Commit 350242c5 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Determine the master's commit hash and note it in each patch

that is based on the master in the new "based-on:" line.
parent 181c9faf
......@@ -36,6 +36,17 @@ if (!$skip_branch_check && !$is_clean) {
die "The checkout is not clean:\n", $status;
my $master_commit;
open PIPE, '-|', "git log -1 --no-color $master_branch" or die $!;
while (<PIPE>) {
if (/^commit (\S+)/) {
$master_commit = $1;
close PIPE;
die "Unable to determine commit hash for master branch: $master_branch\n" unless defined $master_commit;
my @extra_files;
open(IN, '<', '') or die "Couldn't open $!\n";
while (<IN>) {
......@@ -125,13 +136,15 @@ sub update_patch
my($patch) = @_;
my $parent = $parent{$patch};
my $based_on;
if (defined $parent) {
unless ($completed{$parent}++) {
$parent = "patch/$parent";
$based_on = $parent = "patch/$parent";
} else {
$parent = $master_branch;
$based_on = $master_commit;
print "======== $patch ========\n";
......@@ -139,9 +152,9 @@ sub update_patch
sleep 1 while $incl_generated_files && $last_touch >= time;
system "git checkout patch/$patch" and return 0;
my $ok = system("git merge $parent") == 0;
my $ok = system("git merge $based_on") == 0;
if (!$ok || $launch_shell) {
print qq|"git merge $parent" incomplete -- please fix.\n| if !$ok;
print qq|"git merge $based_on" incomplete -- please fix.\n| if !$ok;
$ENV{PS1} = "[$parent] patch/$patch: ";
while (1) {
if (system($ENV{SHELL}) != 0) {
......@@ -157,14 +170,14 @@ sub update_patch
open(OUT, '>', "$patches_dir/$patch.diff") or die $!;
print OUT $description{$patch}, "\n";
print OUT $description{$patch}, "\nbased-on: $based_on\n";
if ($incl_generated_files) {
system "$make_gen_cmd && rsync -a @extra_files $tmp_dir/$patch/" and exit 1;
$last_touch = time;
open(PIPE, '-|', 'git', 'diff', $parent) or die $!;
open(PIPE, '-|', 'git', 'diff', $based_on) or die $!;
DIFF: while (<PIPE>) {
while (m{^diff --git a/PATCH}) {
while (<PIPE>) {
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