYZZY
......@@ -790,9 +708,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "connections",
/* flags */ MUST_RESTART,
/* s-text */
"Listen queue depth.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Listen queue depth."
......@@ -808,9 +724,7 @@ PARAM(
"Objects are only moved to the front of the LRU list if they have "
"not been moved there already inside this timeout period. This "
"reduces the amount of lock operations necessary for LRU list "
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
......@@ -822,9 +736,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "levels",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Maximum depth of esi:include processing.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Maximum depth of esi:include processing."
......@@ -836,9 +748,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "restarts",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Upper limit on how many times a request can restart.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Upper limit on how many times a request can restart."
......@@ -850,9 +760,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "retries",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Upper limit on how many times a backend fetch can retry.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Upper limit on how many times a backend fetch can retry."
......@@ -865,9 +773,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ EXPERIMENTAL,
/* s-text */
"Maximum number of objects we attempt to nuke in order to make "
"space for a object body.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"space for a object body."
#if 0
......@@ -882,9 +788,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"The limit for the number of internal matching function calls in "
"a pcre_exec() execution.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"a pcre_exec() execution."
/* actual location mgt_param_tbl.c */
......@@ -898,9 +802,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"The limit for the number of internal matching function "
"recursions in a pcre_exec() execution.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"recursions in a pcre_exec() execution."
......@@ -915,9 +817,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"Interval between pings from parent to child.\n"
"Zero will disable pinging entirely, which makes it possible to "
"attach a debugger to the child.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"attach a debugger to the child."
......@@ -929,9 +829,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "connections",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Maximum number of sessions dedicated to pipe transactions.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Maximum number of sessions dedicated to pipe transactions."
......@@ -944,9 +842,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Idle timeout for PIPE sessions. If nothing have been received in "
"either direction for this many seconds, the session is closed.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"either direction for this many seconds, the session is closed."
#if 0
......@@ -961,9 +857,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Parameters for per worker pool request memory pool.\n"
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
/* actual location mgt_param_tbl.c */
......@@ -977,9 +871,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Parameters for per worker pool session memory pool.\n"
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
/* actual location mgt_param_tbl.c */
......@@ -993,9 +885,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Parameters for backend object fetch memory pool.\n"
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
......@@ -1009,9 +899,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Prefer IPv6 address when connecting to backends which have both "
"IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."
......@@ -1026,9 +914,7 @@ PARAM(
"How many parked request we start for each completed request on "
"the object.\n"
"NB: Even with the implict delay of delivery, this parameter "
"controls an exponential increase in number of worker threads.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"controls an exponential increase in number of worker threads."
#if defined(XYZZY)
......@@ -1054,9 +940,7 @@ PARAM(
"When 'idle_send_timeout' is hit while sending an HTTP1 response, the"
" timeout is extended unless the total time already taken for sending"
" the response in its entirety exceeds this many seconds.\n\n"
"When this timeout is hit, the session is closed",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"When this timeout is hit, the session is closed"
#undef XYZZY
......@@ -1070,9 +954,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Objects created with (ttl+grace+keep) shorter than this are "
"always put in transient storage.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"always put in transient storage."
......@@ -1085,9 +967,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ MUST_RESTART,
/* s-text */
"Install a signal handler which tries to dump debug information on "
"segmentation faults, bus errors and abort signals.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"segmentation faults, bus errors and abort signals."
......@@ -1099,9 +979,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "bool",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Log all CLI traffic to syslog(LOG_INFO).",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Log all CLI traffic to syslog(LOG_INFO)."
#if defined(HAVE_TCP_FASTOPEN)
......@@ -1118,9 +996,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "bool",
/* flags */ XYZZY,
/* s-text */
"Enable TCP Fast Open extension.",
/* l-text */ NULL,
/* func */ NULL
"Enable TCP Fast Open extension."
#undef XYZZY
......@@ -1139,9 +1015,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ XYZZY,
/* s-text */
"The number of seconds between TCP keep-alive probes. "
"Ignored for Unix domain sockets.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Ignored for Unix domain sockets."
......@@ -1155,9 +1029,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"The maximum number of TCP keep-alive probes to send before giving "
"up and killing the connection if no response is obtained from the "
"other end. Ignored for Unix domain sockets.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"other end. Ignored for Unix domain sockets."
......@@ -1171,9 +1043,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"The number of seconds a connection needs to be idle before TCP "
"begins sending out keep-alive probes. "
"Ignored for Unix domain sockets.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Ignored for Unix domain sockets."
