Commit 2907884f authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Removed erroneous section on using daemon features over a

remote-shell connection -- client-use is better described in the
rsync manpage, and the advanced restricted-ssh section needs a
better treatment (perhaps as a support script).
parent 754a080f
......@@ -476,32 +476,6 @@ encryption.
Future versions of rsync may support SSL for better authentication and
encryption, but that is still being investigated.
If rsync is run with both the bf(--daemon) and bf(--rsh) (bf(-e)) options, it will
spawn an rsync daemon using a remote shell connection. Several
configuration options will not be available unless the remote user is
root (e.g. chroot, setuid/setgid, etc.). There is no need to configure
inetd or the services map to include the rsync daemon port if you run an
rsync daemon only via a remote shell program.
ADVANCED: To run an rsync daemon out of a single-use ssh key, use the
"command=em(COMMAND)" syntax in the remote user's authorized_keys entry,
where command would be
quote(tt(rsync --server --daemon .))
NOTE: rsync's argument parsing expects the trailing ".", so make sure
that it's there. If you want to use an rsyncd.conf(5)-style
configuration file other than the default, you can added a
bf(--config) option to the em(command):
quote(tt(rsync --server --daemon --config=em(file) .))
Note that the "--server" here is the internal option that rsync uses to
run the remote version of rsync that it communicates with, and thus you
should not be using the bf(--server) option under normal circumstances.
A simple rsyncd.conf file that allow anonymous rsync to a ftp area at
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