Commit dbff3e42 authored by Dridi Boukelmoune's avatar Dridi Boukelmoune

changes: Collect noteworthy changes since 6.6.0

parent 021890f1
......@@ -32,32 +32,140 @@ individual releases. These documents are updated as part of the
release process.
Varnish Cache 7.x.x (2021-09-15)
Varnish Cache 7.0.0 (2021-09-15)
* The minimum ``session_workspace`` is now 384 bytes
* Added convenience ``vrt_null_strands`` and ``vrt_null_blob`` constants.
* The default workdir (the default ``-n`` argument) is now ``/var/run``
instead of ``${prefix}/var``.
(Packages usually configure this to match local customs.)
* New VCL flag syntax ``foo <name> +bar -baz { ... }``, starting with ACL
flags ``log``, ``pedantic`` and ``table``.
* ACLs no longer produce VSL ``VCL_acl`` records by default, this must be
explicitly enabled with ``acl <name> +log { ... }``.
* ACLs can be compiled into a table format, which runs a little bit
slower, but compiles much faster for large ACLs.
* ACLs default to ``pedantic`` which is now a per-ACL feature flag.
* New ``glob`` flag for VCL ``include`` (3193_).
* The maximum number of headers for a request or a response in ``varnishtest``
was increased to 64.
* The backend lock class from struct backend was moved to struct director and
renamed accordingly.
* New ``%{sec,msec,usec,msec_frac,usec_frac}t`` formats in ``varnishncsa``.
* ``vstrerror()`` was renamed to ``VAS_errtxt()``.
* New ``varnishncsa -j`` option to format for JSON (3595_).
* To skip a test in the *presence* of a feature instead of it absence, a new
``feature !<name>`` syntax was added to ``varnishtest``.
* Accept-Ranges headers are no longer generated for passed objects,
but must either come from the backend or be created in ``vcl_deliver{}``
* The busyobj ``do_pass`` flag is gone in favor of ``uncacheable``.
* The objcore flag ABANDON was renamed to CANCEL.
* 'Scientific Notation' numbers like 6.62607004e-34 are no longer
supported in VCL. (The preparation of RFC8941 made it clear that
there are neither reason nor any need to support scientific notation
in context of HTTP headers.
* Accept-Ranges headers are no longer generated for passed objects,
but must either come from the backend or be created in ``vcl_deliver{}``
* New ``tunnel`` command in ``varnishtest`` to gain the ability to
shape traffic between two peers without having to change their
* ACLs no longer produce VSL ``VCL_acl`` records by default, this must be
explicitly enabled with ``vcl <name> +log { ... }``.
* Global VCL symbols can be defined after use (3555_).
* ACLs can be compiled into a table format, which runs a little bit
slower, but compiles much faster for large ACLs.
* New ``req.hash_ignore_vary`` flag in VCL.
* ACLs default to ``pedantic`` which is now a per-ACL feature flag.
* ``varnishtest`` can register macros backed by functions, which is the case
for ``${date}`` and the brand new ``${string,<action>[,<args>...]}`` macro
* Migration to pcre2 with extensive changes to the VRE API, parameters renamed
to ``pcre2_match_limit`` and ``pcre2_depth_limit``, and the addition of a
new ``pcre2_jit_compilation`` parameter. The ``varnishtest`` undocumented
feature check ``pcre_jit`` is gone (3635_). This change is transparent at
the VRT layer and only affects direct VRE consumers.
* New inverted mode in ```` to find the opposite of regressions.
* The default values for ``workspace_client``, ``workspace_backend`` and
``vsl_buffer`` on 64bit systems were increased to respectively 96kB, 96kB
and 16kB (3648_).
* The deprecated ``WS_Inside()`` was replaced with ``WS_Allocated()`` and
``WS_Front()`` was removed.
* VCL header names can be quoted, for example ``req.http.""``.
* Added ``VRT_UnsetHdr()`` and removed ``vrt_magic_string_unset``.
* Removed depcreated ``STRING_LIST`` in favor of ``STRANDS``. All functions
that previously took a ``STRING_LIST`` had ``const char *, ...`` arguments,
they now take ``const char *, VCL_STRANDS`` arguments. The magic cookie
``vrt_magic_string_end`` is gone and ``VRT_CollectStrands()`` was renamed to
* The default value for ``thread_pool_stack`` was increased to 80kB for 64bit
systems and 64kB for 32bit to accomodate the PCRE2 jit compiler.
* Removed deprecated ``VSB_new()`` and ``VSB_delete()``, which resulted in a
major soname bump of libvarnishapi to 3.0.0, instead of the 2.7.0 version
initially planned.
* The default workdir (the default ``-n`` argument) is now ``/var/run``
instead of ``${prefix}/var`` (3672_). Packages usually configure this to
match local customs.
* The minimum ``session_workspace`` is now 384 bytes
* Emit minimal 500 response if ``vcl_synth`` fails (3441_).
* New ``--enable-coverage`` configure flag, and renovated sanitizer setup.
* New feature checks in ``varnishtest``: ``sanitizer``, ``asan``, ``lsan``,
``msan``, ``ubsan`` and ``coverage``.
* New ``--enable-workspace-emulator`` configure flag to swap the worksapce
implementation with a sparse one ideal for fuzzing (3644_).
* Strict comparison of items from the HTTP grammar (3650_).
* New request body h2 window handling using a buffer to avoid stalling an
entire h2 session until the relevant stream starts consuming DATA frames.
As a result the minimum value for ``h2_initial_window_size`` is now 65535B
to avoid running out of buffer with a negative window that was simpler to
not tolerate, and a new ``h2_rxbuf_storage`` parameter was added (3661_).
* ``SLT_Hit`` now includes streaming progress when relevant.
* The ``http_range_support`` adds consistency checks for pass transactions
* New ``VNUM_uint()`` and ``VNUM_hex()`` functions geared at token parsing.
* ``varnishncsa -j`` will now accept to print fields with control characters.
.. _3193:
.. _3251:
.. _3441:
.. _3555:
.. _3595:
.. _3627:
.. _3635:
.. _3644:
.. _3648:
.. _3650:
.. _3661:
.. _3672:
.. _3673:
Varnish Cache 6.6.0 (2021-03-15)
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