#undef XYZZY
......@@ -1194,9 +1064,7 @@ PARAM(
"creating threads.\n"
"Set this to a few milliseconds if you see the 'threads_failed' "
"counter grow too much.\n"
"Setting this too high results in insufficient worker threads.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Setting this too high results in insufficient worker threads."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1212,9 +1080,7 @@ PARAM(
"Thread queue stuck watchdog.\n"
"If no queued work have been released for this long,"
" the worker process panics itself.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
" the worker process panics itself."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1228,9 +1094,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"Wait this long after destroying a thread.\n"
"This controls the decay of thread pools when idle(-ish).",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"This controls the decay of thread pools when idle(-ish)."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1255,9 +1119,7 @@ PARAM(
"It may also help to increase thread_pool_timeout and "
"thread_pool_min, to reduce the rate at which treads are destroyed "
"and later recreated.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"and later recreated."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1274,9 +1136,7 @@ PARAM(
"Do not set this higher than you have to, since excess worker "
"threads soak up RAM and CPU and generally just get in the way of "
"getting work done.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"getting work done."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1293,9 +1153,7 @@ PARAM(
"Increasing this may help ramp up faster from low load situations "
"or when threads have expired."
"Minimum is 10 threads.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Minimum is 10 threads."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1322,9 +1180,7 @@ PARAM(
"Default is 0 to auto-tune (currently 5% of thread_pool_min).\n"
"Minimum is 1 otherwise, maximum is 95% of thread_pool_min.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Minimum is 1 otherwise, maximum is 95% of thread_pool_min."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1339,9 +1195,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"Worker thread stack size.\n"
"This will likely be rounded up to a multiple of 4k (or whatever "
"the page_size might be) by the kernel.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"the page_size might be) by the kernel."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1357,9 +1211,7 @@ PARAM(
"Thread idle threshold.\n"
"Threads in excess of thread_pool_min, which have been idle for at "
"least this long, will be destroyed.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"least this long, will be destroyed."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1384,9 +1236,7 @@ PARAM(
"pool for each CPU is most likely detrimental to performance.\n"
"Can be increased on the fly, but decreases require a restart to "
"take effect.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"take effect."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1403,9 +1253,7 @@ PARAM(
"This sets the number of requests we will queue, waiting for an "
"available thread. Above this limit sessions will be dropped "
"instead of queued.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"instead of queued."
/* actual location mgt_pool.c */
......@@ -1423,9 +1271,7 @@ PARAM(
"(request/fetch etc).\n"
"This parameters defines the maximum number of jobs a worker "
"thread may handle, before it is forced to dump its accumulated "
"stats into the global counters.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"stats into the global counters."
......@@ -1452,9 +1298,7 @@ PARAM(
" request headers.\n\n"
"This parameter is particularly relevant for HTTP1 keepalive "
" connections which are closed unless the next request is received"
" before this timeout is reached.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
" before this timeout is reached."
#undef XYZZY
......@@ -1473,9 +1317,7 @@ PARAM(
"within the first 100 msec of the previous request completing.\n"
"Setting this too high results in worker threads not doing "
"anything for their keep, setting it too low just means that more "
"sessions take a detour around the waiter.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"sessions take a detour around the waiter."
#if 0
......@@ -1489,9 +1331,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "bool",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Allow inline C code in VCL.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Allow inline C code in VCL."
/* actual location mgt_param_tbl.c */
......@@ -1504,9 +1344,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "bool",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Unreferenced VCL objects result in error.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Unreferenced VCL objects result in error."
/* actual location mgt_param_tbl.c */
......@@ -1520,9 +1358,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Allow '/' in vmod & include paths.\n"
"Allow 'import ... from ...'.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Allow 'import ... from ...'."
......@@ -1536,9 +1372,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"How long a VCL is kept warm after being replaced as the "
"active VCL (granularity approximately 30 seconds).",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"active VCL (granularity approximately 30 seconds)."
......@@ -1553,9 +1387,7 @@ PARAM(
"Behaviour when attempting to exceed max_vcl loaded VCL.\n"
"\n* 0 - Ignore max_vcl parameter.\n"
"\n* 1 - Issue warning.\n"
"\n* 2 - Refuse loading VCLs.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"\n* 2 - Refuse loading VCLs."
......@@ -1568,9 +1400,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Threshold of loaded VCL programs. (VCL labels are not counted.)"
" Parameter max_vcl_handling determines behaviour.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
" Parameter max_vcl_handling determines behaviour."
