Commit 49ebb358 authored by Wayne Davison's avatar Wayne Davison

Handle new PATCH-$name files, improved $last_touch code,

fixed handling of dependent patches.
parent 1f41d42a
......@@ -15,18 +15,15 @@ $_ = join('', <IN>);
close IN;
my @extra_files = m{\n([^\s:]+):.*\n\t\S}g;
my $incl_generated_files;
$incl_generated_files = shift if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '--gen';
my $incl_generated_files = shift if @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '--gen';
system "git-checkout master" and exit 1;
my $last_touch = time;
if ($incl_generated_files) {
die "'a' must not exist in the current directory.\n" if -e 'a';
die "'b' must not exist in the current directory.\n" if -e 'b';
system "./prepare-source && rsync -a @extra_files a/" and exit 1;
my $last_touch = time;
my(@patches, %local_patch);
if (@ARGV) {
......@@ -56,15 +53,14 @@ foreach my $patch (@patches) {
} else {
system "git-checkout --track -b patch/$patch origin/patch/$patch" and exit 1;
$last_touch = time;
my $parent = 'master';
open(IN, '<', 'PATCH') or next;
open(IN, '<', "PATCH.$patch") or next;
open(OUT, '>', "patches/$patch.diff") or die $!;
while (<IN>) {
if (m#patch -p1 <patch/(\S+)\.diff# && $1 ne $patch) {
$parent = $1;
if (m#patch -p1 <patches/(\S+)\.diff# && $1 ne $patch) {
$parent = "patch/$1";
print OUT $_;
......@@ -77,19 +73,24 @@ foreach my $patch (@patches) {
system $ENV{SHELL} and exit 1;
open(PIPE, '-|', 'git-diff', 'master') or die $!;
while (<PIPE>) {
last if m{^diff --git a/PATCH b/PATCH$};
print OUT $_;
if ($incl_generated_files) {
system "./prepare-source && rsync -a @extra_files b/" and exit 1;
while (<PIPE>) {
last if m{^diff --git a/};
$last_touch = time;
open(PIPE, '-|', 'git-diff', $parent) or die $!;
DIFF: while (<PIPE>) {
while (m{^diff --git a/PATCH}) {
while (<PIPE>) {
last if m{^diff --git a/};
last DIFF if !defined $_;
print OUT $_;
print OUT $_, <PIPE>;
close PIPE;
if ($incl_generated_files) {
system "./prepare-source && rsync -a @extra_files b/" and exit 1;
open(PIPE, '-|', 'diff', '-up', 'a', 'b') or die $!;
while (<PIPE>) {
s/^((?:---|\+\+\+) [^\t]+)\t.*/$1/;
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