Commit 0488a14b authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Fix "make check".

parent a213d1cd
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ TRIMSLASH_OBJ = trimslash.o syscall.o lib/compat.o lib/snprintf.o
trimslash$(EXEEXT): $(TRIMSLASH_OBJ)
T_UNSAFE_OBJ = t_unsafe.o syscall.o util.o t_stub.o lib/compat.o lib/snprintf.o lib/wildmatch.o
T_UNSAFE_OBJ = t_unsafe.o syscall.o util.o util2.o t_stub.o lib/compat.o lib/snprintf.o lib/wildmatch.o
t_unsafe$(EXEEXT): $(T_UNSAFE_OBJ)
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ int modify_window = 0;
int preallocate_files = 0;
int protect_args = 0;
int module_id = -1;
int checksum_len = 0;
int relative_paths = 0;
int module_dirlen = 0;
int preserve_acls = 0;
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