Commit 6004a00a authored by Lasse Karstensen's avatar Lasse Karstensen

The entry regex is expensive, of unknown value, and complicates the examples....

The entry regex is expensive, of unknown value, and complicates the examples. We don't know what kind of content people will be serving with this, so this is better left as a local policy. (fixing merge problem)
parent 582cfccf
......@@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ To serve different content based on the device type, add the following VCL::
include "devicedetect.vcl";
sub vcl_recv {
# only do device detection on non-static content.
if (!req.url ~ "^/[^?]+\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif|ico|js|css|txt|gz|zip|lzma|bz2|tgz|tbz|html|htm)(\?.*|)$") {
call devicedetect;
sub vcl_hash {
# add the device classification to the hash, so clients get the correct cached object
......@@ -36,10 +33,7 @@ If you have a different backend that serves pages for mobile clients, or any spe
sub vcl_recv {
# only do device detection on non-static content.
if (!req.url ~ "^/[^?]+\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif|ico|js|css|txt|gz|zip|lzma|bz2|tgz|tbz|html|htm)(\?.*|)$") {
call devicedetect;
if (req.http.X-UA-Device ~ "^mobile" || req.http.X-UA-device ~ "^tablet") {
set req.backend = mobile;
......@@ -53,10 +47,7 @@ If you want to redirect mobile clients instead, you can use::
include "devicedetect.vcl";
sub vcl_recv {
# only do device detection on non-static content.
if (!req.url ~ "^/[^?]+\.(jpeg|jpg|png|gif|ico|js|css|txt|gz|zip|lzma|bz2|tgz|tbz|html|htm)(\?.*|)$") {
call devicedetect;
if (req.http.X-UA-Device ~ "^mobile" || req.http.X-UA-device ~ "^tablet") {
error 750 "Moved Temporarily";
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