Commit aacf14f7 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

whats-new: First pass on the changes since 6.6.0

I didn't bother adding references to other parts of the documentation.
parent 167e3bdc
...@@ -22,56 +22,245 @@ merged, may be found in the `change log`_. ...@@ -22,56 +22,245 @@ merged, may be found in the `change log`_.
.. _change log: .. _change log:
One major change for this release is the migration of the regular expression
engine from PCRE to PCRE2. This change should be mostly transparent anywhere
regular expressions are used, like VCL, ban expressions, VSL queries etc.
There were some parameters changes, see the upgrade notes for more details.
Structured Fields
TODO (probably deserves its own section too)
varnishd varnishd
======== ========
Parameters Parameters
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
**XXX changes in -p parameters** There were changes to the parameters:
- new ``pcre2_jit_compilation`` boolean defaulting to on
- the default value increased to 16kB for ``vsl_buffer``
- the default value increased to 96kB for ``workspace_client``
- the default value increased to 96kB for ``workspace_backend``
- the minimum value increased to 384B for ``workspace_session``
- the minimum value increased to 65535B for ``h2_initial_window_size``
- the minimum value increased to 10ms for ``thread_pool_fail_delay``
- the default value increased to 80kB for ``thread_pool_stack``
- the default value increased to 64kB for ``thread_pool_stack`` on 32bit
- ``vcc_acl_pedantic`` was removed, see upgrade notes for more details.
- ``pcre_match_limit`` was renamed to ``pcre2_match_limit``
- ``pcre_match_limit_recursion`` was renamed to ``pcre2_depth_limit``
- new ``h2_rxbuf_storage`` defaulting to ``Transient``, see upgrade notes for
more details.
Other changes in varnishd Other changes in varnishd
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For pass transactions, ``varnishd`` no longer strips ``Range`` headers from
client requests or ``Accept-Range`` and ``Content-Range`` headers from backend
responses to allow partial delivery directly from the backend.
When ``http_range_support`` is on (the default) a consistency check is
performed on the backend response and malformed or inconsistent responses
are treated as fetch errors.
There is a new buffer for HTTP/2 request bodies allocated from storage.
See upgrade notes for more details on both topics.
Changes to VCL Changes to VCL
============== ==============
VCL variables VCL variables
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
**XXX new, deprecated or removed variables, or changed semantics** A new ``req.hash_ignore_vary`` flag allows to skip vary header checks during a
lookup. This can be useful when only the freshness of a resource is relevant,
and not a slight difference in representation.
For interoperability purposes, it is now possible to quote header names that
aren't valid VCL symbols, but valid HTTP header names, for example::
This is rarely observed and should only be needed to better integrate with the
specific needs of certain clients or servers.
Some global VCL symbols can be referenced before their declaration, this was
extended to all global VCL symbols for the following keywords:
- ``acl``
- ``backend``
- ``probe``
- ``sub``
Consider the following example::
sub vcl_recv {
set req.backend_hint = b;
backend b {
.host = "";
It used to fail the VCL compilation with "Symbol not found: 'b'" in
``vcl_recv``, and is now supported.
Bit flags
There is a new bit flag syntax for certain VCL keywords::
keyword +flag -other ...
Similarly to bit flag ``varnishd`` parameters ``debug``, ``feature`` and
``vsl_mask``, a ``+`` prefix means that a flag is raised and a ``-`` prefix
that a flag is cleared.
The ``acl`` keyword supports the following flags:
- ``log``
- ``pedantic`` (enabled by default)
- ``table``
For example::
acl +log -pedantic { ... }
The ``include`` keyword supports a ``glob`` flag.
For example::
include +glob "*.vcl";
Other changes to VCL See upgrade notes for more details.
===== =====
**XXX changes in the bundled VMODs** New ``BASE64CF`` encoding scheme in ``vmod_blob``. It is similar to
``BASE64URL``, with the following changes to ``BASE64``:
- ``+`` replaced with ``-``
- ``/`` replaced with ``~``
- ``_`` as the padding character
It is used by a certain CDN provider who also inspired the name.
varnishlog varnishlog
========== ==========
**XXX changes concerning varnishlog(1) and/or vsl(7)** If a cache hit occurs on a streaming object, an object that is still being
fetched, ``Hit`` records contain progress of the fetch task. This should help
troubleshooting when cache hits appear to be slow, whether or not the backend
is still serving the response.
By default ``VCL_acl`` records are no longer emitted. They can be brought back
by adding a ``+log`` flag to the ACL declaration.
New ``%{...}t`` time formats:
- ``sec``
- ``msec``
- ``usec``
- ``msec_frac``
- ``usec_frac``
See the varnishncsa manual for more information.
varnishadm varnishadm
========== ==========
**XXX changes concerning varnishadm(1) and/or varnish-cli(7)** The ``-t`` option sets up the timeout for both attaching to a running
``varnishd`` instance and individual commands sent to that instance.
varnishstat Command completion should be more accurate in interactive mode.
**XXX changes concerning varnishstat(1) and/or varnish-counters(7)**
varnishtest varnishtest
=========== ===========
**XXX changes concerning varnishtest(1) and/or vtc(7)** Test cases should be generally more reactive, whether it is detecting
a ``varnishd`` startup failure, waiting for ``varnishd`` to stop, or
when fail tests and there are barriers waiting for a synchronization.
Clients and servers can have up to 64 headers in requests and responses.
The ``feature`` command allows to skip gracefully test cases that are
missing specific requirements. It is now possible to skip a test based on
the presence of a feature.
For example, for test cases targeting 32bit environment with a working DNS
feature dns !64bit
There are new feature checks:
- ``coverage``
- ``asan``
- ``msan``
- ``tsan``
- ``ubsan``
- ``sanitizer``
- ``workspace_emulator``
The undocumented ``pcre_jit`` feature check is gone.
There is a new ``tunnel`` command that acts as a proxy between two peers. A
tunnel can pause and control how much data goes in each direction, and can
be used to trigger socket timeouts, possibly in the middle of protocol frames,
without having to change how the peers are implemented.
There is a new dynamic macro ``${string,repeat,<uint>,<string>}`` to avoid
very long lines or potential mistakes when maintained by hand. For example,
the two following strings are equivalent::
There were also various improvements to HTTP/2 testing, and more should be
Changes for developers and VMOD authors Changes for developers and VMOD authors
======================================= =======================================
Varnish now comes with a second workspace implementation called the workspace
emulator. It needs to be enabled during the build with the configure flag
The workspace emulator performs sparse allocations and can help VMOD authors
interested in fuzzing, especially when the Address Sanitizer is enabled as
In order to make the emulator possible, some adjustments were needed for the
workspace API. Deprecated functions ``WS_Front()`` and ``WS_Inside()`` were
removed independently of the emulator.
The ``STRING_LIST`` type is gone in favor of ``STRANDS``. All the VRT symbols
related to ``STRING_LIST`` are either gone or changed.
Convenience constants ``vrt_null_strands`` and ``vrt_null_blob`` were added.
The migration to PCRE2 also brought many changes to the VRE API. The VRT
functions handling ``REGEX`` arguments didn't change.
The VNUM API also changed substantially for structured field number parsing.
The deprecated functions ``VSB_new()`` and ``VSB_delete()`` were removed.
See upgrade notes for more information.
**XXX changes concerning VRT, the public APIs, source code organization, **XXX changes concerning VRT, the public APIs, source code organization,
builds etc.** builds etc.**
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