Commit 0596df00 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Reordered the items inside the file_struct so that alignment padding

should be minimized.
parent 417c99f6
......@@ -407,23 +407,23 @@ struct idev {
#define F_NEXT link_u.links->next
struct file_struct {
time_t modtime;
OFF_T length;
mode_t mode;
union {
DEV64_T rdev; /* The device number, if this is a device */
char *sum; /* Only a normal file can have a checksum */
char *link; /* Holds symlink string, if a symlink */
} u;
OFF_T length;
char *basename;
char *dirname;
char *basedir;
union {
struct idev *idev;
struct hlink *links;
} link_u;
char *basename;
char *dirname;
char *basedir;
time_t modtime;
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
mode_t mode;
uchar flags; /* this item MUST remain last */
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