Fix use of ObjGetSpace() for synthetic()

The size argument of ObjGetSpace() is only a hint and storage engines
are free to return whatever size.

If the transient storage returned less space than requested, the
session was closed (no response body sent) with SC_OVERLOAD and
"Error: Could not get storage" logged.
parent 2b738939
......@@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ cnt_synth(struct worker *wrk, struct req *req)
struct vsb *synth_body;
ssize_t sz, szl;
uint8_t *ptr;
const char *body;
......@@ -368,20 +369,26 @@ cnt_synth(struct worker *wrk, struct req *req)
szl = -1;
if (STV_NewObject(wrk, req->objcore, stv_transient, 1024)) {
body = VSB_data(synth_body);
szl = VSB_len(synth_body);
assert(szl >= 0);
while (szl > 0) {
sz = szl;
if (sz > 0 &&
ObjGetSpace(wrk, req->objcore, &sz, &ptr) && sz >= szl) {
memcpy(ptr, VSB_data(synth_body), szl);
ObjExtend(wrk, req->objcore, szl, 1);
} else if (sz > 0) {
if (! ObjGetSpace(wrk, req->objcore, &sz, &ptr)) {
szl = -1;
if (sz > szl)
sz = szl;
szl -= sz;
memcpy(ptr, body, sz);
ObjExtend(wrk, req->objcore, sz, szl == 0 ? 1 : 0);
body += sz;
if (szl >= 0)
AZ(ObjSetU64(wrk, req->objcore, OA_LEN, szl));
AZ(ObjSetU64(wrk, req->objcore, OA_LEN, VSB_len(synth_body)));
HSH_DerefBoc(wrk, req->objcore);
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