Commit 0480a946 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Some more testing based on Matt's recent patch.

parent 67f8a41b
......@@ -38,5 +38,35 @@ chmod +w "$checkdir" "$checkdir"/dir*
checkit "$RSYNC -avv --chmod ug-s,a+rX,D+w \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir/\"" "$checkdir" "$todir"
rm -r "$fromdir" "$checkdir" "$todir"
makepath "$todir"
makepath "$fromdir/foo"
touch "$fromdir/bar"
checkit "$RSYNC -avv \"$fromdir/\" \"$checkdir/\"" "$fromdir" "$checkdir"
chmod +t "$checkdir"/bar
checkit "$RSYNC -avv --chmod=F+t \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir/\"" "$checkdir" "$todir"
# Tickle a bug in rsync 2.6.8: if you push a new directory with --perms off to
# a daemon with an incoming chmod, the daemon pretends the directory is a file
# for the purposes of the second application of the incoming chmod.
cat >>"$scratchdir/test-rsyncd.conf" <<EOF
path = $todir
read only = no
incoming chmod = F+t
RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG="$RSYNC --config=$conf --daemon"
rm -r "$todir"
makepath "$todir"
checkit "$RSYNC -rtvv \"$fromdir/\" localhost::test-incoming-chmod/" "$checkdir" "$todir"
# The script would have aborted on error, so getting here means we've won.
exit 0
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