Commit 2e7d1994 authored by Martin Pool's avatar Martin Pool

With -vv, when the file list grows, show a message.

parent 5d2c5c4c
......@@ -279,13 +279,26 @@ static char *flist_dir;
static void flist_expand(struct file_list *flist)
if (flist->count >= flist->malloced) {
size_t new_bytes;
void *new_ptr;
if (flist->malloced < 1000)
flist->malloced += 1000;
flist->malloced *= 2;
flist->files = (struct file_struct **)
sizeof(flist->files[0]) * flist->malloced);
new_bytes = sizeof(flist->files[0]) * flist->malloced;
new_ptr = realloc(flist->files, new_bytes);
if (verbose > 2) {
rprintf(FINFO, RSYNC_NAME ": expand file_list to %.0f bytes, did%s move\n",
(double) new_bytes,
(new_ptr == flist->files) ? " not" : "");
flist->files = (struct file_struct **) new_ptr;
if (!flist->files)
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