Commit 337a1a86 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Changed one part of the exclude-test setup to test the --existing

option.  Also tweaked a few comment lines.
parent b7dc46c0
......@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ cat >"$excl" <<EOF
# Create the chk dir with what we expect to be excluded
checkit "$RSYNC -avv \"$fromdir/\" \"$chkdir/\"" "$fromdir" "$chkdir"
# Ensure that the following removes will tweak the directory times.
sleep 1
sleep 1 # Ensures that the rm commands will tweak the directory times.
# XXX Note modified to work with current broken behavior (to be fixed soon!)
rm -r "$chkdir"/foo/down
......@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ rm "$chkdir"/foo/file[235-9]
rm -r "$chkdir"/bar # XXX
rm "$chkdir"/mid/for/foo/extra
# Make sure that the tweaked dirs times migrate back but nothing else.
$RSYNC -av --include='*/' --exclude='*' "$chkdir/" "$fromdir/"
# Un-tweak the directory times in our first (weak) exclude test (though
# it's a good test of the --existing option).
$RSYNC -av --existing --include='*/' --exclude='*' "$fromdir/" "$chkdir/"
# Now, test if rsync excludes the same files
# Now, test if rsync excludes the same files.
checkit "$RSYNC -avv --exclude-from=$excl \"$fromdir/\" \"$todir/\"" "$chkdir" "$todir"
exit 0
# last [] may have failed but if we get here then we've won
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