......@@ -1583,9 +1413,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"How long VSM memory is kept warm after a deallocation "
"(granularity approximately 2 seconds).",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"(granularity approximately 2 seconds)."
......@@ -1604,9 +1432,7 @@ PARAM(
"Setting this too high costs memory, setting it too low will cause "
"more VSL flushes and likely increase lock-contention on the VSL "
"The minimum tracks the vsl_reclen parameter + 12 bytes.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"The minimum tracks the vsl_reclen parameter + 12 bytes."
#if 0
......@@ -1624,9 +1450,7 @@ PARAM(
" default Set default value\n"
"Use +/- prefix in front of VSL tag name to unmask/mask "
"individual VSL messages.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"individual VSL messages."
......@@ -1640,9 +1464,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"Maximum number of bytes in SHM log record.\n\n"
"The maximum tracks the vsl_buffer parameter - 12 bytes.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"The maximum tracks the vsl_buffer parameter - 12 bytes."
......@@ -1657,9 +1479,7 @@ PARAM(
"The amount of space to allocate for the VSL fifo buffer in the "
"VSM memory segment. If you make this too small, "
"varnish{ncsa|log} etc will not be able to keep up. Making it too "
"large just costs memory resources.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"large just costs memory resources."
......@@ -1672,9 +1492,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"DEPRECATED: This parameter is ignored.\n"
"There is no global limit on amount of shared memory now.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"There is no global limit on amount of shared memory now."
#if 0
......@@ -1688,9 +1506,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ NULL,
/* s-text */
"Select the waiter kernel interface.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Select the waiter kernel interface."
......@@ -1704,9 +1520,7 @@ PARAM(
/* flags */ DELAYED_EFFECT,
/* s-text */
"Bytes of HTTP protocol workspace for backend HTTP req/resp. If "
"larger than 4k, use a multiple of 4k for VM efficiency.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"larger than 4k, use a multiple of 4k for VM efficiency."
......@@ -1723,9 +1537,7 @@ PARAM(
"For HTTP/2 compliance this must be at least 20k, in order to "
"receive fullsize (=16k) frames from the client. That usually "
"happens only in POST/PUT bodies. For other traffic-patterns "
"smaller values work just fine.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"smaller values work just fine."
......@@ -1739,9 +1551,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"Allocation size for session structure and workspace. The "
"workspace is primarily used for TCP connection addresses. If "
"larger than 4k, use a multiple of 4k for VM efficiency.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"larger than 4k, use a multiple of 4k for VM efficiency."
......@@ -1761,9 +1571,7 @@ PARAM(
"syscalls, setting it too high just wastes space. ~0.1k + "
"UIO_MAXIOV * sizeof(struct iovec) (typically = ~16k for 64bit) "
"is considered the maximum sensible value under any known "
"circumstances (excluding exotic vmod use).",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"circumstances (excluding exotic vmod use)."
......@@ -1777,9 +1585,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"HTTP2 Receive Window low water mark.\n"
"We try to keep the window at least this big\n"
"Only affects incoming request bodies (ie: POST, PUT etc.)",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Only affects incoming request bodies (ie: POST, PUT etc.)"
......@@ -1793,9 +1599,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"HTTP2 Receive Window Increments.\n"
"How big credits we send in WINDOW_UPDATE frames\n"
"Only affects incoming request bodies (ie: POST, PUT etc.)",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"Only affects incoming request bodies (ie: POST, PUT etc.)"
......@@ -1809,9 +1613,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"HTTP2 header table size.\n"
"This is the size that will be used for the HPACK dynamic\n"
"decoding table.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"decoding table."
......@@ -1825,9 +1627,7 @@ PARAM(
/* s-text */
"HTTP2 Maximum number of concurrent streams.\n"
"This is the number of requests that can be active\n"
"at the same time for a single HTTP2 connection.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"at the same time for a single HTTP2 connection."
......@@ -1839,9 +1639,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "bytes",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"HTTP2 initial flow control window size.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"HTTP2 initial flow control window size."
......@@ -1853,9 +1651,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "bytes",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"HTTP2 maximum per frame payload size we are willing to accept.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"HTTP2 maximum per frame payload size we are willing to accept."
......@@ -1867,9 +1663,7 @@ PARAM(
/* units */ "bytes",
/* flags */ 0,
/* s-text */
"HTTP2 maximum size of an uncompressed header list.",
/* l-text */ "",
/* func */ NULL
"HTTP2 maximum size of an uncompressed header list."
#undef PARAM
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