Commit 0d78a278 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Mention what -XX (repeated --xattrs) does.

parent 05c36015
......@@ -1013,6 +1013,10 @@ super-user copies all namespaces except system.*. A normal user only copies
the user.* namespace. To be able to backup and restore non-user namespaces as
a normal user, see the bf(--fake-super) option.
Note that this option does not copy rsyncs special xattr values (e.g. those
used by bf(--fake-super)) unless you repeat the option (e.g. -XX). This
"copy all xattrs" mode cannot be used with bf(--fake-super).
dit(bf(--chmod)) This option tells rsync to apply one or more
comma-separated "chmod" strings to the permission of the files in the
transfer. The resulting value is treated as though it were the permissions
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