Commit 271f87e5 authored by Martin Pool's avatar Martin Pool

This test tries to upload a file over a compressed connection to the

server.  This ought to exercise (exorcise? :-) a bug in 2.5.3.  It
ought to fail there and pass with later versions.
parent 2e6c7f45
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 by Martin Pool <>
# This program is distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL (see
# We don't really want to start the server listening, because that
# might interfere with the security or operation of the test machine.
# Instead we use the fake-connect feature to dynamically assign a pair
# of ports.
# This test tries to upload a file over a compressed connection to the
# server. This ought to exercise (exorcise?) a bug in 2.5.3.
. "$suitedir/rsync.fns"
RSYNC_CONNECT_PROG="$rsync_bin --config=$conf --daemon"
checkit "$rsync_bin -avvz \"$FROM/\" localhost::test-to/" "$FROM" "$TO"
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