Commit 3d0a159d authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Added a comment to a shared iterator to avoid a warning from IBM's checker.

parent 8ea07c00
......@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ static void match_gnums(int32 *ndx_list, int ndx_count)
for (from = 0; from < ndx_count; from++) {
for (file = cur_flist->sorted[ndx_list[from]], gnum = F_HL_GNUM(file), prev = -1;
from < ndx_count-1;
file = file_next, gnum = gnum_next, from++)
file = file_next, gnum = gnum_next, from++) /*SHARED ITERATOR*/
file_next = cur_flist->sorted[ndx_list[from+1]];
gnum_next = F_HL_GNUM(file_next);
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ static int dowild(const uchar *p, const uchar *text, const uchar*const *a)
} else if (p_ch == '[' && p[1] == ':') {
const uchar *s;
int i;
for (s = p += 2; (p_ch = *p) && p_ch != ']'; p++) {}
for (s = p += 2; (p_ch = *p) && p_ch != ']'; p++) {} /*SHARED ITERATOR*/
if (!p_ch)
return ABORT_ALL;
i = p - s - 1;
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